/*! * lib/error.js * Copyright © 2019 – Katana Cryptographic Ltd. All Rights Reserved. */ 'use strict' /** * Dictionary of error codes */ module.exports = { get: { UNKNXPUB: 'Unknown xpub. Create with POST /xpub', DISALLOWED: 'GET not allowed. Use POST', }, body: { NODATA: 'No body data', NOXPUB: 'Missing body parameter "xpub"', NOTYPE: 'Missing body parameter "type"', NOADDR: 'Missing body parameter "address"', NOMSG: 'Missing body parameter "message"', NOSIG: 'Missing body parameter "signature"', NOSCRIPT: 'Missing body parameter "script"', SCRIPTSIZE: 'Too many entries in the script', NOTX: 'Missing body parameter "tx"', INVTYPE: 'Invalid value for parameter "type"', INVDATA: 'Invalid request arguments' }, sig: { INVSIG: 'Invalid bitcoin signature', INVMSG: 'Invalid message content', INVADDR: 'Incorrect bitcoin address used for signature', }, tx: { PARSE: 'Unable to parse transaction hex', SEND: 'Unable to broadcast transaction', TXID: 'Malformed txid', }, address: { INVALID: 'Invalid address', }, xpub: { INVALID: 'Invalid xpub', CHAIN: 'Invalid chain', PRIVKEY: 'No private keys', CREATE: 'Unable to create new HD account', RESTORE: 'Unable to restore HD account', OVERLAP: 'Import in progress', SEGWIT: 'Invalid value for SegWit support type', LOCKED: 'Unable to complete operation (locked xpub)' }, txout: { VOUT: 'Invalid vout', NOTFOUND: 'Unspent output not found', }, multiaddr: { NOACT: 'Missing parameter "active"', INVALID: 'No valid active entries', AMBIG: 'Ambiguous "new" parameter: pass only one xpub', }, generic: { GEN: 'Error', DB: 'Database Error', }, auth: { INVALID_CONF: 'Missing configuration parameter', INVALID_JWT: 'Invalid JSON Web Token', INVALID_PRF: 'Your current access rights do not allow this operation', MISSING_JWT: 'Missing JSON Web Token', TECH_ISSUE: 'A technical problem was encountered. Unable to authenticate the user', INVALID_API_KEY: 'Invalid API key', }, db: { ERROR_NO_ADDRESS: 'ERROR_NO_ADDRESS', ERROR_NO_HD_ACCOUNT: 'ERROR_NO_HD_ACCOUNT' }, pushtx: { NLOCK_MISMATCH: 'nLockTime in script does not match nLockTime in transaction', SCHEDULED_TOO_FAR: 'nLockTime is set to far in the future', SCHEDULED_BAD_ORDER: 'Order of hop and nLockTime values must be consistent', VIOLATION_STRICT_MODE_VOUTS: 'VIOLATION_STRICT_MODE_VOUTS' } }