/*! * keys/index-example.js * Copyright (c) 2016-2018, Samourai Wallet (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License). */ const bitcoinNetwork = (process.env.COMMON_BTC_NETWORK == 'testnet') ? 'testnet' : 'bitcoin' /** * Desired structure of /keys/index.js, which is ignored in the repository. */ module.exports = { /* * Mainnet parameters */ [bitcoinNetwork]: { /* * Dojo version */ dojoVersion: process.env.DOJO_VERSION_TAG, /* * Bitcoind */ bitcoind: { // RPC API rpc: { // Login user: process.env.BITCOIND_RPC_USER, // Password pass: process.env.BITCOIND_RPC_PASSWORD, // IP address host: process.env.BITCOIND_IP, // TCP port port: parseInt(process.env.BITCOIND_RPC_PORT) }, // ZMQ Tx notifications zmqTx: `tcp://${process.env.BITCOIND_IP}:${process.env.BITCOIND_ZMQ_RAWTXS}`, // ZMQ Block notifications zmqBlk: `tcp://${process.env.BITCOIND_IP}:${process.env.BITCOIND_ZMQ_BLK_HASH}`, // Fee type (estimatesmartfee) feeType: process.env.NODE_FEE_TYPE }, /* * MySQL database */ db: { // User user: process.env.MYSQL_USER, // Password pass: process.env.MYSQL_PASSWORD, // IP address host: 'db', // TCP port port: 3306, // Db name database: process.env.MYSQL_DATABASE, // Timeout acquireTimeout: 15000, // Max number of concurrent connections // for each module connectionLimitApi: 50, connectionLimitTracker: 10, connectionLimitPushTxApi: 5, connectionLimitPushTxOrchestrator: 5 }, /* * TCP Ports */ ports: { // Port used by the API account: 8080, // Port used by pushtx pushtx: 8081, // Port used by the tracker for its notifications tracker: 5555, // Port used by pushtx for its notifications notifpushtx: 5556, // Port used by the pushtx orchestrator for its notifications orchestrator: 5557 }, /* * HTTPS * Activate only if node js is used as frontend web server * (no nginx proxy server) */ https: { // HTTPS for the API account: { // Activate https active: false, // Filepath of server private key // (shoud be stored in keys/sslcert) keypath: '', // Passphrase of the private key passphrase: '', // Filepath of server certificate // (shoud be stored in keys/sslcert) certpath: '', // Filepath of CA certificate // (shoud be stored in keys/sslcert) capath: '' }, // HTTPS for pushtx pushtx: { // Activate https active: false, // Filepath of server private key // (shoud be stored in keys/sslcert) keypath: '', // Passphrase of the private key passphrase: '', // Filepath of server certificate // (shoud be stored in keys/sslcert) certpath: '', // Filepath of CA certificate // (shoud be stored in keys/sslcert) capath: '' } }, /* * Authenticated access to the APIs (account & pushtx) */ auth: { // Name of the authentication strategy used // Available values: // null : No authentication // 'localApiKey' : authentication with a shared local api key activeStrategy: 'localApiKey', // Flag indicating if authenticated access is mandatory // (useful for launch, othewise should be true) // @todo Set to true !!! mandatory: true, // List of available authentication strategies strategies: { // Authentication with a shared local api key localApiKey: { // List of API keys (alphanumeric characters) apiKeys: [process.env.NODE_API_KEY], // Admin key (alphanumeric characters) adminKey: process.env.NODE_ADMIN_KEY, // DO NOT MODIFY configurator: 'localapikey-strategy-configurator' } }, // Configuration of Json Web Tokens // used for the management of authorizations jwt: { // Secret passphrase used by the server to sign the jwt // (alphanumeric characters) secret: process.env.NODE_JWT_SECRET, accessToken: { // Number of seconds after which the jwt expires expires: parseInt(process.env.NODE_JWT_ACCESS_EXPIRES) }, refreshToken: { // Number of seconds after which the jwt expires expires: parseInt(process.env.NODE_JWT_REFRESH_EXPIRES) } } }, /* * Prefixes used by the API * for /support and /status endpoints */ prefixes: { // Prefix for /support endpoint support: process.env.NODE_PREFIX_SUPPORT, // Prefix for /status endpoint status: process.env.NODE_PREFIX_STATUS, // Prefix for pushtx /status endpoint statusPushtx: process.env.NODE_PREFIX_STATUS_PUSHTX }, /* * Gaps used for derivation of keys */ gap: { // Gap for derivation of external addresses external: parseInt(process.env.NODE_GAP_EXTERNAL), // Gap for derivation of internal (change) addresses internal: parseInt(process.env.NODE_GAP_INTERNAL) }, /* * Multiaddr endpoint */ multiaddr: { // Number of transactions returned by the endpoint transactions: 50 }, /* * Third party explorers * used for fast scan of addresses */ explorers: { // Use local bitcoind for imports and rescans // or use OXT as a fallback // Values: active | inactive bitcoind: process.env.NODE_IMPORT_FROM_BITCOIND, // Use a SOCKS5 proxy for all communications with external services // Values: null if no socks5 proxy used, otherwise the url of the socks5 proxy socks5Proxy: 'socks5h://', // OXT (mainnet) oxt: process.env.NODE_URL_OXT_API, // BTC.COM (testnet) btccom: process.env.NODE_URL_BTCCOM_API }, /* * Max number of transactions per address * accepted during fast scan */ addrFilterThreshold: parseInt(process.env.NODE_ADDR_FILTER_THRESHOLD), /* * Pool of child processes * for parallel derivation of addresses * Be careful with these parameters ;) */ addrDerivationPool: { // Min number of child processes always running minNbChildren: parseInt(process.env.NODE_ADDR_DERIVATION_MIN_CHILD), // Max number of child processes allowed maxNbChildren: parseInt(process.env.NODE_ADDR_DERIVATION_MAX_CHILD), // Max duration acquireTimeoutMillis: 60000, // Parallel derivation threshold // (use parallel derivation if number of addresses to be derived // is greater than thresholdParalleDerivation) thresholdParallelDerivation: parseInt(process.env.NODE_ADDR_DERIVATION_THRESHOLD), }, /* * PushTx - Scheduler */ txsScheduler: { // Max number of transactions allowed in a single script maxNbEntries: parseInt(process.env.NODE_TXS_SCHED_MAX_ENTRIES), // Max number of blocks allowed in the future maxDeltaHeight: parseInt(process.env.NODE_TXS_SCHED_MAX_DELTA_HEIGHT) }, /* * Tracker */ tracker: { // Processing of mempool (periodicity in ms) mempoolProcessPeriod: parseInt(process.env.NODE_TRACKER_MEMPOOL_PERIOD), // Processing of unconfirmed transactions (periodicity in ms) unconfirmedTxsProcessPeriod: parseInt(process.env.NODE_TRACKER_UNCONF_TXS_PERIOD) } } }