# Installation of Dojo on Synology
This will install Dojo on your Synology hardware.
## Table of Content ##
- [Requirements](#requirements)
- [Install procedure](#install)
<a name="requirements"/>
## Requirements ##
* Synology hardware connected 24/7 to internet
* Disk: 500GB (minimal) / 1TB (recommended)
* RAM: 4GB (minimal)
<a name="install"/>
## Install
- Connect to Synology web ui as administrator
- Open `Package center`, search for `Docker`, click `Install`.

- Open SSH terminal to your Synology
- Follow `first-time install procedure` in [DOCKER_setup.md](DOCKER_setup.md#install), but skip the first two steps:
* Install Docker and Docker Compose on the host machine and check that your installation is working.
* Install Tor Browser on the host machine.
You can use `/volume1/dojo` as `<dojo_dir>`.
- Install will complete with the following warnings, which you can safely ignore:
Attaching to nginx, nodejs, bitcoind, tor, db
nginx | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'db' log driver
nodejs | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'db' log driver
bitcoind | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'db' log driver
tor | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'db' log driver
db | WARNING: no logs are available with the 'db' log driver

## Dojo status & logs
- Connect to Synology web ui as administrator
- Open `Docker`, then `Container`.

- You will see the following containers running:
* bitcoind
* db
* nginx
* nodejs
* tor
- Select a container (ie `bitcoind`), click `Detail`, `Log` to see container's logs in real time
## Usage
- Retrieve the Tor onion addresses (v3) of the API and block explorer of your Dojo
./dojo.sh onion
Use Tor Browser for:
- Explorer: <explorer-onion-address>.onion (username=any, password=<EXPLORER_KEY>)
- Maintenance tool: <api-onion-address>.onion/admin (password=<NODE_ADMIN_KEY>)
## Upgrade
- Open SSH terminal to your Synology
- Stop Dojo
cd <dojo_dir>
./docker/my-dojo/dojo.sh stop
- Backup
cp -r ./ ../dojo-backup
- Download latest Dojo from [Gitlab releases](https://code.samourai.io/dojo/samourai-dojo/-/releases)
mkdir newDojo
cd newDojo
wget https://code.samourai.io/dojo/samourai-dojo/-/archive/v1.7.0/samourai-dojo-v1.7.0.tar.gz
tar xzvf samourai-dojo-v1.7.0.tar.gz
cp -r samourai-dojo-v1.7.0/* ../
cd ..
- Upgrade
./docker/my-dojo/dojo.sh upgrade
- Clean
rm -Rf newDojo