You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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5 years ago
/* eslint-disable camelcase, max-lines */
const grpc = require('grpc');
const camelizeKeys = require('camelize-keys');
const diskService = require('services/disk');
const LndError = require('models/errors.js').LndError;
const LND_HOST = process.env.LND_HOST || '';
const TLS_FILE = process.env.TLS_FILE || '/lnd/tls.cert';
const PROTO_FILE = process.env.PROTO_FILE || './resources/rpc.proto';
const LND_PORT = process.env.LND_PORT || 10009; // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers
// LND changed the macaroon path to ~/.lnd/data/chain/{chain}/{network}/admin.macaroon. We are currently only
// supporting bitcoind and have that hard coded. However, we are leaving the ability to switch between testnet and
// mainnet. This can be done with the /reset route. LND_NETWORK will be defaulted in /usr/local/casa/applications/.env.
// LND_NETWORK will be overwritten in the settings file.
let MACAROON_FILE = '/lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/' + process.env.LND_NETWORK + '/admin.macaroon';
// Developers should overwrite MACAROON_DIR in their .env file or ide. We recommend 'os.homedir() + /lightning-node/'.
if (process.env.MACAROON_DIR) {
MACAROON_FILE = process.env.MACAROON_DIR + 'admin.macaroon';
// TODO move this to volume
const lnrpcDescriptor = grpc.load(PROTO_FILE);
const lnrpc = lnrpcDescriptor.lnrpc;
// Initialize RPC client will attempt to connect to the lnd rpc with a tls.cert and admin.macaroon. If the wallet has
// not bee created yet, then the client will only be initialized with the tls.cert. There may be times when lnd wallet
// is reset and the tls.cert and admin.macaroon will change.
async function initializeRPCClient() {
return diskService.readFile(TLS_FILE)
.then(lndCert => {
const sslCreds = grpc.credentials.createSsl(lndCert);
return diskService.readFile(MACAROON_FILE)
.then(macaroon => {
// build meta data credentials
const metadata = new grpc.Metadata();
metadata.add('macaroon', macaroon.toString('hex'));
const macaroonCreds = grpc.credentials.createFromMetadataGenerator((_args, callback) => {
callback(null, metadata);
// combine the cert credentials and the macaroon auth credentials
// such that every call is properly encrypted and authenticated
return {
credentials: grpc.credentials.combineChannelCredentials(sslCreds, macaroonCreds),
state: true
.catch(() => ({ credentials: sslCreds, state: 'WALLET_CREATION_ONLY' }));
.then(({ credentials, state }) => ({
lightning: new lnrpc.Lightning(LND_HOST + ':' + LND_PORT, credentials),
walletUnlocker: new lnrpc.WalletUnlocker(LND_HOST + ':' + LND_PORT, credentials),
state: state // eslint-disable-line object-shorthand
async function promiseify(rpcObj, rpcFn, payload, description) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {, payload, (error, grpcResponse) => {
if (error) {
reject(new LndError(`Unable to ${description}`, error));
} else {
resolve(camelizeKeys(grpcResponse, '_'));
} catch (error) {
// an amount, an options memo, and can only be paid to node that created it.
async function addInvoice(amount, memo) {
const rpcPayload = {
value: amount,
memo: memo, // eslint-disable-line object-shorthand
expiry: 3600 // Should we make this ENV specific for ease of testing?
const conn = await initializeRPCClient();
const grpcResponse = await promiseify(conn.lightning, conn.lightning.addInvoice, rpcPayload, 'create new invoice');
if (grpcResponse && grpcResponse.paymentRequest) {
return {
rHash: grpcResponse.rHash,
paymentRequest: grpcResponse.paymentRequest,
} else {
throw new LndError('Unable to parse invoice from lnd');
// Change your lnd password. Wallet must exist and be unlocked.
async function changePassword(currentPassword, newPassword) {
const currentPasswordBuff = Buffer.from(currentPassword, 'utf8');
const newPasswordBuff = Buffer.from(newPassword, 'utf8');
const rpcPayload = {
current_password: currentPasswordBuff,
new_password: newPasswordBuff,
const conn = await initializeRPCClient();
return await promiseify(conn.walletUnlocker, conn.walletUnlocker.changePassword, rpcPayload, 'change password');
function closeChannel(fundingTxId, index, force) {
const rpcPayload = {
channel_point: {
funding_txid_str: fundingTxId,
output_index: index
force: force // eslint-disable-line object-shorthand
return initializeRPCClient().then(({ lightning }) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
try {
const call = lightning.CloseChannel(rpcPayload);
call.on('data', chan => {
if (chan.update === 'close_pending') {
call.on('error', error => {
reject(new LndError('Unable to close channel', error));
} catch (error) {
// Connects this lnd node to a peer.
