You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

347 lines
18 KiB

* npm username -> donate page
* Whenever a `thanks` user has a package owned by one of these authors in their
* package tree, they will be prompted to donate.
const authors = {
akepinski: '',
amit_merchant: '',
andrewnez: '',
anteriovieira: '',
antony: '',
armaldio: '',
balupton: '',
bevacqua: '',
bevry: '',
bevryme: '',
chinchang: '',
dannyfritz: '',
darcyclarke: '',
derhuerst: '',
diegohaz: '',
evantahler: '',
feross: '',
getify: '',
gr2m: '',
hacdias: '',
hueniverse: '',
hughsk: '',
hzoo: '',
jaredhanson: '',
jayphelps: '',
johnjleider: '',
jpcote: '',
juliangruber: '',
kgryte: '',
korynunn: '',
limonte: '',
litomore: '',
loghorn: '',
mafintosh: '',
maoberlehner: '',
marijn: '',
mblarsen: '',
mmckegg: '',
moox: '',
mpj: '',
mrahmadawais: '',
mweststrate: '',
noffle: '',
nzakas: '',
olstenlarck: '',
ovhemert: '',
paulcbetts: '',
posva: '',
qubyte: '',
rayzr: '',
richardlitt: '',
riyadhalnur: '',
rstoenescu: '',
shama: '',
sindresorhus: '',
steelbrain: '',
softwaretailoring: '',
thlorenz: '',
tomchentw: '',
typicode: '',
yoshuawuyts: '',
yyx990803: '',
zeke: '',
sergeylukin: ''
* npm organization name -> donate page
* Whenever a `thanks` user has a packages from one of these organizations in their
* package tree, they will be prompted to donate.
const organizations = {
babel: '',
compodoc: '',
cycle: '',
turf: ''
* npm package name -> donate page
* Whenever a `thanks` user has one these exact packages in their package tree,
* they will be prompted to donate.
* NOTE: If you have an npm organization, specify it above (see the `organizations`
* variable above!). This gives maximum coverage versus listing each package below.
const packages = {
'30-seconds-of-code': '',
'@colmena/colmena': '',
'@feathersjs/feathers': '',
'@jscad/openjscad': '',
'@ngrx/platform': '',
'@reactivex/rxjs': '',
'@storybook/root': '',
'acgn-stock': '',
'altair': '',
'angular-socialshare': '',
'angular-starter': '',
'AnsPress': '',
'antd': '',
'aplayer': '',
'apollo-universal-starter-kit': '',
'app': '',
'aresume': '',
'aurelia-framework': '',
'ava': '',
'ava-ia': '',
'awesome-mac': '',
'ax5ui-kernel': '',
'axboot': '',
'beakerbrowser': '',
'boost': '',
'bootstrap-table': '',
'bootstrap-vue': '',
'bower': '',
'bundlesize': '',
'buttercup-desktop': '',
'caption': '',
'cboard': '',
'ccxt': '',
'cdnjs': '',
'cerebro': '',
'cezerin': '',
'chai': '',
'cheerio': '',
'choo': '',
'cloudcmd': '',
'CNodeRN': '',
'cockpit-next': '',
'color-space': '',
'colyseus': '',
'commitizen': '',
'ConfigurableMapViewerCMV': '',
'cypress': '',
'd3-node-editor': '',
'dat': '',
'DataServices': '',
'date-fns': '',
'debug': '',
'dep': '',
'dim': '',
'discord.js': '',
'': '',
'docsify': '',
'document-register-element': '',
'docute': '',
'dplayer': '',
'echoes-player': '',
'electron-react-boilerplate': '',
'element-ui': '',
'ellie': '',
'eme': '',
'emoji-url-shortener': '',
'erxes': '',
'': '',
'esnextbin': '',
'faker': '',
'fast-xml-parser': '',
'ferment': '',
'Fireideaz': '',
'firekylin': '',
'flatpickr': '',
'fontplop': '',
'front-end-checklist': '',
