/*! * accounts/notification-web-sockets.js * Copyright © 2019 – Katana Cryptographic Ltd. All Rights Reserved. */ 'use strict' const _ = require('lodash') const LRU = require('lru-cache') const WebSocket = require('websocket') const Logger = require('../lib/logger') const network = require('../lib/bitcoin/network') const keys = require('../keys')[network.key] const apiHelper = require('./api-helper') const status = require('./status') const authMgr = require('../lib/auth/authorizations-manager') const debug = !!(process.argv.indexOf('ws-debug') > -1) /** * A class providing a notifications server over web sockets */ class NotificationsService { /** * Constructor * @param {object} server - listening instance of a http server */ constructor(server) { // Web sockets server this.ws = null // Dictionary of connections this.conn = {} // Dictionary of subscriptions this.subs = {} // Dictionary mapping addresses to pubkeys this.cachePubKeys = {} // Cache registering the most recent subscriptions received // Used to filter multiple subscriptions sent by external apps. this.cacheSubs = new LRU({ // Maximum number of subscriptions to store in cache // Estimate: 1000 clients with an average of 5 subscriptions max: 5000, // Function used to compute length of item length: (n, key) => 1, // Maximum age for items in the cache (1mn) maxAge: 60000 }) // Initialize the web socket server this._initWSServer(server) } /** * Initialize the web sockets server * @param {object} server - listening instance of a http server */ _initWSServer(server) { this.ws = new WebSocket.server({httpServer: server}) Logger.info('API : Created WebSocket server') this.ws.on('request', req => { try { let conn = req.accept(null, req.origin) conn.id = status.sessions++ conn.subs = [] debug && Logger.info(`API : Client ${conn.id} connected`) conn.on('close', () => { this._closeWSConnection(conn, false) }) conn.on('error', err => { Logger.error(err, `API : NotificationsService : Error on connection ${conn.id}`) if (conn.connected) this._closeWSConnection(conn, true) }) conn.on('message', msg => { if (msg.type == 'utf8') this._handleWSMessage(msg.utf8Data, conn) else this._closeWSConnection(conn, true) }) this.conn[conn.id] = conn status.clients = status.clients + 1 status.maxConn = Math.max(status.maxConn, Object.keys(this.conn).length) } catch(e) { Logger.error(e, `API : NotificationsService._initWSServer() : Error during request accept`) } }) } /** * Close a web sockets connection * @param {object} conn - web socket connection * @param {boolean} forcedClose - true if close initiated by server */ _closeWSConnection(conn, forcedClose) { try { for (let topic of conn.subs) { this._unsub(topic, conn.id) // Close initiated by client, remove subscriptions from cache if (!forcedClose && this.cacheSubs.has(topic)) this.cacheSubs.del(topic) } if (this.conn[conn.id]) { delete this.conn[conn.id] status.clients = status.clients - 1 } // Close initiated by server, drop the connection if (forcedClose && conn.connected) conn.drop(1008, 'Get out of here!') debug && Logger.info(`API : Client ${conn.id} disconnected`) } catch(e) { Logger.error(e, 'API : NotificationsService._closeWSConnection()') } } /** * Filter potential duplicate subscriptions * @param {string} msg - subscription received * @returns {boolean} returns false if it's a duplicate, true otherwise. */ _filterWSMessage(msg) { if (this.cacheSubs.has(msg)) { debug && Logger.info('API : Duplicate subscriptions detected') return false } else { this.cacheSubs.set(msg, true) return true } } /** * Handle messages received over the web sockets * (subscriptions) * @param {string} msg - subscription received * @param {object} conn - connection */ _handleWSMessage(msg, conn) { try { debug && Logger.info(`API : Received from client ${conn.id}: ${msg}`) const data = JSON.parse(msg) // Check authentication (if needed) if (authMgr.authActive && authMgr.isMandatory) { try { authMgr.isAuthenticated(data.at) } catch(e) { this.notifyAuthError(e, conn.id) return } } switch(data.op) { case 'ping': conn.sendUTF('{"op": "pong"}') break case 'addr_sub': if (data.addr) { // Check for potential flood by clients // subscribing for the same xpub again and again if (this._filterWSMessage(data.addr)) this._entitysub(data.addr, conn) else this._closeWSConnection(conn, true) } break case 'blocks_sub': this._addsub('block', conn) break } } catch(e) { Logger.error(e, 'API : NotificationsService._handleWSMessage() : WebSocket message error') } } /** * Subscribe to a list of addresses/xpubs/pubkeys * @param {string} topic - topic * @param {object} conn - connection asking for subscription */ _entitysub(topic, conn) { const valid = apiHelper.parseEntities(topic) for (let a in valid.addrs) { const address = valid.addrs[a] this._addsub(address, conn) if (valid.pubkeys[a]) { this.cachePubKeys[address] = valid.pubkeys[a] } } for (let xpub of valid.xpubs) this._addsub(xpub, conn) } /** * Subscribe to a topic * @param {string} topic - topic * @param {object} conn - connection asking for subscription */ _addsub(topic, conn) { if (conn.subs.indexOf(topic) >= 0) return false conn.subs.push(topic) if (!this.subs[topic]) this.subs[topic] = [] this.subs[topic].push(conn.id) debug && Logger.info(`API : Client ${conn.id} subscribed to ${topic}`) } /** * Unsubscribe from a topic * @param {string} topic - topic * @param {int} cid - client id */ _unsub(topic, cid) { if (!this.subs[topic]) return false const index = this.subs[topic].indexOf(cid) if (index < 0) return false this.subs[topic].splice(index, 1) if (this.subs[topic].length == 0) { delete this.subs[topic] if (this.cachePubKeys.hasOwnProperty(topic)) delete this.cachePubKeys[topic] } return true } /** * Dispatch a notification to all clients * who have subscribed to a topic * @param {string} topic - topic * @param {string} msg - content of the notification */ dispatch(topic, msg) { if (!this.subs[topic]) return for (let cid of this.subs[topic]) { if (!this.conn[cid]) continue try { this.conn[cid].sendUTF(msg) } catch(e) { Logger.error(e, `API : NotificationsService.dispatch() : Error sending dispatch for ${topic} to client ${cid}`) } } } /** * Dispatch notifications for a new block * @param {string} header - block header */ notifyBlock(header) { try { const data = { op: 'block', x: header } this.dispatch('block', JSON.stringify(data)) } catch(e) { Logger.error(e, `API : NotificationsService.notifyBlock()`) } } /** * Dispatch notifications for a transaction * * Transaction notification operates within these constraints: * 1. Notify each client ONCE of a relevant transaction * 2. Maintain privacy of other parties when transactions are between clients * * Clients subscribe to a list of xpubs and addresses. Transactions identify * address and xpub if available on inputs and outputs, omitting inputs and * outputs for untracked addresses. * * Example: * tx * inputs * addr1 * xpub2 * outputs * xpub1 * xpub2 * addr2 * xpub3 * * subs * addr1: client1, client2 * addr2: client1 * xpub1: client1 * xpub2: client2 * xpub4: client3 * * client1: addr1, addr2, xpub1 * client2: addr1, xpub2 * client3: xpub4 * * tx -> client1 * inputs * addr1 * outputs * xpub1 * addr2 * * tx -> client2 * inputs * addr1 * xpub2 * outputs * xpub2 * * @param {object} tx - transaction * * @note Synchronous processing done by this method * may become a bottleneck in the future if under heavy load. * Split in multiple async calls might make sense. */ notifyTransaction(tx) { try { // Topics extracted from the transaction const topics = {} // Client subscriptions: {[cid]: [topic1, topic2, ...]} const clients = {} // Extract topics from the inputs for (let i in tx.inputs) { let input = tx.inputs[i] let topic = null if (input.prev_out) { // Topic is either xpub or addr. Should it be both? if (input.prev_out.xpub) { topic = input.prev_out.xpub.m } else if (input.prev_out.addr) { topic = input.prev_out.addr } } if (this.subs[topic]) { topics[topic] = true // Add topic information to the input input.topic = topic } } // Extract topics from the outputs for (let o in tx.out) { let output = tx.out[o] let topic = null if (output.xpub) { topic = output.xpub.m } else if (output.addr) { topic = output.addr } if (this.subs[topic]) { topics[topic] = true // Add topic information to the output output.topic = topic } } for (let topic in topics) { for (let cid of this.subs[topic]) { if (!clients[cid]) clients[cid] = [] if (clients[cid].indexOf(topic) == -1) clients[cid].push(topic) } } // Tailor a transaction for each client for (let cid in clients) { const ctx = _.cloneDeep(tx) ctx.inputs = [] ctx.out = [] // List of topics relevant to this client const clientTopics = clients[cid] // Check for topic information on inputs & outputs (added above) for (let input of tx.inputs) { const topic = input.topic if (topic && clientTopics.indexOf(topic) > -1) { const cin = _.cloneDeep(input) delete cin.topic if (this.cachePubKeys.hasOwnProperty(topic)) cin.pubkey = this.cachePubKeys[topic] ctx.inputs.push(cin) } } for (let output of tx.out) { const topic = output.topic if (topic && clientTopics.indexOf(topic) > -1) { const cout = _.cloneDeep(output) delete cout.topic if (this.cachePubKeys.hasOwnProperty(topic)) cout.pubkey = this.cachePubKeys[topic] ctx.out.push(cout) } } // Move on if the custom transaction has no inputs or outputs if (ctx.inputs.length == 0 && ctx.out.length == 0) continue // Send custom transaction to client const data = { op: 'utx', x: ctx } try { this.conn[cid].sendUTF(JSON.stringify(data)) debug && Logger.error(`API : Sent ctx ${ctx.hash} to client ${cid}`) } catch(e) { Logger.error(e, `API : NotificationsService.notifyTransaction() : Trouble sending ctx to client ${cid}`) } } } catch(e) { Logger.error(e, `API : NotificationsService.notifyTransaction()`) } } /** * Dispatch notification for an authentication error * @param {string} err - error * @param {integer} cid - connection id */ notifyAuthError(err, cid) { const data = { op: 'error', msg: err } try { this.conn[cid].sendUTF(JSON.stringify(data)) debug && Logger.error(`API : Sent authentication error to client ${cid}`) } catch(e) { Logger.error(e, `API : NotificationsService.notifyAuthError() : Trouble sending authentication error to client ${cid}`) } } } module.exports = NotificationsService