#!/usr/bin/env bash check_dependencies () { for cmd in "$@"; do if ! command -v "$cmd" >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "This script requires \"${cmd}\" to be installed" exit 1 fi done } check_dependencies jq wget git rsync # UMBREL_ROOT=/home/umbrel UMBREL_ROOT=$(dirname $(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"))/../.. RELEASE=$(cat "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json | jq .updateTo -r) echo echo "=======================================" echo "============= OTA UPDATE ==============" echo "=======================================" echo "========== Stage: Download ============" echo "=======================================" echo # Make sure an update is not in progres if [[ -f "$UMBREL_ROOT/statuses/update-in-progress" ]]; then echo "An update is already in progress. Exiting now." exit 2 fi echo "Creating lock" touch "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-in-progress # Cleanup just in case there's temp stuff lying around from previous update echo "Cleaning up any previous mess" [[ -d "$UMBREL_ROOT"/.umbrel-"$RELEASE" ]] && rm -rf "$UMBREL_ROOT"/.umbrel-"$RELEASE" # Update status file cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 10, "description": "Downloading Umbrel $RELEASE", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF # Clone new release echo "Downloading Umbrel $RELEASE" mkdir -p "$UMBREL_ROOT"/.umbrel-"$RELEASE" cd "$UMBREL_ROOT"/.umbrel-"$RELEASE" wget -qO- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/getumbrel/umbrel/$RELEASE/install-box.sh" | sh # Run update scripts echo "Running update install scripts of the new release" cd scripts/update UPDATE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS=$(ls *-run.sh) for script in $UPDATE_INSTALL_SCRIPTS; do if [[ -x $script ]]; then echo echo "== Begin Update Script $script ==" ./"$script" "$RELEASE" "$UMBREL_ROOT" echo "== End Update Script $script ==" echo fi done # Delete cloned repo echo "Deleting cloned repository" [[ -d "$UMBREL_ROOT"/.umbrel-"$RELEASE" ]] && rm -rf "$UMBREL_ROOT"/.umbrel-"$RELEASE" echo "Removing lock" rm -f "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-in-progress exit 0