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* npm username -> donate page
* Whenever a `thanks` user has a package owned by one of these authors in their
* package tree, they will be prompted to donate.
const authors = {
andrewnez: '',
bevacqua: '',
feross: '',
getify: '',
hueniverse: '',
hughsk: '',
kgryte: '',
mafintosh: '',
mikeal: '',
mmckegg: '',
mpj: '',
noffle: '',
paulirish: '',
shama: '',
sindresorhus: '',
staltz: '',
thlorenz: '',
yyx990803: ''
* npm package name -> donate page
* Whenever a `thanks` user has one these exact packages in their package tree,
* they will be prompted to donate.
const packages = {
'babel-core': '',
bower: '',
chai: '',
cheerio: '',
choo: '',
gulp: '',
'gulp-cli': '',
hoodie: '',
koa: '',
'material-ui': '',
mocha: '',
parcel: '',
preact: '',
pug: '',
'react-native-elements': '',
'redux-devtools-extension': '',
rollup: '',
'': '',
'styled-components': '',
tachyons: '',
webpack: '',
yo: ''
module.exports = { authors, packages }