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5 years ago
const bcrypt = require('bcrypt');
const iocane = require("iocane");
const diskLogic = require('logic/disk.js');
// const dockerComposeLogic = require('logic/docker-compose.js');
// const lnapiService = require('services/lnapi.js');
const bashService = require('services/bash.js');
const NodeError = require('models/errors.js').NodeError;
const JWTHelper = require('utils/jwt.js');
const constants = require('utils/const.js');
const UUID = require('utils/UUID.js');
const saltRounds = 10;
const SYSTEM_USER = UUID.fetchBootUUID() || 'admin';
let devicePassword = '';
let changePasswordStatus;
function resetChangePasswordStatus() {
changePasswordStatus = { percent: 0 };
async function sleepSeconds(seconds) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(resolve, seconds * constants.TIME.ONE_SECOND_IN_MILLIS);
// Caches the password.
function cachePassword(password) {
devicePassword = password;
// Gets the cached the password.
function getCachedPassword() {
return devicePassword;
// Change the device and lnd password.
async function changePassword(currentPassword, newPassword, jwt) {
// restart lnd
changePasswordStatus.percent = 1; // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers
// await dockerComposeLogic.dockerComposeStop({ service: constants.SERVICES.LND });
changePasswordStatus.percent = 40; // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers
// await dockerComposeLogic.dockerComposeUpSingleService({ service: constants.SERVICES.LND });
let complete = false;
let attempt = 0;
const MAX_ATTEMPTS = 20;
do {
try {
// call lnapi to change password
changePasswordStatus.percent = 60 + attempt; // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers
// await lnapiService.changePassword(currentPassword, newPassword, jwt);
4 years ago
// update user file
const user = await diskLogic.readUserFile();
5 years ago
const credentials = hashCredentials(SYSTEM_USER, newPassword);
4 years ago
// re-encrypt seed with new password
const decryptedSeed = await iocane.createSession().decrypt(user.seed, currentPassword);
const encryptedSeed = await iocane.createSession().encrypt(decryptedSeed, newPassword);
5 years ago
// replace user file
4 years ago
// await diskLogic.deleteUserFile();
await diskLogic.writeUserFile({ name:, password: credentials.password, seed: encryptedSeed });
5 years ago
// update ssh password
4 years ago
// await hashAccountPassword(newPassword);
5 years ago
complete = true;
// cache the password for later use
changePasswordStatus.percent = 100;
} catch (error) {
// wait for lnd to boot up
if (error.response.status === constants.STATUS_CODES.BAD_GATEWAY) {
await sleepSeconds(1);
// user supplied incorrect credentials
} else if (error.response.status === constants.STATUS_CODES.FORBIDDEN) {
changePasswordStatus.forbidden = true;
// unknown error occurred
} else {
changePasswordStatus.error = true;
changePasswordStatus.percent = 100;
throw error;
} while (!complete && attempt < MAX_ATTEMPTS && !changePasswordStatus.unauthorized && !changePasswordStatus.error);
if (!complete && attempt === MAX_ATTEMPTS) {
changePasswordStatus.error = true;
changePasswordStatus.percent = 100;
throw new Error('Unable to change password. Lnd would not restart properly.');
function getChangePasswordStatus() {
return changePasswordStatus;
// Returns an object with the hashed credentials inside.
function hashCredentials(username, password) {
const hash = bcrypt.hashSync(password, saltRounds);
return { password: hash, username, plainTextPassword: password };
// Returns true if the user is registered otherwise false.
async function isRegistered() {
try {
await diskLogic.readUserFile();
return { registered: true };
} catch (error) {
return { registered: false };
// Log the user into the device. Caches the password if login is successful. Then returns jwt.
async function login(user) {
try {
const jwt = await JWTHelper.generateJWT(user.username);
// Cache plain text password
// cachePassword(user.plainTextPassword);
return { jwt: jwt };
} catch (error) {
throw new NodeError('Unable to generate JWT');
async function seed(user) {
//Decrypt mnemonic seed
try {
const { seed } = await diskLogic.readUserFile();
const decryptedSeed = await iocane.createSession().decrypt(seed, user.plainTextPassword);
return { seed: decryptedSeed.split(",") };
} catch (error) {
throw new NodeError('Unable to decrypt mnemonic seed');
// Registers the the user to the device. Returns an error if a user already exists.
async function register(user, seed) {
if ((await isRegistered()).registered) {
throw new NodeError('User already exists', 400); // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers
//Encrypt mnemonic seed for storage
let encryptedSeed;
try {
encryptedSeed = await iocane.createSession().encrypt(seed.join(), user.plainTextPassword);
} catch (error) {
throw new NodeError('Unable to encrypt mnemonic seed');
//save user
try {
await diskLogic.writeUserFile({ name:, password: user.password, seed: encryptedSeed });
} catch (error) {
throw new NodeError('Unable to register user');
//generate JWt
let jwt;
try {
jwt = await JWTHelper.generateJWT(user.username);
} catch (error) {
4 years ago
await diskLogic.deleteUserFile();
5 years ago
throw new NodeError('Unable to generate JWT');
//initialize lnd wallet
try {
// await lnapiService.initializeWallet(user.plainTextPassword, seed, jwt);
} catch (error) {
await diskLogic.deleteUserFile();
throw new NodeError(;
//return token
return { jwt: jwt };
// Generate and return a new jwt token.
async function refresh(user) {
try {
const jwt = await JWTHelper.generateJWT(user.username);
return { jwt: jwt };
} catch (error) {
throw new NodeError('Unable to generate JWT');
module.exports = {