const bitcoindService = require('services/bitcoind.js');
const BitcoindError = require('models/errors.js').BitcoindError;
async function getBlockCount() {
const blockCount = await bitcoindService.getBlockCount();
return { blockCount: blockCount.result };
async function getConnectionsCount() {
const peerInfo = await bitcoindService.getPeerInfo();
var outBoundConnections = 0;
var inBoundConnections = 0;
peerInfo.result.forEach(function (peer) {
if (peer.inbound === false) {
const connections = {
total: inBoundConnections + outBoundConnections,
inbound: inBoundConnections,
outbound: outBoundConnections
return connections;
async function getStatus() {
try {
await bitcoindService.help();
return { operational: true };
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BitcoindError) {
return { operational: false };
throw error;
// Return the max synced header for all connected peers or -1 if no data is available.
async function getMaxSyncHeader() {
const peerInfo = (await bitcoindService.getPeerInfo()).result;
if (peerInfo.length === 0) {
return -1;
const maxPeer = peerInfo.reduce(function (prev, current) {
return prev.syncedHeaders > current.syncedHeaders ? prev : current;
return maxPeer.syncedHeaders;
async function getMempoolInfo() {
return await bitcoindService.getMempoolInfo();
async function getLocalSyncInfo() {
const info = await bitcoindService.getBlockChainInfo();
var blockChainInfo = info.result;
var chain = blockChainInfo.chain;
var blockCount = blockChainInfo.blocks;
var headerCount = blockChainInfo.headers;
const percentSynced = (Math.trunc(blockCount / headerCount * 10000) / 10000).toFixed(4); // eslint-disable-line no-magic-numbers, max-len
return {
chain: chain,
percent: percentSynced,
currentBlock: blockCount,
headerCount: headerCount // eslint-disable-line object-shorthand,
async function getSyncStatus() {
const maxPeerHeader = await getMaxSyncHeader();
const localSyncInfo = await getLocalSyncInfo();
if (maxPeerHeader > localSyncInfo.headerCount) {
localSyncInfo.headerCount = maxPeerHeader;
return localSyncInfo;
async function getVersion() {
const networkInfo = await bitcoindService.getNetworkInfo();
const unformattedVersion = networkInfo.result.subversion;
// Remove all non-digits or decimals.
const version = unformattedVersion.replace(/[^\d.]/g, '');
return { version: version }; // eslint-disable-line object-shorthand
async function getTransaction(txid) {
const transactionObj = await bitcoindService.getTransaction(txid);
return {
txid: txid,
timestamp: transactionObj.result.time,
confirmations: transactionObj.result.confirmations,
blockhash: transactionObj.result.blockhash,
size: transactionObj.result.size,
input: transactionObj.result.vin.txid,
utxo: transactionObj.result.vout,
rawtx: transactionObj.result.hex
async function getNetworkInfo() {
const networkInfo = await bitcoindService.getNetworkInfo();
return networkInfo.result; // eslint-disable-line object-shorthand
async function getBlock(hash) {
const blockObj = await bitcoindService.getBlock(hash);
return {
block: hash,
confirmations: blockObj.result.confirmations,
size: blockObj.result.size,
height: blockObj.result.height,
blocktime: blockObj.result.time,
prevblock: blockObj.result.previousblockhash,
nextblock: blockObj.result.nextblockhash,
transactions: blockObj.result.tx
async function getBlocks(fromHeight, toHeight) {
let startingBlockHashRaw;
try {
startingBlockHashRaw = await bitcoindService.getBlockHash(toHeight);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof BitcoindError) {
return error;
throw error;
let currentHash = startingBlockHashRaw.result;
const blocks = [];
//loop from 'to height' till 'from Height'
for (let currentHeight = toHeight; currentHeight >= fromHeight; currentHeight--) {
const blockRaw = await bitcoindService.getBlock(currentHash);
const block = blockRaw.result;
const formattedBlock = {
hash: block.hash,
height: block.height,
numTransactions: block.tx.length,
confirmations: block.confirmations,
time: block.time,
size: block.size
currentHash = block.previousblockhash;
//terminate loop if we reach the genesis block
if (!currentHash) {
return { blocks: blocks };
async function getBlockHash(height) {
const getBlockHashObj = await bitcoindService.getBlockHash(height);
return {
hash: getBlockHashObj.result
async function nodeStatusDump() {
const blockchainInfo = await bitcoindService.getBlockChainInfo();
const networkInfo = await bitcoindService.getNetworkInfo();
const mempoolInfo = await bitcoindService.getMempoolInfo();
const miningInfo = await bitcoindService.getMiningInfo();
return {
blockchain_info: blockchainInfo.result,
network_info: networkInfo.result,
mempool: mempoolInfo.result,
mining_info: miningInfo.result
async function nodeStatusSummary() {
const blockchainInfo = await bitcoindService.getBlockChainInfo();
const networkInfo = await bitcoindService.getNetworkInfo();
const mempoolInfo = await bitcoindService.getMempoolInfo();
const miningInfo = await bitcoindService.getMiningInfo();
return {
difficulty: blockchainInfo.result.difficulty,
size: blockchainInfo.result.sizeOnDisk,
mempool: mempoolInfo.result.bytes,
connections: networkInfo.result.connections,
networkhashps: miningInfo.result.networkhashps
module.exports = {