You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

485 lines
14 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env node
const chalk = require('chalk')
const got = require('got') // TODO: use simple-peer when it supports promises
const minimist = require('minimist')
const opn = require('opn')
const ora = require('ora')
const pify = require('pify')
const pkgDir = require('pkg-dir')
const pkgUp = require('pkg-up')
const PromptConfirm = require('prompt-confirm')
const readPackageTree = require('read-package-tree')
const registryAuthToken = require('registry-auth-token')
const RegistryClient = require('npm-registry-client') // TODO: use npm-registry-fetch when done
const registryUrl = require('registry-url')
const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi')
const termSize = require('term-size')
const textTable = require('text-table')
const { readFile } = require('fs')
const { stripIndent } = require('common-tags')
const thanks = require('../')
const readFileAsync = pify(readFile)
const readPackageTreeAsync = pify(readPackageTree)
const DOWNLOADS_URL = ''
const RE_URL_PREFIX = /https?:\/\/(www\.)?/
const RE_TRAILING_SLASH = /\/$/
'interval': 100,
'frames': [
'💛 ',
'💙 ',
'💜 ',
'💚 '
let spinner
.catch(function (err) {
const message = `Error: ${err.message}\n`
if (spinner)
else console.error(message)
chalk`{cyan Found a bug?} Open an issue at {magenta}\n`
process.exitCode = 1
async function init () {
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), {
boolean: [
alias: {
h: 'help',
v: 'version'
default: {
open: true
const cwd = argv._[0] || process.cwd()
if ( {
return runHelp()
if (argv.version) {
return runVersion()
return runThanks(cwd,
function runHelp () {
const message = stripIndent`
thanks - 🙌 Give thanks to the open source maintainers you depend on! ✨
thanks <flags> [CWD]
If CWD is omitted, then the current working directory is used. The "nearest"
package.json / node_modules folder will be used.
-v, --version Show current version
-h, --help Show usage information
function runVersion () {
function englishJoin (...arr) {
arr = arr.filter(Boolean)
switch (arr.length) {
case 3: return `${arr[0]}, ${arr[1]}, and ${arr[2]}`
case 2: return `${arr[0]} and ${arr[1]}`
case 1: return `${arr[0]}`
async function runThanks (cwd, promptToOpen) {
spinner = ora({
text: chalk`Getting ready to {cyan give thanks} to {magenta maintainers}...`
const client = createRegistryClient()
spinner.text = chalk`Reading {cyan direct dependencies} from metadata in {magenta package.json}...`
const directPkgNames = await readDirectPkgNames()
spinner.text = chalk`Reading {cyan dependencies} from package tree in {magenta node_modules}...`
const rootPath = await pkgDir(cwd)
const packageTree = await readPackageTreeAsync(rootPath)
const pkgNames = packageTree.children
.map(node =>
// Filter out folders without a package.json in node_modules
// See:
if (pkgNames.length === 0) {`{red No packages} found in the {magenta node_modules} folder. Try running {cyan npm install} first, silly! 😆`)
// Get latest registry data on each local package, since the local data does
// not include the list of maintainers
spinner.text = chalk`Fetching package {cyan maintainers} from {red npm}...`
let pkgs = await fetchPkgs(client, pkgNames)
spinner.text = chalk`Fetching package {cyan download counts} from {red npm}...`
const pkgDownloads = await bulkFetchPkgDownloads(pkgNames)
// Author name -> list of packages (sorted by direct dependencies, then download count)
const authorsPkgNames = computeAuthorsPkgNames(pkgs, pkgDownloads, directPkgNames)
// Org name -> list of packages (sorted by direct dependencies, then download count)
const orgsPkgNames = computeOrgPkgNames(pkgs, pkgDownloads, directPkgNames)
// Array of author names who are seeking donations (sorted by download count)
const authorsSeeking = Object.keys(authorsPkgNames)
.filter(author => thanks.authors[author] != null)
.sort((author1, author2) => authorsPkgNames[author2].length - authorsPkgNames[author1].length)
// Array of package names that are seeking donations (sorted by download count)
const pkgNamesSeeking = pkgNames
.filter(pkgName => thanks.packages[pkgName] != null)
.sort((pkg1, pkg2) => pkgDownloads[pkg2] - pkgDownloads[pkg1])
