FROM node:12-buster ENV APP_DIR /home/node/app ENV EXPLORER_URL ENV EXPLORER_VERSION 2.1.0 # Install netcat RUN set -ex && \ apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y netcat # Download the source code and install it RUN set -ex && \ mkdir "$APP_DIR" && \ wget -qO explorer.tar.gz "$EXPLORER_URL/v$EXPLORER_VERSION.tar.gz" && \ tar -xzvf explorer.tar.gz -C "$APP_DIR/" --strip-components 1 && \ rm explorer.tar.gz && \ cd "$APP_DIR" && \ npm install --only=prod && \ chown -R node:node "$APP_DIR" # Copy restart script COPY ./ "$APP_DIR/" RUN chown node:node "$APP_DIR/" && \ chmod u+x "$APP_DIR/" && \ chmod g+x "$APP_DIR/" EXPOSE 3002 USER node