/*! * tracker/mempool-buffer.js * Copyright © 2019 – Katana Cryptographic Ltd. All Rights Reserved. */ 'use strict' const _ = require('lodash') const zmq = require('zeromq') const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib') const util = require('../lib/util') const Logger = require('../lib/logger') const db = require('../lib/db/mysql-db-wrapper') const network = require('../lib/bitcoin/network') const keys = require('../keys')[network.key] const AbstractProcessor = require('./abstract-processor') const Transaction = require('./transaction') const TransactionsBundle = require('./transactions-bundle') /** * A class managing a buffer for the mempool */ class MempoolProcessor extends AbstractProcessor { /** * Constructor * @param {object} notifSock - ZMQ socket used for notifications */ constructor(notifSock) { super(notifSock) // Mempool buffer this.mempoolBuffer = new TransactionsBundle() // ZeroMQ socket for bitcoind Txs messages this.txSock = null // ZeroMQ socket for pushtx messages this.pushTxSock = null // ZeroMQ socket for pushtx orchestrator messages this.orchestratorSock = null // Flag indicating if processor should process the transactions // Processor is deactivated if the tracker is late // (priority is given to the blockchain processor) this.isActive = false } /** * Start processing the mempool * @returns {Promise} */ async start() { this.checkUnconfirmedId = setInterval( _.bind(this.checkUnconfirmed, this), keys.tracker.unconfirmedTxsProcessPeriod ) await this.checkUnconfirmed() this.initSockets() this.processMempoolId = setInterval( _.bind(this.processMempool, this), keys.tracker.mempoolProcessPeriod ) await this.processMempool() /*this.displayStatsId = setInterval(_.bind(this.displayMempoolStats, this), 60000) await this.displayMempoolStats()*/ } /** * Stop processing */ async stop() { clearInterval(this.checkUnconfirmedId) clearInterval(this.processMempoolId) //clearInterval(this.displayStatsId) resolve(this.txSock.disconnect(keys.bitcoind.zmqTx).close()) resolve(this.pushTxSock.disconnect(keys.ports.notifpushtx).close()) resolve(this.orchestratorSock.disconnect(keys.ports.orchestrator).close()) } /** * Initialiaze ZMQ sockets */ async initSockets() { // Socket listening to pushTx this.pushTxSock = zmq.socket('sub') this.pushTxSock.connect(`tcp://${keys.ports.notifpushtx}`) this.pushTxSock.subscribe('pushtx') this.pushTxSock.on('message', (topic, message) => { switch (topic.toString()) { case 'pushtx': this.onPushTx(message) break default: Logger.info(topic.toString()) } }) Logger.info('Listening for pushTx') // Socket listening to pushTx Orchestrator this.orchestratorSock = zmq.socket('sub') this.orchestratorSock.connect(`tcp://${keys.ports.orchestrator}`) this.orchestratorSock.subscribe('pushtx') this.orchestratorSock.on('message', (topic, message) => { switch (topic.toString()) { case 'pushtx': this.onPushTx(message) break default: Logger.info(topic.toString()) } }) Logger.info('Listening for pushTx orchestrator') // Socket listening to bitcoind Txs messages this.txSock = zmq.socket('sub') this.txSock.connect(keys.bitcoind.zmqTx) this.txSock.subscribe('rawtx') this.txSock.on('message', (topic, message) => { switch (topic.toString()) { case 'rawtx': this.onTx(message) break default: Logger.info(topic.toString()) } }) Logger.info('Listening for mempool transactions') } /** * Process transactions from the mempool buffer * @returns {Promise} */ async processMempool() { // Refresh the isActive flag await this._refreshActiveStatus() const activeLbl = this.isActive ? 'active' : 'inactive' Logger.info(`Processing ${activeLbl} Mempool (${this.mempoolBuffer.size()} transactions)`) let currentMempool = new TransactionsBundle(this.mempoolBuffer.toArray()) this.mempoolBuffer.clear() const filteredTxs = await currentMempool.prefilterTransactions() return util.seriesCall(filteredTxs, async filteredTx => { const tx = new Transaction(filteredTx) const txCheck = await tx.checkTransaction() if (txCheck && txCheck.broadcast) this.notifyTx(txCheck.tx) }) } /** * On reception of a new transaction from bitcoind mempool * @param {Buffer} buf - transaction * @returns {Promise} */ async onTx(buf) { if (this.isActive) { try { let tx = bitcoin.Transaction.fromBuffer(buf) this.mempoolBuffer.addTransaction(tx) } catch (e) { Logger.error(e, 'MempoolProcessor.onTx()') return Promise.reject(e) } } return Promise.resolve() } /** * On reception of a new transaction from /pushtx * @param {Buffer} buf - transaction * @returns {Promise} */ async onPushTx(buf) { try { let pushedTx = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(buf.toString()) const txid = pushedTx.getId() Logger.info(`Processing tx for pushtx ${txid}`) if (!TransactionsBundle.cache.has(txid)) { // Process the transaction const tx = new Transaction(pushedTx) const txCheck = await tx.checkTransaction() // Notify the transaction if needed if (txCheck && txCheck.broadcast) this.notifyTx(txCheck.tx) } } catch (e) { Logger.error(e, 'MempoolProcessor.onPushTx()') return Promise.reject(e) } } /** * Check unconfirmed transactions * @returns {Promise} */ async checkUnconfirmed() { const t0 = Date.now() Logger.info('Processing unconfirmed transactions') const unconfirmedTxs = await db.getUnconfirmedTransactions() if (unconfirmedTxs.length > 0) { await util.seriesCall(unconfirmedTxs, tx => { try { return this.client.getrawtransaction(tx.txnTxid, true) .then(async rtx => { if (!rtx.blockhash) return null // Transaction is confirmed const block = await db.getBlockByHash(rtx.blockhash) if (block && block.blockID) { Logger.info(`Marking TXID ${tx.txnTxid} confirmed`) return db.confirmTransactions([tx.txnTxid], block.blockID) } }, () => { // Transaction not in mempool. Update LRU cache and database TransactionsBundle.cache.del(tx.txnTxid) // TODO: Notify clients of orphaned transaction return db.deleteTransaction(tx.txnTxid) } ) } catch(e) { Logger.error(e, 'MempoolProcessor.checkUnconfirmed()') } }) } // Logs const ntx = unconfirmedTxs.length const dt = ((Date.now() - t0) / 1000).toFixed(1) const per = (ntx == 0) ? 0 : ((Date.now() - t0) / ntx).toFixed(0) Logger.info(` Finished processing unconfirmed transactions ${dt}s, ${ntx} tx, ${per}ms/tx`) } /** * Sets the isActive flag */ async _refreshActiveStatus() { // Get highest header in the blockchain const info = await this.client.getblockchaininfo() const highestHeader = info.headers // Get highest block processed by the tracker const highestBlock = await db.getHighestBlock() if (highestBlock == null || highestBlock.blockHeight == 0) { this.isActive = false return } // Tolerate a delay of 6 blocks this.isActive = (highestHeader >= 550000) && (highestHeader <= highestBlock.blockHeight + 6) } /** * Log mempool statistics */ displayMempoolStats() { Logger.info(`Mempool Size: ${this.mempoolBuffer.size()}`) } } module.exports = MempoolProcessor