* Docker and Docker Compose installed on the host machine (be sure to run a recent version supporting v3.2 of docker-compose files, i.e. Docker Engine v17.04.0+)
* Check that the clock of your computer is properly set (required for Tor)
* Tor Browser installed on the host machine (or on another machine if your host is a headless server)
Each new release of Dojo is packaged with 4 template files stored in the `<dojo_dir>/docker/my-dojo/conf` directory:
- docker-common.conf.tpl
- docker-bitcoin.conf.tpl
- docker-mysql.conf.tpl
- docker-node.conf.tpl
These template files define default values for configuration options of your Dojo.
During the first-time installation (dojo.sh install) these templates are used to initialize the configuration files (files with .conf extension) that will be used by your Dojo.
During an upgrade (dojo.sh upgrade), the content of the template files is merged with the content of the configuration files, preserving the values that you may have modified in the configuration files. A backup of the configuration files is saved in the same directory (files with .save extension).
Most options provided in the configuration files can be later modified. New values will become active after a call to
*`NODE_API_KEY` = API key which will be required from your Samourai Wallet / Sentinel for its interactions with the API of your Dojo,
*`NODE_ADMIN_KEY` = API key which will be required from the maintenance tool for accessing a set of advanced features provided by the API of your Dojo,
*`NODE_JWT_SECRET` = secret used by your Dojo for the initialization of a cryptographic key signing Json Web Tokens.
* Open the docker quickstart terminal or a terminal console and go to the `<dojo_dir>/docker/my-dojo` directory. This directory contains a script named dojo.sh which will be your entrypoint for all operations related to the management of your Dojo.
Docker and Docker Compose are going to build the images and containers of your Dojo. This operation will take a few minutes (download and setup of all required software components). After completion, your Dojo will be launched and will begin the initialization of the full node (Bitcoin Initial Block Download and syncing of the database). This step will take several hours/days according to the specs of your machine. Be patient. Use CTRL+C to stop the display of the full logs.
* Monitor the progress made for the initialization of the database with this command displaying the logs of the tracker
./dojo.sh logs tracker
Exit the logs with CTRL+C when the syncing of the database has completed.
* Retrieve the Tor onion addresses (v2 and v3) of the API of your Dojo
./dojo.sh onion
* Restrict the access to your host machine as much as possible by configuring its firewall.
Docker and Docker Compose are going to build new images and containers for your Dojo. After completion, the updated version of your Dojo will be launched automatically.
Note: The upgrade process will override all manual modifications of the files stored under the `<dojo_dir>` directory with an exception for the three configuration files stored in the `<dojo_dir>/docker/my-dojo/conf` directory.