Remove an HD account from the server. All addresses and transactions associated with the HD account will be removed. Transactions that are also associated with another `xpub` will remain.
Note: this endpoint uses the HTTP `DELETE` verb.
DELETE /xpub/:xpub
## Parameters
* **address** - `string` - The first address of the internal chain for this `xpub`, derivation path `M/1/0`. Use compressed P2PHK address regardless of HD derivation scheme.
* **signature** - `string` - The base64-encoded signature of the double SHA256 hash of `[varuint length of xpub string, xpub string]`. Signature scheme follows [bitcoinjs-message]( with a message prefix matching the [coin type]( Use the ECPair associated with the `M/1/0` address to sign.
* **at** - `string` (optional) - Access Token (json web token). Required if authentication is activated. Alternatively, the access token can be passed through the `Authorization` HTTP header (with the `Bearer` scheme).