/*! * tracker/block.js * Copyright © 2019 – Katana Cryptographic Ltd. All Rights Reserved. */ 'use strict' const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib') const util = require('../lib/util') const Logger = require('../lib/logger') const db = require('../lib/db/mysql-db-wrapper') const Transaction = require('./transaction') const TransactionsBundle = require('./transactions-bundle') /** * A class allowing to process a transaction */ class Block extends TransactionsBundle { /** * Constructor * @param {string} hex - block in hex format * @param {string} header - block header */ constructor(hex, header) { super() this.hex = hex this.header = header try { if (hex != null) { const block = bitcoin.Block.fromHex(hex) this.transactions = block.transactions } } catch (e) { Logger.error(e, 'Tracker : Block()') Logger.error(null, header) return Promise.reject(e) } } /** * Register the block and transactions of interest in db * @dev This method isn't used anymore. * It has been replaced by a parallel processing of blocks. * (see blocks-processor and block-worker) * @returns {Promise} returns an array of transactions to be broadcast */ async processBlock() { Logger.info('Tracker : Beginning to process new block.') const t0 = Date.now() const txsForBroadcast = new Map() const txsForBroadcast1 = await this.processOutputs() txsForBroadcast1.map(tx => {txsForBroadcast.set(tx.getId(), tx)}) const txsForBroadcast2 = await this.processInputs() txsForBroadcast2.map(tx => {txsForBroadcast.set(tx.getId(), tx)}) const aTxsForBroadcast = [...txsForBroadcast.values()] const blockId = await this.registerBlock() await this.confirmTransactions(aTxsForBroadcast, blockId) // Logs and result returned const ntx = this.transactions.length const dt = ((Date.now()-t0)/1000).toFixed(1) const per = ((Date.now()-t0)/ntx).toFixed(0) Logger.info(`Tracker : Finished block ${this.header.height}, ${dt}s, ${ntx} tx, ${per}ms/tx`) return aTxsForBroadcast } /** * Process the transaction outputs * @returns {Promise} returns an array of transactions to be broadcast */ async processOutputs() { const txsForBroadcast = new Set() const filteredTxs = await this.prefilterByOutputs() await util.parallelCall(filteredTxs, async filteredTx => { const tx = new Transaction(filteredTx) await tx.processOutputs() if (tx.doBroadcast) txsForBroadcast.add(tx.tx) }) return [...txsForBroadcast] } /** * Process the transaction inputs * @returns {Promise} returns an array of transactions to be broadcast */ async processInputs() { const txsForBroadcast = new Set() const filteredTxs = await this.prefilterByInputs() await util.parallelCall(filteredTxs, async filteredTx => { const tx = new Transaction(filteredTx) await tx.processInputs() if (tx.doBroadcast) txsForBroadcast.add(tx.tx) }) return [...txsForBroadcast] } /** * Store the block in db * @returns {Promise} returns the id of the block */ async registerBlock() { const prevBlock = await db.getBlockByHash(this.header.previousblockhash) const prevID = (prevBlock && prevBlock.blockID) ? prevBlock.blockID : null const blockId = await db.addBlock({ blockHeight: this.header.height, blockHash: this.header.hash, blockTime: this.header.time, blockParent: prevID }) Logger.info(`Tracker : Added block ${this.header.height} (id=${blockId})`) return blockId } /** * Confirm the transactions in db * @param {Set} txs - set of transactions stored in db * @param {number} blockId - id of the block * @returns {Promise} */ async confirmTransactions(txs, blockId) { const txids = txs.map(t => t.getId()) const txidLists = util.splitList(txids, 100) return util.parallelCall(txidLists, list => db.confirmTransactions(list, blockId)) } /** * Register the block header * @param {number} prevBlockID - id of previous block * @returns {Promise} */ async checkBlockHeader(prevBlockID) { Logger.info('Tracker : Beginning to process new block header.') // Insert the block header into the database const blockId = await db.addBlock({ blockHeight: this.header.height, blockHash: this.header.hash, blockTime: this.header.time, blockParent: prevBlockID }) Logger.info(`Tracker : Added block header ${this.header.height} (id=${blockId})`) return blockId } } module.exports = Block