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5 years ago
* tracker/transaction.js
* Copyright © 2019 Katana Cryptographic Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
'use strict'
const _ = require('lodash')
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib')
const util = require('../lib/util')
const Logger = require('../lib/logger')
const hdaHelper = require('../lib/bitcoin/hd-accounts-helper')
const db = require('../lib/db/mysql-db-wrapper')
const network = require('../lib/bitcoin/network')
const keys = require('../keys')[network.key]
const gapLimit = [,]
const activeNet =
const TransactionsBundle = require('./transactions-bundle')
* A class allowing to process a transaction
class Transaction {
* Constructor
* @param {bitcoin.Transaction} tx - transaction object
constructor(tx) {
this.tx = tx
this.txid = this.tx.getId()
// Id of transaction stored in db
this.storedTxnID = null
// Should this transaction be broadcast out to connected clients?
this.doBroadcast = false
* Register transaction in db if it's a transaction of interest
* @returns {object} returns a composite result object
* {
* tx: <transaction_as_stored_in_db>,
* broadcast: <boolean>
* }
async checkTransaction() {
try {
// Process transaction inputs
await this._processInputs()
// Process transaction outputs
await this._processOutputs()
// If this point reached with no errors,
// store the fact that this transaction was checked.
const tx = await db.getTransaction(this.txid)
return {
tx: tx,
broadcast: this.doBroadcast
} catch(e) {
Logger.error(e, 'Transaction.checkTransaction()')
return Promise.reject(e)
* Process transaction inputs
* @returns {Promise}
async _processInputs() {
// Array of inputs spent
const spends = []
// Store input indices, keyed by `txid-outindex` for easy retrieval
const indexedInputs = {}
// Store database ids of double spend transactions
const doubleSpentTxnIDs = []
// Store inputs of interest
const inputs = []
// Extracts inputs information
let index = 0
for (let input of this.tx.ins) {
const spendTxid = Buffer.from(input.hash).reverse().toString('hex')
spends.push({txid:spendTxid, index:input.index})
indexedInputs[`${spendTxid}-${input.index}`] = index
// Check if we find some inputs of interest
const results = await db.getOutputSpends(spends)
if (results.length == 0)
return null
// Flag the transaction for broadcast
this.doBroadcast = true
// This transaction is spending an existing output.
// This is value leaving a wallet's addresses.
// Each result contains
// {outID, addrAddress, outAmount, txnTxid, outIndex, spendingTxnID/null}
// Store the transaction in db
await this._ensureTransaction()
// Prepare the inputs
for (let r of results) {
const index = indexedInputs[`${r.txnTxid}-${r.outIndex}`]
txnID: this.storedTxnID,
outID: r.outID,
inIndex: index,
inSequence: this.tx.ins[index].sequence
// Detect potential double spends
if (r.spendingTxnID !== null && r.spendingTxnID != this.storedTxnID) {`DOUBLE SPEND of ${r.txnTxid}-${r.outIndex} by ${this.txid}!`)
// Delete the existing transaction that has been double-spent:
// since the deepest block keeps its transactions, this will
// eventually work itself out, and the wallet will not show
// two transactions spending the same output.
// Record the inputs of interest in the database
await db.addInputs(inputs)
// Process the double spends
if (doubleSpentTxnIDs.length > 0) {
// Get txids to update LRU cache
const txs = await db.getTransactionsById(doubleSpentTxnIDs)
for (let tx of txs)
await db.deleteTransactionsByID(doubleSpentTxnIDs)
* Process transaction outputs
* @returns {Promise}
async _processOutputs() {
// Store outputs, keyed by address. Values are arrays of outputs
const indexedOutputs = {}
// Extracts outputs information
let index = 0
for (let output of this.tx.outs) {
try {
const address = bitcoin.address.fromOutputScript(output.script, activeNet)
if (!indexedOutputs[address])
indexedOutputs[address] = []
value: output.value,
script: output.script.toString('hex'),
} catch(e) {}
// Array of addresses receiving tx outputs
const addresses = _.keys(indexedOutputs)
// Store a list of known addresses that received funds
let fundedAddresses = []
// Get HD Accounts that own any of the output addresses
const result = await db.getHDAccountsByAddresses(addresses)
// Get outputs spending to loose addresses first
const aLooseAddr = await this._processOutputsLooseAddresses(result.loose, indexedOutputs)
fundedAddresses = fundedAddresses.concat(aLooseAddr)
// Get outputs spending to a tracked account
const aHdAcctAddr = await this._processOutputsHdAccounts(result.hd, indexedOutputs)
fundedAddresses = fundedAddresses.concat(aHdAcctAddr)
if (fundedAddresses.length == 0)
return null
// Flag the transaction for broadcast
this.doBroadcast = true
// Add the transaction to the database
await this._ensureTransaction()
// Associate transaction outputs with known addresses
const outputs = []
for (let a of fundedAddresses) {
txnID: this.storedTxnID,
addrID: a.addrID,
outIndex: a.outIndex,
outAmount: a.outAmount,
outScript: a.outScript,
