FROM debian:buster ENV WHIRLPOOL_HOME /home/whirlpool ENV WHIRLPOOL_DIR /usr/local/whirlpool-cli # Install prerequisites # Create group & user whirlpool # Create .whirlpool-cli subdirectory of WHIRLPOOL_HOME # Create /usr/local/src/whirlpool-cli directory RUN set -ex && \ apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y libevent-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev gcc make automake ca-certificates autoconf musl-dev coreutils gpg wget default-jdk && \ addgroup --system -gid 1113 whirlpool && \ adduser --system --ingroup whirlpool -uid 1110 whirlpool && \ mkdir -p "$WHIRLPOOL_HOME/.whirlpool-cli" && \ chown -Rv whirlpool:whirlpool "$WHIRLPOOL_HOME" && \ chmod -R 750 "$WHIRLPOOL_HOME" && \ mkdir -p "$WHIRLPOOL_DIR" # Install Tor ENV WHIRLPOOL_TOR_URL ENV WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION ENV WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KS_URI hkp:// ENV WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KEY1 0xEB5A896A28988BF5 ENV WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KEY2 0xC218525819F78451 ENV WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KEY3 0x21194EBB165733EA ENV WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KEY4 0x6AFEE6D49E92B601 RUN set -ex && \ mkdir -p /usr/local/src/ && \ cd /usr/local/src && \ wget -qO "tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION.tar.gz" "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_URL/tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION.tar.gz" && \ wget -qO "tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION.tar.gz.asc" "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_URL/tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION.tar.gz.asc" && \ gpg --keyserver "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KS_URI" --recv-keys "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KEY1" && \ gpg --keyserver "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KS_URI" --recv-keys "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KEY2" && \ gpg --keyserver "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KS_URI" --recv-keys "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KEY3" && \ gpg --keyserver "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KS_URI" --recv-keys "$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_GPG_KEY4" && \ gpg --verify "tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION.tar.gz.asc" && \ tar -xzvf "tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION.tar.gz" -C /usr/local/src && \ cd "/usr/local/src/tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION" && \ ./configure \ --disable-asciidoc \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --disable-unittests && \ make && make install && \ cd .. && \ rm -rf "tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION" && \ rm "tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION.tar.gz" && \ rm "tor-$WHIRLPOOL_TOR_VERSION.tar.gz.asc" # Install whirlpool-cli ENV WHIRLPOOL_URL ENV WHIRLPOOL_VERSION 0.10.5 ENV WHIRLPOOL_JAR "whirlpool-client-cli-$WHIRLPOOL_VERSION-run.jar" ENV WHIRLPOOL_SHA256 94da0b3dc3da1a6292d7ffe74c0cba324a8b553437e66898e86312051ee1b84f RUN set -ex && \ cd "$WHIRLPOOL_DIR" && \ echo "$WHIRLPOOL_SHA256 *$WHIRLPOOL_JAR" > WHIRLPOOL_CHECKSUMS && \ wget -qO "$WHIRLPOOL_JAR" "$WHIRLPOOL_URL/$WHIRLPOOL_VERSION/$WHIRLPOOL_JAR" && \ sha256sum -c WHIRLPOOL_CHECKSUMS 2>&1 | grep OK && \ mv "$WHIRLPOOL_JAR" whirlpool-client-cli-run.jar && \ chown -Rv whirlpool:whirlpool "$WHIRLPOOL_DIR" && \ chmod -R 750 "$WHIRLPOOL_DIR" # Copy restart script COPY ./ / RUN chown whirlpool:whirlpool / && \ chmod u+x / && \ chmod g+x / # Expose HTTP API port EXPOSE 8898 # Switch to user whirlpool USER whirlpool