// Array of organization names who are seeking donations (sorted by download count)
const orgsSeeking = Object.keys(orgsPkgNames)
.filter(org => thanks.organizations[org] != null)
.sort((org1, org2) => orgsPkgNames[org2].length - orgsPkgNames[org1].length)
const donateLinks = [].concat( => thanks.authors[author]), => thanks.packages[pkgName]), => thanks.organizations[org])
const authorStr = authorsSeeking.length && chalk.cyan(`${authorsSeeking.length} authors`)
const pkgNamesStr = pkgNamesSeeking.length && chalk.cyan(`${pkgNamesSeeking.length} teams`)
const orgNamesStr = orgsSeeking.length && chalk.cyan(`${orgsSeeking.length} organizations`)
const listCounts = englishJoin(authorStr, pkgNamesStr, orgNamesStr)
if (listCounts) {
chalk`You depend on ${listCounts} who are {magenta seeking donations!} ✨\n`
} else {
chalk`You depend on {cyan no authors} who are seeking donations! 😌`
if (authorsSeeking.length > 0 || pkgNamesSeeking.length > 0 || orgsSeeking.length > 0) {
printTable(authorsSeeking, pkgNamesSeeking, orgsSeeking, authorsPkgNames, orgsPkgNames, directPkgNames)
if (donateLinks.length && promptToOpen) {
const prompt = new PromptConfirm(
chalk`Want to open these {cyan donate pages} in your {magenta web browser}? 🦄`
const doOpen = await
if (doOpen) openDonateLinks(donateLinks)
function createRegistryClient () {
const opts = {
log: {
error () {},
http () {},
info () {},
silly () {},
verbose () {},
warn () {}
const client = new RegistryClient(opts)
client.getAsync = pify(client.get.bind(client))
return client
function isScopedPkg (pkgName) {
return pkgName.includes('/')
function getScopedPkgOrg (pkgName) {
return pkgName.match(/@([^/]+)/)[1] || null
async function fetchPkgs (client, pkgNames) {
const pkgs = await Promise.all(
// Filter out `null`s which come from private packages or GitHub dependencies
// which don't exist on npm (so don't have package metadata)
return pkgs.filter(Boolean)
async function fetchPkg (pkgName) {
// Note: The registry does not support fetching versions for scoped packages
const url = isScopedPkg(pkgName)
? `${registryUrl()}${pkgName.replace('/', '%2F')}`
: `${registryUrl()}${pkgName}/latest`
const opts = {
timeout: 30 * 1000,
staleOk: true,
auth: registryAuthToken()
let pkg = null
try {
pkg = await client.getAsync(url, opts)
} catch (err) {
// Private packages or GitHub dependecies that don't exist on npm will return
// 404 errors, so just skip those packages
return pkg
function printTable (authorsSeeking, pkgNamesSeeking, orgsSeeking, authorsPkgNames, orgsPkgNames, directPkgNames) {
// Highlight direct dependencies in a different color
function maybeHighlightPkgName (pkgName) {
return directPkgNames.includes(pkgName)
: pkgName
const authorRows = authorsSeeking
.map(author => {
const authorPkgNames = authorsPkgNames[author].map(maybeHighlightPkgName)
const donateLink = prettyUrl(thanks.authors[author])
return [
listWithMaxLen(authorPkgNames, termSize().columns - 50)
const packageRows = pkgNamesSeeking
.map(pkgName => {
const donateLink = prettyUrl(thanks.packages[pkgName])
return [
`${pkgName} (team)`,
const orgRows = orgsSeeking
.map(org => {
const orgPkgNames = orgsPkgNames[org].map(maybeHighlightPkgName)
const donateLink = prettyUrl(thanks.organizations[org])
return [
`${org} (organization)`,
listWithMaxLen(orgPkgNames, termSize().columns - 50)
const rows = [[
chalk.underline('Where to Donate'),
const opts = {
stringLength: str => stripAnsi(str).length
const table = textTable(rows, opts)
console.log(table + '\n')
function prettyUrl (url) {
return url
.replace(RE_URL_PREFIX, '')
.replace(RE_TRAILING_SLASH, '')
async function bulkFetchPkgDownloads (pkgNames) {
// A few notes:
// - bulk queries do not support scoped packages
// - bulk queries are limited to at most 128 packages at a time
const pkgDownloads = {}
const normalPkgNames = pkgNames.filter(pkgName => !isScopedPkg(pkgName))
const scopedPkgNames = pkgNames.filter(isScopedPkg)
for (let start = 0; start < normalPkgNames.length; start += DOWNLOADS_URL_LIMIT) {
const pkgNamesSubset = normalPkgNames.slice(start, start + DOWNLOADS_URL_LIMIT)
const url = DOWNLOADS_URL + pkgNamesSubset.join(',')
let res
try {
res = await got(url, { json: true })
} catch (err) {
// If a single package is requested and does not exists, it will return a 404
// error. Ignore the error.
