diff --git a/contrib/partitioner/partitioner.py b/contrib/partitioner/partitioner.py index 35b65b4..b652dbf 100755 --- a/contrib/partitioner/partitioner.py +++ b/contrib/partitioner/partitioner.py @@ -98,8 +98,9 @@ def main(): if len(usb_devs()) == 1: if len(usb_partitions()) == 1: try: - os.system('/bin/mount -t ext4 /dev/' + usb_partitions()[0] + ' /mnt/data') - # if .rekt exists or bitcoin directory doesnt exist + os.system('/bin/mount /dev/' + usb_partitions()[0] + ' /mnt/data') + # if .rekt exists or bitcoin directory doesnt exist (because the drive is a factory default) + # then wipe the drive and format it with EXT4 if os.path.exists('/mnt/data/.rekt') or not os.path.exists('/mnt/data/bitcoin'): print('REKT file exists OR bitcoin folder not found... So lets format it') # unmount before format