const axios = require('axios'); const semverGt = require('semver/functions/gt'); const semverSatisfies = require('semver/functions/satisfies'); const semverMinVersion = require('semver/ranges/min-version'); const encode = require('lndconnect').encode; const diskLogic = require('logic/disk.js'); const constants = require('utils/const.js'); const NodeError = require('models/errors.js').NodeError; async function getInfo() { try { const info = await diskLogic.readUmbrelVersionFile(); return info; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to get system information'); } }; async function getHiddenServiceUrl() { try { const url = await diskLogic.readHiddenService('web'); return url; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to get hidden service url'); } }; async function getElectrumConnectionDetails() { try { const address = await diskLogic.readElectrumHiddenService(); const port = constants.ELECTRUM_PORT; const connectionString = `${address}:${port}:t`; return { address, port, connectionString }; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to get Electrum hidden service url'); } }; async function getBitcoinP2PConnectionDetails() { try { const address = await diskLogic.readBitcoinP2PHiddenService(); const port = constants.BITCOIN_P2P_PORT; const connectionString = `${address}:${port}`; return { address, port, connectionString }; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to get Bitcoin P2P hidden service url'); } }; async function getBitcoinRPCConnectionDetails() { try { const [user, hiddenService] = await Promise.all([ diskLogic.readUserFile(), diskLogic.readBitcoinRPCHiddenService(), ]); const label = encodeURIComponent(`${}'s Umbrel`); const rpcuser = constants.BITCOIN_RPC_USER; const rpcpassword = constants.BITCOIN_RPC_PASSWORD; const address = hiddenService; const port = constants.BITCOIN_RPC_PORT; const connectionString = `btcrpc://${rpcuser}:${rpcpassword}@${address}:${port}?label=${label}`; return { rpcuser, rpcpassword, address, port, connectionString }; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to get Bitcoin RPC connection details'); } }; async function getAvailableUpdate() { try { const current = await diskLogic.readUmbrelVersionFile(); const currentVersion = current.version; // 'tag' should be master to begin with let tag = 'master'; let data; let isNewVersionAvailable = true; let isCompatibleWithCurrentVersion = false; // Try finding for a new update until there's a new version available // which is compatible with the currently installed version while (isNewVersionAvailable && !isCompatibleWithCurrentVersion) { const infoUrl = `${constants.GITHUB_REPO}/${tag}/info.json?time=${}`; const latestVersionInfo = await axios.get(infoUrl); data =; let latestVersion = data.version; let requiresVersionRange = data.requires; // A new version is available if the latest version > local version isNewVersionAvailable = semverGt(latestVersion, currentVersion); // It's compatible with the current version if current version // satisfies the 'requires' condition of the new version isCompatibleWithCurrentVersion = semverSatisfies(currentVersion, requiresVersionRange); // Calculate the minimum required version let minimumVersionRequired = `v${semverMinVersion(requiresVersionRange)}`; // If the minimum required version is what we just checked for, exit // This usually happens when an OTA update breaking release x.y.z is made // that also has x.y.z as the minimum required version if (tag === minimumVersionRequired) { break; } // Update tag to the minimum required version for the next loop run tag = minimumVersionRequired; } if (isNewVersionAvailable && isCompatibleWithCurrentVersion) { return data; } return "Your Umbrel is up-to-date"; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to check for update'); } }; async function getUpdateStatus() { try { const status = await diskLogic.readUpdateStatusFile() return status; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to get update status'); } } async function startUpdate() { let availableUpdate; // Fetch available update try { availableUpdate = await getAvailableUpdate(); if (!availableUpdate.version) { return availableUpdate; } } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to fetch latest release'); } // Make sure an update is not already in progress const updateInProgress = await diskLogic.updateLockFileExists(); if (updateInProgress) { throw new NodeError('An update is already in progress'); } // Update status file with update version try { const updateStatus = await diskLogic.readUpdateStatusFile(); updateStatus.updateTo = `v${availableUpdate.version}`; await diskLogic.writeUpdateStatusFile(updateStatus); } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Could not update the update-status file'); } // Write update signal file try { await diskLogic.writeUpdateSignalFile() return { message: "Updating to Umbrel v" + availableUpdate.version }; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to write update signal file'); } } async function getBackupStatus() { try { const status = await diskLogic.readBackupStatusFile() return status; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to get backup status'); } } async function getLndConnectUrls() { let cert; try { cert = await diskLogic.readLndCert(); } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to read lnd cert file'); } let macaroon; try { macaroon = await diskLogic.readLndAdminMacaroon(); } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to read lnd macaroon file'); } let restTorHost; try { restTorHost = await diskLogic.readLndRestHiddenService(); restTorHost += ':8080'; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to read lnd REST hostname file'); } const restTor = encode({ host: restTorHost, cert, macaroon, }); let grpcTorHost; try { grpcTorHost = await diskLogic.readLndGrpcHiddenService(); grpcTorHost += ':10009'; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to read lnd gRPC hostname file'); } const grpcTor = encode({ host: grpcTorHost, cert, macaroon, }); let restLocalHost = `${constants.DEVICE_HOSTNAME}:8080`; const restLocal = encode({ host: restLocalHost, cert, macaroon, }); let grpcLocalHost = `${constants.DEVICE_HOSTNAME}:10009`; const grpcLocal = encode({ host: grpcLocalHost, cert, macaroon, }); return { restTor, restLocal, grpcTor, grpcLocal }; } async function requestDebug() { try { await diskLogic.writeSignalFile('debug'); return "Debug requested"; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Could not write the signal file'); } } async function getDebugResult() { try { return await diskLogic.readDebugStatusFile(); } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to get debug results'); } } async function requestShutdown() { try { await diskLogic.shutdown(); return "Shutdown requested"; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to request shutdown'); } }; async function requestReboot() { try { await diskLogic.reboot(); return "Reboot requested"; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to request reboot'); } }; async function status() { try { const highMemoryUsage = await diskLogic.memoryWarningStatusFileExists(); return { highMemoryUsage }; } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable check system status'); } }; async function clearMemoryWarning() { try { await diskLogic.deleteMemoryWarningStatusFile(); return "High memory warning dismissed" } catch (error) { throw new NodeError('Unable to dismiss high memory warning'); } }; module.exports = { getInfo, getHiddenServiceUrl, getElectrumConnectionDetails, getBitcoinP2PConnectionDetails, getBitcoinRPCConnectionDetails, getAvailableUpdate, getUpdateStatus, startUpdate, getBackupStatus, getLndConnectUrls, requestDebug, getDebugResult, requestShutdown, requestReboot, status, clearMemoryWarning, };