await db.addOutputs(outputs)
* Process outputs sending to tracked loose addresses
* @param {object[]} addresses - array of address objects
* @param {object} indexedOutputs - outputs indexed by address
* @returns {Promise - object[]} return an array of funded addresses
* {addrID: ..., outIndex: ..., outAmount: ..., outScript: ...}
async _processOutputsLooseAddresses(addresses, indexedOutputs) {
// Store a list of known addresses that received funds
const fundedAddresses = []
// Get outputs spending to loose addresses first
for (let a of addresses) {
if (indexedOutputs[a.addrAddress]) {
for (let output of indexedOutputs[a.addrAddress]) {
addrID: a.addrID,
outIndex: output.index,
outAmount: output.value,
outScript: output.script,
return Promise.resolve(fundedAddresses)
* Process outputs sending to tracked hd accounts
* @param {object[]} hdAccounts - array of hd account objects
* @param {object} indexedOutputs - outputs indexed by address
* @returns {Promise - object[]} return an array of funded addresses
* {addrID: ..., outIndex: ..., outAmount: ..., outScript: ...}
async _processOutputsHdAccounts(hdAccounts, indexedOutputs) {
// Store a list of known addresses that received funds
const fundedAddresses = []
const xpubList = _.keys(hdAccounts)
if (xpubList.length > 0) {
await util.seriesCall(xpubList, async xpub => {
const usedNewAddresses = await this._deriveNewAddresses(
const usedNewResults = await db.getAddresses(usedNewAddresses)
// Append these address results to the hdAccount address list
Array.prototype.push.apply(hdAccounts[xpub].addresses, usedNewResults)
for (let entry of hdAccounts[xpub].addresses) {
if (indexedOutputs[entry.addrAddress]) {
for (let output of indexedOutputs[entry.addrAddress]) {
addrID: entry.addrID,
outIndex: output.index,
outAmount: output.value,
outScript: output.script,
return fundedAddresses
* Derive new addresses for a hd account
* Check if tx addresses are at or beyond the next unused
* index for the HD chain. Derive additional addresses
* to replace the gap limit and add those addresses to
* the database. Make sure to account for tx sending to
* newly-derived addresses.
* @param {string} xpub
* @param {object} hdAccount - hd account object
* @param {object} indexedOutputs - outputs indexed by address
* @returns {Promise - object[]} returns an array of the new addresses used
async _deriveNewAddresses(xpub, hdAccount, indexedOutputs) {
const hdType = hdAccount.hdType
let derivedIndices = [-1,-1]
// Get maximum derived address indices for each chain
derivedIndices = await db.getHDAccountDerivedIndices(xpub)
// Get the next unused chain indices for this account
const unusedIndices = await db.getHDAccountNextUnusedIndices(xpub)
const newAddresses = []
const usedNewAddresses = {}
// Get the maximum used index in the addresses
for (let chain of [0,1]) {
// Get addresses for this account that are on this chain
const chainAddresses = _.filter(hdAccount.addresses, v => {
return v.hdAddrChain == chain
if (chainAddresses.length == 0)
// Get the maximum used address on this chain
const chainMaxUsed = _.maxBy(chainAddresses, a => {
return a.hdAddrIndex
let chainMaxUsedIndex = chainMaxUsed.hdAddrIndex
// If max used index will not advance the unused index, move on
if (chainMaxUsedIndex < unusedIndices[chain])
// If max derived index is beyond max used index plus gap limit.
if (derivedIndices[chain] >= chainMaxUsedIndex + gapLimit[chain]) {
// Check that we don't have a hole in the next <gapLimit> indices
const nbDerivedIndicesForward = await db.getHDAccountNbDerivedIndices(
chainMaxUsedIndex + gapLimit[chain]
if (nbDerivedIndicesForward < gapLimit[chain] + 1) {
// Hole detected. Force derivation.
derivedIndices[chain] = chainMaxUsedIndex
} else {
// Move on
5 years ago
let done
do {
done = true
// Derive additional addresses beyond the max index...
// ..and including the gap limit beyond the max used
const minIdx = derivedIndices[chain] + 1
const maxIdx = chainMaxUsedIndex + gapLimit[chain] + 1
const indices = _.range(minIdx, maxIdx)
const derived = await hdaHelper.deriveAddresses(xpub, chain, indices, hdType)
Array.prototype.push.apply(newAddresses, derived)`Derived hdID(${hdAccount.hdID}) M/${chain}/${indices.join(',')}`)
// Update view of derived address indices
derivedIndices[chain] = chainMaxUsedIndex + gapLimit[chain]
// Check derived addresses for use in this transaction
for (let d of derived) {
if (indexedOutputs[d.address]) {`Derived address already in outputs: M/${d.chain}/${d.index}`)
// This transaction spends to an address
// beyond the original derived gap limit!
chainMaxUsedIndex = d.index
usedNewAddresses[d.address] = d
done = false
} while (!done)
await db.addAddressesToHDAccount(xpub, newAddresses)
return _.keys(usedNewAddresses)
* Store the transaction in database
* @returns {Promise}
async _ensureTransaction() {
if (this.storedTxnID == null) {
this.storedTxnID = await db.ensureTransactionId(this.txid)
await db.addTransaction({
txid: this.txid,
version: this.tx.version,
locktime: this.tx.locktime,
})`Storing transaction ${this.txid}`)
module.exports = Transaction