@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import os |
import sys |
import glob |
import re |
import subprocess |
usb_dev_pattern = ['sd.*'] |
usb_part_pattern = ['sd.[1-9]*'] |
@ -78,6 +79,11 @@ def usb_partition_table(): |
table[partition] = int(usb_part_size(partition)) |
return table |
def get_partition_type(partition): |
command = ['blkid', '-o', 'value', '-s', 'TYPE', f'/dev/{partition}'] |
output = subprocess.run(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout |
return output.decode('utf-8').rstrip() |
''' |
Main Entrypoint |
''' |
@ -95,116 +101,148 @@ def main(): |
print('Data mount exists') |
if len(usb_devs()) == 1: |
if len(usb_partitions()) < 1: |
try: |
print("Running parted...") |
os.system('/sbin/parted -s /dev/sda mkpart p ext4 3 100%'); |
print('Making first partition'); |
os.system('/sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/sda1'); |
except: |
print('Error running parted'); |
sys.exit(1); |
else: |
print("Already partitioned") |
if len(usb_partitions()) == 1: |
try: |
os.system('/bin/mount /dev/' + usb_partitions()[0] + ' /mnt/data') |
# if .rekt exists or bitcoin directory doesnt exist (because the drive is a factory default) |
# then wipe the drive and format it with EXT4 |
if os.path.exists('/mnt/data/.rekt') or not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/bitcoin'): |
print('REKT file exists OR bitcoin folder not found... So lets format it') |
# unmount before format |
os.system('/bin/umount /mnt/data') |
print('Initializing filesystem') |
os.system('/sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/' + usb_partitions()[0]) |
# remount |
os.system('/bin/mount -t ext4 /dev/' + usb_partitions()[0] + ' /mnt/data') |
''' |
Get Size of SDA and partition info |
''' |
first_part = dev_size('sda') / (1000*1000) |
prune_setting = int(first_part / 2) |
if first_part < 512000: |
print("Pruning the config, because drive is less than 512 GB") |
os.system('/bin/sed -i "s/prune=550/prune=' + str(prune_setting) + '/g;" ' + str(homedirpath) + '/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf') |
else: |
print("Switching off pruning, and turn on txindex") |
os.system('/bin/sed -i "s/prune=550/#prune=550/g;" ' + str(homedirpath) + '/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf') |
os.system('/bin/sed -i "s/#txindex=1/txindex=1/g;" ' + str(homedirpath) + '/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf') |
''' |
Setup secrets, db, bitcoin, nginx, and lnd directory.. as a new install |
''' |
print('Setup secrets, db, bitcoin, nginx, tor and lnd directory.. as a new install') |
# STEP to check If no partitions found |
if len(usb_partitions()) < 1: |
try: |
# hardcoded sda for now.. may try out usb_devs() later and see for a more smoother experience |
print("Running parted...") |
os.system('/sbin/parted -s /dev/sda mkpart p ext4 3 100%'); |
print('Making first partition'); |
os.system('/sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/sda1'); |
except: |
print('Error running parted'); |
sys.exit(1); |
else: |
print("Already partitioned.. proceed with next step") |
# END STEP for no partitions found |
# Check for more than 1 partition (and one drive only) |
# if so get rid of it all |
if len(usb_devs()) != 1: |
print('More than one drive is not supported'); |
sys.exit(1); |
else: |
if len(usb_partitions()) > 1: |
print('More than one partition found! Flattening the curve..'); |
device_name=str(usb_partitions()[0])[:-1] |
for partition in usb_partitions(): |
pn = partition.replace(device_name,'') |
os.system('/sbin/parted -s /dev/' + device_name + ' rm ' + pn) |
# Check for number of partitions (only 1 partition is supported |
if len(usb_devs()) != 1: |
print('No drives or unexpected number of drives detected!') |
sys.exit(1); |
else: |
# Proceed to mounting the drive (and formatting for good measure :D) |
try: |
os.system('/bin/mount /dev/' + usb_partitions()[0] + ' /mnt/data') |
# If not EXT4, delete partition and format (format for good measure) |
if not get_partition_type(usb_partitions()[0]) == "ext4": |
print('Not an EXT filesystem, remove all partitions') |
device_name=str(usb_partitions()[0])[:-1] |
for p in usb_partitions(): |
pn = p.replace(device_name,'') |
os.system('parted -s /dev/' + device_name + ' rm ' + pn); |
print('Running parted, and recreating partition as EXT4') |
os.system('/sbin/parted -s /dev/' + device_name + ' mkpart p ext4 3 100%'); |
os.system('/sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/' + device_name + '1'); |
# if .rekt exists or bitcoin directory doesnt exist (because the drive is a factory default) |
# then wipe the drive and format it with EXT4 |
if os.path.exists('/mnt/data/.rekt') or not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/bitcoin'): |
print('REKT file exists OR bitcoin folder not found... So lets format it') |
# unmount before format |
os.system('/bin/umount /mnt/data') |
print('Initializing filesystem') |
os.system('/sbin/mkfs.ext4 -F /dev/' + usb_partitions()[0]) |
# remount |
os.system('/bin/mount -t ext4 /dev/' + usb_partitions()[0] + ' /mnt/data') |
''' |
Get Size of the first partition and partition info |
''' |
device_name=str(usb_partitions()[0])[:-1] |
first_part = dev_size(device_name) / (1000*1000) |
prune_setting = int(first_part / 2) |
