/*! * lib/bitcoind_rpc/rpc-client.js * Copyright © 2019 – Katana Cryptographic Ltd. All Rights Reserved. */ 'use strict' const rpc = require('bitcoind-rpc-client') const network = require('../bitcoin/network') const keys = require('../../keys')[network.key] const util = require('../util') const Logger = require('../logger') /** * Wrapper for bitcoind rpc client */ class RpcClient { /** * Constructor */ constructor() { // Initiliaze the rpc client this.client = new rpc({ host: keys.bitcoind.rpc.host, port: keys.bitcoind.rpc.port }) this.client.set('user', keys.bitcoind.rpc.user) this.client.set('pass', keys.bitcoind.rpc.pass) // Initialize a proxy postprocessing api calls return new Proxy(this, { get: function(target, name, receiver) { const origMethod = target.client[name] return async function(...args) { const result = await origMethod.apply(target.client, args) if (Array.isArray(result)) { return result } else if (result.result) { return result.result } else if (result.error) { throw result.error } else { throw 'A problem was met with a request sent to bitcoind RPC API' } } } }) } /** * Check if an error returned by bitcoin-rpc-client * is a connection error. * @param {string} err - error message * @returns {boolean} returns true if message related to a connection error */ static isConnectionError(err) { if (typeof err != 'string') return false const isTimeoutError = (err.indexOf('connect ETIMEDOUT') != -1) const isConnRejected = (err.indexOf('Connection Rejected') != -1) return (isTimeoutError || isConnRejected) } /** * Check if the rpc api is ready to process requests * @returns {Promise} */ static async waitForBitcoindRpcApi() { let client = new RpcClient() try { await client.getblockchaininfo() } catch(e) { client = null Logger.info('Bitcoind RPC API is still unreachable. New attempt in 20s.') return util.delay(20000).then(() => { return RpcClient.waitForBitcoindRpcApi() }) } } } module.exports = RpcClient