######################################### # CONFIGURATION OF A LOCAL INDEXER ######################################### # Install and run a local indexer inside Docker # Set this option to 'off' for using an indexer hosted outside of Docker # or when using a different data source (local bitcoind, OXT) # Value: on | off INDEXER_INSTALL=off # IP address of the local indexer used by Dojo # Set value to if INDEXER_INSTALL is set to 'on' # Type: string INDEXER_IP= # Port of the RPC API # Set value to 50001 if INDEXER_INSTALL is set to 'on' # Type: integer INDEXER_RPC_PORT=50001 # Support of batch requests by the local indexer # Set value to inactive if INDEXER_INSTALL is set to 'on' # Value: active | inactive INDEXER_BATCH_SUPPORT=inactive # # EXPERT SETTINGS # (ACTIVE IF INDEXER_INSTALL IS SET TO ON) # # Number of blocks to get in one JSONRPC request from bitcoind # Type: integer INDEXER_BATCH_SIZE=10 # Total size of block txids to cache (in MB) # Type: integer INDEXER_BLK_TXIDS_CACHE_SIZE_MB=10 # Number of transactions to lookup before returning an error # Type: integer INDEXER_TXID_LIMIT=501