'fuse-box': '',
'generator-jhipster': '',
'gh-badges': '',
'ghost': '',
'gitpoint': '',
'go-plus': '',
'google-play-music-desktop-player': '',
'grapesjs': '',
'griddle-react': '',
'Grow-IoT': '',
'gulp': '',
'gulp-cli': '',
'hackathon-starter': '',
'hamsters.js': '',
'hedron': '',
'hexo': '',
'hoodie': '',
'hoverboard': '',
'hyperhtml': '',
'hyperline': '',
'icestudio': '',
'idyll': '',
'ifme': '',
'immer': '',
'inferno-build': '',
'ion-rangeslider': '',
'ion-sound': '',
'javascript-obfuscator': '',
'jqplay': '',
'jquery-jsonview': '',
'jquery.adaptive-backgrounds': '',
'jsbin': '',
'jss': '',
'Kaku': '',
'karma-typescript': '',
'kea': '',
'koa': '',
'lad': '',
'': '',
'lem': '',
'lethargy': '',
'levelup': '',
'linter': '',
'lumo': '',
'material-ui': '',
'material-ui-build': '',
'materialize-css': '',
'Matterwiki': '',
'mimic': '',
'mobx': '',
'mobx-state-tree': '',
'mocha': '',
'modular-admin-html': '',
'mongoose': '',
'moro': '',
'mup': '',
'ndm': '',
'nearley': '',
'nestjs': '',
'nexe': '',
'ng2-date-picker': '',
'ngx-infinite-scroll': '',
'nightwatch': '',
'noble': '',
'nodedata': '',
'nodemailer': '',
'nodemon': '',
'npms-www': '',
'nuxt': '',
'nwitter': '',
'OctoLinker': '',
'octotree': '',
'offline-plugin': '',
'oni': '',
'openfl': '',
'openlayers': '',
'openscope': '',
'parcel': '',
'parcel-bundler': '',
'parle': '',
'parse-server': '',
'phenomic': '',
'pickadate': '',
'poi': '',
'pokeapi': '',
'postgraphql': '',
'preact': '',
'pug': '',
'pug-monorepo': '',
'ramda-adjunct': '',
'ran-boilerplate': '',
'react-ace': '',
'react-boilerplate': '',
'react-dropzone': '',
'react-final-form': '',
'react-native-camera': '',
'react-native-cn': '',
'react-native-debugger': '',
'react-native-elements': '',
'react-native-firebase': '',
'react-native-image-crop-picker': '',
'react-native-masonry': '',
'react-native-responsive-grid': '',
'react-native-router-flux': '',
'react-on-rails': '',
'react-redux-firebase': '',
'react-slick': '',
'react-styleguidist': '',
'react-toolbox': '',
'reactabular': '',
'ReactPWA': '',
'ream': '',
'redom': '',
'redux-devtools-extension': '',
'redux-saga': '',
'relax': '',
'remotedev-redux-devtools-extension': '',
'research-engine': '',
'riot': '',
'rollup': '',
'sage': '',
'satellizer': '',
'selection-sharer': '',
'serializr': '',
'shapeshifter': '',
'sierra-library': '',
'sinon': '',
'Sizzy': '',
'skatejs-monorepo': '',
'sketchpad': '',
'slim-js': '',
'': '',
'speedtracker': '',
'split.js': '',
'streetmix': '',
'strider': '',
'styled-components': '',
'stylelint': '',
'surfbird': '',
'sweetalert': '',
'sweetalert2': '',
't-scroll': '',
'tachyons': '',
'telegraf': '',
'TellForm': '',
'tipbox': '',
'tldjs': '',
'trails': '',
'typeorm': '',
'ui-grid': '',
'universalviewer': '',
'verdaccio': '',
'vim-cheat-sheet': '',
'vis': '',
'voca': '',
'vsc-material-theme': '',
'vue': '',
'vue-admin': '',
'vue-js-modal': '',
'Vulcan': '',
'vux': '',
'wallabag': '',
'weather-10kb': '',
'webpack': '',
'webslides': '',
'whs': '',
'wiki': '',
'WireFlow': '',
'WPGulp': '',
'xss-listener': '',
'yo': ''
module.exports = { authors, organizations, packages }