#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail RELEASE=$1 UMBREL_ROOT=$2 ./check-memory "${RELEASE}" "${UMBREL_ROOT}" "notfirstrun" # Only used on Umbrel OS SD_CARD_UMBREL_ROOT="/sd-root${UMBREL_ROOT}" echo echo "=======================================" echo "=============== UPDATE ================" echo "=======================================" echo "=========== Stage: Install ============" echo "=======================================" echo [[ -f "/etc/default/umbrel" ]] && source "/etc/default/umbrel" # Make Umbrel OS specific updates if [[ ! -z "${UMBREL_OS:-}" ]]; then echo echo "=============================================" echo "Installing on Umbrel OS $UMBREL_OS" echo "=============================================" echo # In Umbrel OS v0.1.2, we need to bind Avahi to only # eth0,wlan0 interfaces to prevent hostname cycling # https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel-os/issues/76 # This patch can be safely removed from Umbrel v0.3.x+ if [[ $UMBREL_OS == "v0.1.2" ]] && [[ -f "/etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf" ]]; then echo "Binding Avahi to eth0 and wlan0" sed -i "s/#allow-interfaces=eth0/allow-interfaces=eth0,wlan0/g;" "/etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf" systemctl restart avahi-daemon.service fi # Update SD card installation if [[ -f "${SD_CARD_UMBREL_ROOT}/.umbrel" ]]; then echo "Replacing ${SD_CARD_UMBREL_ROOT} on SD card with the new release" rsync --archive \ --verbose \ --include-from="${UMBREL_ROOT}/.umbrel-${RELEASE}/scripts/update/.updateinclude" \ --exclude-from="${UMBREL_ROOT}/.umbrel-${RELEASE}/scripts/update/.updateignore" \ --delete \ "${UMBREL_ROOT}/.umbrel-${RELEASE}/" \ "${SD_CARD_UMBREL_ROOT}/" echo "Fixing permissions" chown -R 1000:1000 "${SD_CARD_UMBREL_ROOT}/" else echo "ERROR: No Umbrel installation found at SD root ${SD_CARD_UMBREL_ROOT}" echo "Skipping updating on SD Card..." fi # Install unattended-updates for automatic security updates # The binary is unattended-upgrade, the package is unattended-upgrades if ! command -v unattended-upgrade &> /dev/null; then DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install unattended-upgrades -y fi # Make sure dhcpd ignores virtual network interfaces dhcpd_conf="/etc/dhcpcd.conf" dhcpd_rule="denyinterfaces veth*" if [[ -f "${dhcpd_conf}" ]] && ! cat "${dhcpd_conf}" | grep --quiet "${dhcpd_rule}"; then echo "${dhcpd_rule}" | tee -a "${dhcpd_conf}" systemctl restart dhcpcd fi # This makes sure systemd services are always updated (and new ones are enabled). UMBREL_SYSTEMD_SERVICES="${UMBREL_ROOT}/.umbrel-${RELEASE}/scripts/umbrel-os/services/*.service" for service_path in $UMBREL_SYSTEMD_SERVICES; do service_name=$(basename "${service_path}") install -m 644 "${service_path}" "/etc/systemd/system/${service_name}" systemctl enable "${service_name}" done fi cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 33, "description": "Configuring settings", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF # Checkout to the new release cd "$UMBREL_ROOT"/.umbrel-"$RELEASE" # Configure new install echo "Configuring new release" cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 40, "description": "Configuring new release", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF PREV_ENV_FILE="$UMBREL_ROOT/.env" BITCOIN_NETWORK="mainnet" [[ -f "${PREV_ENV_FILE}" ]] && source "${PREV_ENV_FILE}" PREV_ENV_FILE="${PREV_ENV_FILE}" NETWORK=$BITCOIN_NETWORK ./scripts/configure # Pulling new containers echo "Pulling new containers" cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 50, "description": "Pulling new containers", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF docker-compose pull echo "Updating installed apps" cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 60, "description": "Updating installed apps", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF # We can just loop over this once everyone has the latest app script # "$UMBREL_ROOT/scripts/app" ls-installed # but for now we need to implement it here manually USER_FILE="${UMBREL_ROOT}/db/user.json" list_installed_apps() { cat "${USER_FILE}" 2> /dev/null | jq -r 'if has("installedApps") then .installedApps else [] end | join("\n")' || true } for app in $(list_installed_apps); do if [[ "${app}" != "" ]]; then echo "${app}..." scripts/app compose "${app}" pull & fi done wait # Stop existing containers echo "Stopping existing containers" cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 70, "description": "Removing old containers", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF cd "$UMBREL_ROOT" ./scripts/stop # Fix broken Nextcloud installs from Umbrel v0.4.0 to be accessible from both # .local and Tor current_umbrel_version=$(cat "${UMBREL_ROOT}/info.json" | jq -r .version) nextcloud_config_file="${UMBREL_ROOT}/app-data/nextcloud/data/nextcloud/config/config.php" nextcloud_tor_file="${UMBREL_ROOT}/tor/data/app-nextcloud/hostname" if [[ "${current_umbrel_version}" = "0.4.0" ]] && [[ -f "${nextcloud_config_file}" ]] && [[ -f "${nextcloud_tor_file}" ]]; then echo echo "Fixing broken Umbrel v0.4.0 Nextcloud install..." nextcloud_hs=$(cat "${nextcloud_tor_file}") nextcloud_local_url="$(hostname -s 2>/dev/null || echo "umbrel").local:8081" sed \ -e '/trusted_domains\x27 => $/,/)/!b' \ -e '/)/!d;a\ \x27trusted_domains\x27 => array ( 0 => \x27localhost\x27, 1 => \x27'$nextcloud_local_url'\x27, 