Starting Umbrel...


Please do not disconnect the power supply while the restart is in progress.

Shutting down...

Please do not disconnect the power supply until the shutdown is complete.

Shutdown complete

Error: External drive disconnected

The external drive was disconnected while Umbrel was running. This can sometimes happen when using an unofficial Raspberry Pi power supply.

Error: Version mismatch

The version of UmbrelOS on your microSD card is not compatible with the version of Umbrel on your external drive.

Error: System service failed

Something went wrong when starting Umbrel. Need help? Feel free to jump on our community forum or Telegram chat.

Error: Failed to start containers

Something went wrong when starting Umbrel. Need help? Feel free to jump on our community forum or Telegram chat.

Error: No external drive found

Please connect an external drive (at least 1TB) to a USB 3.0 port (blue color) on your Raspberry Pi and restart your Umbrel.

Error: Multiple external drives found

Umbrel only works with one external drive of atleast 1TB size. Please disconnect any additional external drives and restart your Umbrel.

Error: Failed to connect external drive

There was an error connecting your external drive. Please consider using the recommended hardware listed on

Restart Shutdown community