function connectToPeer(pubKey, ip, port) {
const rpcPayload = {
addr: {
pubkey: pubKey,
host: ip + ':' + port
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.ConnectPeer, rpcPayload, 'connect to peer'));
function decodePaymentRequest(paymentRequest) {
const rpcPayload = {
pay_req: paymentRequest
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.decodePayReq, rpcPayload, 'decode payment request'))
.then(invoice => {
// add on payment request for extra details
invoice.paymentRequest = paymentRequest;
return invoice;
async function estimateFee(address, amt, confTarget) {
const addrToAmount = {};
addrToAmount[address] = amt;
const rpcPayload = {
AddrToAmount: addrToAmount,
target_conf: confTarget,
const conn = await initializeRPCClient();
return await promiseify(conn.lightning, conn.lightning.estimateFee, rpcPayload, 'estimate fee request');
async function generateAddress() {
const rpcPayload = {
type: 1
const conn = await initializeRPCClient();
return await promiseify(conn.lightning, conn.lightning.NewAddress, rpcPayload, 'generate address');
function generateSeed() {
return initializeRPCClient().then(({ walletUnlocker, state }) => {
if (state === true) {
throw new LndError('Macaroon exists, therefore wallet already exists');
return promiseify(walletUnlocker, walletUnlocker.GenSeed, {}, 'generate seed');
function getChannelBalance() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.ChannelBalance, {}, 'get channel balance'));
function getFeeReport() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.FeeReport, {}, 'get fee report'));
function getForwardingEvents(startTime, endTime, indexOffset) {
const rpcPayload = {
start_time: startTime,
end_time: endTime,
index_offset: indexOffset,
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.ForwardingHistory, rpcPayload, 'get forwarding events'));
function getInfo() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.GetInfo, {}, 'get lnd information'));
function getNodeInfo(pubkey, includeChannels) {
const rpcPayload = {
pub_key: pubkey,
include_channels: includeChannels
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.GetNodeInfo, rpcPayload, 'get node information'));
5 years ago
// Returns a list of lnd's currently open channels. Channels are considered open by this node and it's directly
// connected peer after three confirmation. After six confirmations, the channel is broadcasted by this node and it's
// directly connected peer to the broader lightning network.
function getOpenChannels() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.ListChannels, {}, 'list channels'))
.then(grpcResponse => grpcResponse.channels);
function getClosedChannels() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.ClosedChannels, {}, 'closed channels'))
.then(grpcResponse => grpcResponse.channels);
// Returns a list of all outgoing payments.
function getPayments() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.ListPayments, {}, 'get payments'));
// Returns a list of all lnd's currently connected and active peers.
function getPeers() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.ListPeers, {}, 'get peer information'))
.then(grpcResponse => {
if (grpcResponse && grpcResponse.peers) {
return grpcResponse.peers;
} else {
throw new LndError('Unable to parse peer information');
// Returns a list of lnd's currently pending channels. Pending channels include, channels that are in the process of
// being opened, but have not reached three confirmations. Channels that are pending closed, but have not reached
// one confirmation. Forced close channels that require potentially hundreds of confirmations.
function getPendingChannels() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.PendingChannels, {}, 'list pending channels'));
function getWalletBalance() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.WalletBalance, {}, 'get wallet balance'));
function initWallet(options) {
const passwordBuff = Buffer.from(options.password, 'utf8');
const rpcPayload = {
wallet_password: passwordBuff,
cipher_seed_mnemonic: options.mnemonic,
return initializeRPCClient().then(({ walletUnlocker, state }) => {
if (state === true) {
throw new LndError('Macaroon exists, therefore wallet already exists');
return promiseify(walletUnlocker, walletUnlocker.InitWallet, rpcPayload, 'initialize wallet')
.then(() => options.mnemonic);
// Returns a list of all invoices.
function getInvoices() {
const rpcPayload = {
reversed: true, // Returns most recent
num_max_invoices: 100,
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.ListInvoices, rpcPayload, 'list invoices'));
// Returns a list of all on chain transactions.
function getOnChainTransactions() {
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.GetTransactions, {}, 'list on-chain transactions'))
.then(grpcResponse => grpcResponse.transactions);
async function listUnspent() {
const rpcPayload = {
min_confs: 1,
max_confs: 10000000, // Use arbitrarily high maximum confirmation limit.
const conn = await initializeRPCClient();
return await promiseify(conn.lightning, conn.lightning.listUnspent, rpcPayload, 'estimate fee request');
function openChannel(pubKey, amt, satPerByte) {
const rpcPayload = {
node_pubkey_string: pubKey,
local_funding_amount: amt,
if (satPerByte) {
rpcPayload.sat_per_byte = satPerByte;
} else {
rpcPayload.target_conf = 6;
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.OpenChannelSync, rpcPayload, 'open channel'));
function sendCoins(addr, amt, satPerByte, sendAll) {
const rpcPayload = {
addr: addr, // eslint-disable-line object-shorthand
amount: amt,
send_all: sendAll,
if (satPerByte) {
rpcPayload.sat_per_byte = satPerByte;
} else {
rpcPayload.target_conf = 6;
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.SendCoins, rpcPayload, 'send coins'));
function sendPaymentSync(paymentRequest, amt) {
const rpcPayload = {
payment_request: paymentRequest,
amt: amt, // eslint-disable-line object-shorthand
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.SendPaymentSync, rpcPayload, 'send lightning payment'))
.then(response => {
// sometimes the error comes in on the response...
if (response.paymentError) {
throw new LndError(`Unable to send lightning payment: ${response.paymentError}`);
return response;
function unlockWallet(password) {
const passwordBuff = Buffer.from(password, 'utf8');
const rpcPayload = {
wallet_password: passwordBuff
// TODO how to determine if wallet is already unlocked?
// This will throw code 12 unimplemented, which is not very helpful
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ walletUnlocker }) => promiseify(walletUnlocker, walletUnlocker.UnlockWallet, rpcPayload, 'unlock wallet'));
function updateChannelPolicy(global, fundingTxid, outputIndex, baseFeeMsat, feeRate, timeLockDelta) {
const rpcPayload = {
base_fee_msat: baseFeeMsat,
fee_rate: feeRate,
time_lock_delta: timeLockDelta,
if (global) { = global;
} else {
rpcPayload.chan_point = {
funding_txid_str: fundingTxid,
output_index: outputIndex,
return initializeRPCClient()
.then(({ lightning }) => promiseify(lightning, lightning.UpdateChannelPolicy, rpcPayload,
'update channel policy coins'));
module.exports = {
5 years ago