/*! * lib/wallet/wallet-info.js * Copyright © 2019 – Katana Cryptographic Ltd. All Rights Reserved. */ 'use strict' const db = require('../db/mysql-db-wrapper') const util = require('../util') const rpcLatestBlock = require('../bitcoind-rpc/latest-block') const rpcFees = require('../bitcoind-rpc/fees') const addrService = require('../bitcoin/addresses-service') const HdAccountInfo = require('./hd-account-info') const AddressInfo = require('./address-info') /** * A class storing information about a (full|partial) wallet * Provides a set of methods allowing to retrieve specific information */ class WalletInfo { /** * Constructor * @param {object} entities - wallet entities (hdaccounts, addresses, pubkeys) */ constructor(entities) { // Initializes wallet properties this.entities = entities this.wallet = { finalBalance: 0 } this.info = { fees: {}, latestBlock: { height: rpcLatestBlock.height, hash: rpcLatestBlock.hash, time: rpcLatestBlock.time, } } this.addresses = [] this.txs = [] this.unspentOutputs = [] this.nTx = 0 } /** * Ensure hd accounts exist in database * @returns {Promise} */ async ensureHdAccounts() { return util.parallelCall(this.entities.xpubs, async xpub => { const hdaInfo = new HdAccountInfo(xpub) return hdaInfo.ensureHdAccount() }) } /** * Load information about the hd accounts * @returns {Promise} */ async loadHdAccountsInfo() { return util.parallelCall(this.entities.xpubs, async xpub => { const hdaInfo = new HdAccountInfo(xpub) await hdaInfo.loadInfo() this.wallet.finalBalance += hdaInfo.finalBalance this.addresses.push(hdaInfo) }) } /** * Ensure addresses exist in database * @returns {Promise} */ async ensureAddresses() { const importAddrs = [] const addrIdMap = await db.getAddressesIds(this.entities.addrs) for (let addr of this.entities.addrs) { if (!addrIdMap[addr]) importAddrs.push(addr) } // Import new addresses return addrService.restoreAddresses(importAddrs, true) } /** * Filter addresses that belong to an active hd account * @returns {Promise} */ async filterAddresses() { const res = await db.getXpubByAddresses(this.entities.addrs) for (let addr in res) { let xpub = res[addr] if (this.entities.xpubs.indexOf(xpub) > -1) { let i = this.entities.addrs.indexOf(addr) if (i > -1) { this.entities.addrs.splice(i, 1) this.entities.pubkeys.splice(i, 1) } } } } /** * Load information about the addresses * @returns {Promise} */ async loadAddressesInfo() { return util.parallelCall(this.entities.addrs, async address => { const addrInfo = new AddressInfo(address) await addrInfo.loadInfo() this.wallet.finalBalance += addrInfo.finalBalance this.addresses.push(addrInfo) }) } /** * Loads a partial list of transactions for this wallet * @param {integer} page - page index * @param {integer} count - number of transactions per page * @param {boolean} txBalance - True if past wallet balance * should be computed for each transaction * @returns {Promise} */ async loadTransactions(page, count, txBalance) { this.txs = await db.getTxsByAddrAndXpubs( this.entities.addrs, this.entities.xpubs, page, count ) if (txBalance) { // Computes wallet balance after each transaction let balance = this.wallet.finalBalance for (let i = 0; i < this.txs.length; i++) { this.txs[i].balance = balance balance -= this.txs[i].result } } } /** * Loads the number of transactions for this wallet * @returns {Promise} */ async loadNbTransactions() { const nbTxs = await db.getAddrAndXpubsNbTransactions( this.entities.addrs, this.entities.xpubs ) if (nbTxs !