The 3 configuration files of Dojo provide a few advanced options allowing to tune your setup.
A word of caution, though, the default values of these options try to maximize your privacy at a network level. All the advanced setups described in this document may damage your privacy. Use at your own risk!
## External Bitcoin full node ##
By default, Dojo installs and runs a Bitcoin full node in Docker.
The following procedure allows to bypass the installation of this full node by telling Dojo to rely on an external bitcoind running on your host machine.
# Edit the bitcoin config template file
nano ./conf/docker-bitcoind.conf.tpl
# Set the value of BITCOIND_INSTALL to "off"
# Set the value of BITCOIND_IP with the IP address of you bitcoin full node
# Set the value of BITCOIND_RPC_PORT with the port used by your bitcoin full node for the RPC API
# Set the value of BITCOIND_ZMQ_RAWTXS with the port used by your bitcoin full node for ZMQ notifications of raw transactions
# (i.e. port defined for -zmqpubrawtx in the bitcoin.conf of your full node)
# Set the value of BITCOIND_ZMQ_BLK_HASH with the port used by your bitcoin full node for ZMQ notifications of block hashes
# (i.e. port defined for -zmqpubhashblock in the bitcoin.conf of your full node)
# Save and exit nano
# Start the installation of your Dojo
./ install
## bitcoind RPC API ans ZMQ notifications exposed to external apps ##