FROM node:14-alpine ENV NODE_ENV production ENV APP_DIR /home/node/app ARG TOR_LINUX_GID RUN set -ex && \ apk --no-cache add shadow bash gcc g++ make python3 # Add node user to tor group RUN addgroup -S -g ${TOR_LINUX_GID} tor && \ usermod -a -G tor node # Install forever RUN npm install -g forever # Create app directory RUN mkdir "$APP_DIR" && \ chown -R node:node "$APP_DIR" # Copy app source files into APP_DIR COPY . "$APP_DIR" # Install node modules required by the app RUN cd "$APP_DIR" && \ npm ci --only=production # Copy config file COPY ./docker/my-dojo/node/keys.index.js "$APP_DIR/keys/index.js" RUN chown node:node "$APP_DIR/keys/index.js" # Copy restart script COPY ./docker/my-dojo/node/ "$APP_DIR/" RUN chown node:node "$APP_DIR/" && \ chmod u+x "$APP_DIR/" && \ chmod g+x "$APP_DIR/" # Copy wait-for-it script COPY ./docker/my-dojo/node/ "$APP_DIR/" RUN chown node:node "$APP_DIR/" && \ chmod u+x "$APP_DIR/" && \ chmod g+x "$APP_DIR/" USER node