== null) this.nTx = nbTxs } /** * Loads tinfo about the fee rates * @returns {Promise} */ async loadFeesInfo() { this.info.fees = await rpcFees.getFees() } /** * Loads the list of unspent outputs for this wallet * @returns {Promise} */ async loadUtxos() { // Load the utxos for the hd accounts await util.parallelCall(this.entities.xpubs, async xpub => { const hdaInfo = new HdAccountInfo(xpub) const utxos = await hdaInfo.loadUtxos() for (let utxo of utxos) this.unspentOutputs.push(utxo) }) // Load the utxos for the addresses const utxos = await db.getUnspentOutputs(this.entities.addrs) for (let utxo of utxos) { const conf = (utxo.blockHeight == null) ? 0 : (rpcLatestBlock.height - utxo.blockHeight + 1) const entry = { tx_hash: utxo.txnTxid, tx_output_n: utxo.outIndex, tx_version: utxo.txnVersion, tx_locktime: utxo.txnLocktime, value: utxo.outAmount, script: utxo.outScript, addr: utxo.addrAddress, confirmations: conf } this.unspentOutputs.push(entry) } // Order the utxos this.unspentOutputs.sort((a,b) => b.confirmations - a.confirmations) } /** * Post process addresses and public keys */ postProcessAddresses() { for (let b = 0; b < this.entities.pubkeys.length; b++) { const pk = this.entities.pubkeys[b] if (pk) { const address = this.entities.addrs[b] // Add pubkeys in this.addresses for (let c = 0; c < this.addresses.length; c++) { if (address == this.addresses[c].address) this.addresses[c].pubkey = pk } // Add pubkeys in this.txs for (let d = 0; d < this.txs.length; d++) { // inputs for (let e = 0; e < this.txs[d].inputs.length; e++) { if (address == this.txs[d].inputs[e].prev_out.addr) this.txs[d].inputs[e].prev_out.pubkey = pk } // outputs for (let e = 0; e < this.txs[d].out.length; e++) { if (address == this.txs[d].out[e].addr) this.txs[d].out[e].pubkey = pk } } // Add pubkeys in this.unspentOutputs for (let f = 0; f < this.unspentOutputs.length; f++) { if (address == this.unspentOutputs[f].addr) { this.unspentOutputs[f].pubkey = pk } } } } } /** * Post process hd accounts (xpubs translations) */ postProcessHdAccounts() { for (let b = 0; b < this.entities.xpubs.length; b++) { const entityXPub = this.entities.xpubs[b] const entityYPub = this.entities.ypubs[b] const entityZPub = this.entities.zpubs[b] if (entityYPub || entityZPub) { const tgtXPub = entityYPub ? entityYPub : entityZPub // Translate xpub => ypub/zpub in this.addresses for (let c = 0; c < this.addresses.length; c++) { if (entityXPub == this.addresses[c].address) this.addresses[c].address = tgtXPub } // Translate xpub => ypub/zpub in this.txs for (let d = 0; d < this.txs.length; d++) { // inputs for (let e = 0; e < this.txs[d].inputs.length; e++) { const xpub = this.txs[d].inputs[e].prev_out.xpub if (xpub && (xpub.m == entityXPub)) this.txs[d].inputs[e].prev_out.xpub.m = tgtXPub } // outputs for (let e = 0; e < this.txs[d].out.length; e++) { const xpub = this.txs[d].out[e].xpub if (xpub && (xpub.m == entityXPub)) this.txs[d].out[e].xpub.m = tgtXPub } } // Translate xpub => ypub/zpub in this.unspentOutputs for (let f = 0; f < this.unspentOutputs.length; f++) { const xpub = this.unspentOutputs[f].xpub if (xpub && (xpub.m == entityXPub)) { this.unspentOutputs[f].xpub.m = tgtXPub } } } } } /** * Return a plain old js object with wallet properties * @returns {object} */ toPojo() { return { wallet: { final_balance: this.wallet.finalBalance }, info: { fees: this.info.fees, latest_block: this.info.latestBlock }, addresses: this.addresses.map(a => a.toPojo()), txs: this.txs, unspent_outputs: this.unspentOutputs, n_tx: this.nTx } } } module.exports = WalletInfo