if first_part < 512000: |
print("Pruning the config, because drive is less than 512 GB") |
os.system('/bin/sed -i "s/prune=550/prune=' + str(prune_setting) + '/g;" ' + str(homedirpath) + '/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf') |
else: |
print("Switching off pruning, and turn on txindex") |
os.system('/bin/sed -i "s/prune=550/#prune=550/g;" ' + str(homedirpath) + '/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf') |
os.system('/bin/sed -i "s/#txindex=1/txindex=1/g;" ' + str(homedirpath) + '/bitcoin/bitcoin.conf') |
''' |
Setup secrets, db, bitcoin, nginx, and lnd directory.. as a new install |
''' |
print('Setup secrets, db, bitcoin, nginx, tor and lnd directory.. as a new install') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/secrets /mnt/data') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/db /mnt/data') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/bitcoin /mnt/data') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/lnd /mnt/data') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/tor /mnt/data') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/nginx /mnt/data') |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/swap'): |
print('Add swap to partition') |
os.system('sed -i "/CONF_SWAPFILE/s/^#//g; " /etc/dphys-swapfile') |
os.system('sed -i "s/\/var\/swap/\/mnt\/data\/swap/g; " /etc/dphys-swapfile') |
os.system('sed -i "s/CONF_SWAPSIZE=100/CONF_SWAPSIZE=2000/g; " /etc/dphys-swapfile') |
print('Restarting dphys swapfile') |
os.system('/etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart') |
else: |
''' |
No need to do anything as drive is intact |
''' |
print('REKT file does not exist OR bitcoin folder exists so we will preserve it. But lets check for all the other folders') |
''' |
Check other folders in partition3 |
- secrets |
- db |
- lnd |
- nginx |
- tor |
''' |
# Secrets folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/secrets'): |
print('secrets folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/secrets /mnt/data') |
# tor folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/tor'): |
print('secrets folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/tor /mnt/data') |
# db folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/db'): |
print('db folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/db /mnt/data') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/bitcoin /mnt/data') |
# Check LND folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/lnd'): |
print('lnd folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/lnd /mnt/data') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/tor /mnt/data') |
# Check nginx folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/nginx'): |
print('nginx folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/nginx /mnt/data') |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/swap'): |
print('Add swap to partition') |
os.system('sed -i "/CONF_SWAPFILE/s/^#//g; " /etc/dphys-swapfile') |
os.system('sed -i "s/\/var\/swap/\/mnt\/data\/swap/g; " /etc/dphys-swapfile') |
os.system('sed -i "s/CONF_SWAPSIZE=100/CONF_SWAPSIZE=2000/g; " /etc/dphys-swapfile') |
print('Restarting dphys swapfile') |
os.system('/etc/init.d/dphys-swapfile restart') |
else: |
''' |
No need to do anything |
''' |
print('REKT file does not exist OR bitcoin folder exists so we will preserve it. But lets check for all the other folders') |
''' |
Check other folders in partition3 |
- secrets |
- db |
- lnd |
- nginx |
- tor |
''' |
# Secrets folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/secrets'): |
print('secrets folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/secrets /mnt/data') |
# tor folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/tor'): |
print('secrets folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/tor /mnt/data') |
# db folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/db'): |
print('db folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/db /mnt/data') |
# Check LND folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/lnd'): |
print('lnd folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/lnd /mnt/data') |
# Check nginx folder |
if not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/nginx'): |
print('nginx folder does\'nt exist!') |
os.system('/bin/cp -fr ' + homedirpath + '/nginx /mnt/data') |
print('Unmounting partition') |
os.system('/bin/umount /mnt/data') |
except: |
print("Error mounting the directory") |
print('Unmounting partition') |
os.system('/bin/umount /mnt/data') |
except: |
print("Error mounting the directory") |
sys.exit(1); |
# END: Drive prep |
# If volume not mounted |
if not os.path.exists(' /mnt/data/lost+found'): |
os.system('/bin/mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt/data') |
os.system('/bin/mount -t ext4 ' + usb_partitions()[0] + ' /mnt/data') |
# Get UUID of the partition we just created |
partitions = usb_partitions() |
@ -236,9 +274,7 @@ def main(): |
os.system('/bin/ln -s /mnt/data/lnd ' + homedirpath + '/lnd') |
os.system('/bin/ln -s /mnt/data/tor ' + homedirpath + '/tor') |
os.system('/bin/ln -s /mnt/data/nginx ' + homedirpath + '/nginx') |
else: |
print('No drives or unexpected number of drives detected!') |
''' |
Actual entrypoint |
''' |