Object.keys(res.body).forEach(pkgName => {
const stats = res.body[pkgName]
// If multiple packages are requested and some of them do not exist, those keys
// will have a value of null. Skip those packages.
if (stats) pkgDownloads[pkgName] = stats.downloads
// Scoped packages must be requested individually since they're not supported in
// bulk queries.
await Promise.all( scopedPkgName => {
const url = DOWNLOADS_URL + scopedPkgName
let res
try {
res = await got(url, { json: true })
pkgDownloads[scopedPkgName] = res.body.downloads
} catch (err) {
// If a single package is requested and does not exists, it will return a 404
// error. Ignore the error.
return pkgDownloads
function computeAuthorsPkgNames (pkgs, pkgDownloads, directPkgNames) {
// author name -> array of package names
const authorPkgNames = {}
pkgs.forEach(pkg => {
if (!pkg.maintainers) {
// Ignore packages that are missing a "maintainers" field (e.g.
// This appears to happen on very old
// packages. My guess is that the "maintainers" field only started getting
// added to release metadata recently.
.map(maintainer =>
.forEach(author => {
if (authorPkgNames[author] == null) authorPkgNames[author] = []
// Sort each author's package list by direct dependencies, then download count
// dependencies first in the list
Object.keys(authorPkgNames).forEach(author => {
const authorDirectPkgNames = authorPkgNames[author]
.filter(pkgName => directPkgNames.includes(pkgName))
const pkgNames = authorPkgNames[author]
.filter(pkgName => !authorDirectPkgNames.includes(pkgName))
.sort((pkg1, pkg2) => pkgDownloads[pkg2] - pkgDownloads[pkg1])
authorPkgNames[author] = pkgNames
return authorPkgNames
function computeOrgPkgNames (pkgs, pkgDownloads, directPkgNames) {
// org -> array of package names
const orgPkgNames = {}
pkgs.forEach(pkg => {
if (isScopedPkg( {
const org = getScopedPkgOrg(
if (!orgPkgNames[org]) {
orgPkgNames[org] = []
// Sort each org's package list by direct dependencies, then download count
// dependencies first in the list
Object.keys(orgPkgNames).forEach(org => {
const orgDirectPkgNames = orgPkgNames[org]
.filter(pkgName => directPkgNames.includes(pkgName))
const pkgNames = orgPkgNames[org]
.filter(pkgName => !orgDirectPkgNames.includes(pkgName))
.sort((pkg1, pkg2) => pkgDownloads[pkg2] - pkgDownloads[pkg1])
orgPkgNames[org] = pkgNames
return orgPkgNames
function listWithMaxLen (list, maxLen) {
const ELLIPSIS = chalk` {magenta + XX more}`
const ELLIPSIS_LENGTH = stripAnsi(ELLIPSIS).length
let str = ''
for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
const item = (i === 0 ? '' : ', ') + list[i]
if (stripAnsi(str).length + stripAnsi(item).length >= maxLen - ELLIPSIS_LENGTH) {
str += ELLIPSIS.replace('XX', list.length - i)
str += item
return str
async function openDonateLinks (donateLinks) {
for (let donateLink of donateLinks) {
await opn(donateLink, { wait: false })
console.log(chalk`\n{bold.yellow You are awesome!} 🌟`)
async function readDirectPkgNames () {
const pkgPath = await pkgUp()
if (pkgPath == null) {
throw new Error(
'No package.json found. Run this in a Node.js project folder!'
const pkgStr = await readFileAsync(pkgPath, 'utf8')
let pkg
try {
pkg = JSON.parse(pkgStr)
} catch (err) {
err.message = `Failed to parse package.json: ${err.message}`
throw err
return [].concat(
findDeps(pkg, 'dependencies'),
findDeps(pkg, 'devDependencies'),
findDeps(pkg, 'optionalDependencies')
function findDeps (pkg, type) {
return pkg[type] && typeof pkg[type] === 'object'
? Object.keys(pkg[type])
: []