2 => \x27'$nextcloud_hs'\x27),' \ -e 'd' \ -i "${nextcloud_config_file}" echo fi # Move Docker data dir to external storage now if this is an old install. # This is only needed temporarily until all users have transitioned Docker to SSD. DOCKER_DIR="/var/lib/docker" MOUNT_POINT="/mnt/data" EXTERNAL_DOCKER_DIR="${MOUNT_POINT}/docker" if [[ ! -z "${UMBREL_OS:-}" ]] && [[ ! -d "${EXTERNAL_DOCKER_DIR}" ]]; then echo "Attempting to move Docker to external storage..." cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 72, "description": "Migrating Docker install to external storage", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF echo "Stopping Docker service..." systemctl stop docker # Copy Docker data dir to external storage copy_docker_to_external_storage () { mkdir -p "${EXTERNAL_DOCKER_DIR}" cp --recursive \ --archive \ --no-target-directory \ "${DOCKER_DIR}" "${EXTERNAL_DOCKER_DIR}" } echo "Copying Docker data directory to external storage..." copy_docker_to_external_storage echo "Bind mounting external storage over local Docker data dir..." mount --bind "${EXTERNAL_DOCKER_DIR}" "${DOCKER_DIR}" # Ensure fs changes are registered sync sleep 1 echo "Starting Docker service..." systemctl start docker fi # Overlay home dir structure with new dir tree echo "Overlaying $UMBREL_ROOT/ with new directory tree" rsync --archive \ --verbose \ --include-from="$UMBREL_ROOT/.umbrel-$RELEASE/scripts/update/.updateinclude" \ --exclude-from="$UMBREL_ROOT/.umbrel-$RELEASE/scripts/update/.updateignore" \ --delete \ "$UMBREL_ROOT"/.umbrel-"$RELEASE"/ \ "$UMBREL_ROOT"/ # Remove legacy electrs dir legacy_electrs_dir="${UMBREL_ROOT}/electrs/db/mainnet" if [[ -d "${legacy_electrs_dir}" ]]; then echo "Found legacy electrs dir, removing it..." rm --recursive --force "${legacy_electrs_dir}" fi # Handle updating static assets for samourai-server app samourai_app_dir="${UMBREL_ROOT}/apps/samourai-server/nginx" samourai_data_dir="${UMBREL_ROOT}/app-data/samourai-server/nginx" if [[ -d "${samourai_app_dir}" ]] && [[ -d "${samourai_data_dir}" ]]; then echo "Found samourai-server install, attempting to update static assets and nginx configuration..." rsync --archive --verbose "${samourai_app_dir}/" "${samourai_data_dir}" fi # Handle updating mysql conf for samourai-server app samourai_app_mysql_conf="${UMBREL_ROOT}/apps/samourai-server/mysql/mysql-dojo.cnf" samourai_data_mysql_conf="${UMBREL_ROOT}/app-data/samourai-server/mysql/mysql-dojo.cnf" if [[ -f "${samourai_app_mysql_conf}" ]] && [[ -f "${samourai_data_mysql_conf}" ]]; then echo "Found samourai-server install, attempting to update DB configuration..." cp "${samourai_app_mysql_conf}" "${samourai_data_mysql_conf}" fi # Handle hidden service migration for samourai-server app samourai_app_dojo_tor_dir="${UMBREL_ROOT}/tor/data/app-samourai-server" samourai_app_new_dojo_tor_dir="${UMBREL_ROOT}/tor/data/app-samourai-server-dojo" if [[ -d "${samourai_app_dojo_tor_dir}" ]] && [[ ! -d "${samourai_app_new_dojo_tor_dir}" ]]; then echo "Found samourai-server install, attempting to migrate dojo hidden service directory..." mv "${samourai_app_dojo_tor_dir}/" "${samourai_app_new_dojo_tor_dir}" fi # Fix permissions echo "Fixing permissions" find "$UMBREL_ROOT" -path "$UMBREL_ROOT/app-data" -prune -o -exec chown 1000:1000 {} + chmod -R 700 "$UMBREL_ROOT"/tor/data/* # Killing karen echo "Killing background daemon" cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 75, "description": "Killing background daemon", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF pkill -f "\./karen" # Start updated containers echo "Starting new containers" cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 80, "description": "Starting new containers", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF cd "$UMBREL_ROOT" ./scripts/start # Delete obselete backup lock file # https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel/pull/213 # Remove this in the next breaking update [[ -f "${UMBREL_ROOT}/statuses/backup-in-progress" ]] && rm -f "${UMBREL_ROOT}/statuses/backup-in-progress" # Make Umbrel OS specific post-update changes if [[ ! -z "${UMBREL_OS:-}" ]]; then # Delete unused Docker images on Umbrel OS echo "Deleting previous images" cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 90, "description": "Deleting previous images", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF docker image prune --all --force # Uninstall dphys-swapfile since we now use our own swapfile logic # Remove this in the next breaking update if command -v dphys-swapfile >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Removing unused dependency \"dphys-swapfile\"" cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 95, "description": "Removing unused dependencies", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF apt-get remove -y dphys-swapfile fi # Setup swap if it doesn't already exist # Remove this in the next breaking update MOUNT_POINT="/mnt/data" SWAP_DIR="/swap" SWAP_FILE="${SWAP_DIR}/swapfile" if ! df -h "${SWAP_DIR}" 2> /dev/null | grep --quiet '/dev/sd'; then cat < "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/update-status.json {"state": "installing", "progress": 97, "description": "Setting up swap", "updateTo": "$RELEASE"} EOF echo "Bind mounting external storage to ${SWAP_DIR}" mkdir -p "${MOUNT_POINT}/swap" "${SWAP_DIR}" mount --bind "${MOUNT_POINT}/swap" "${SWAP_DIR}" echo "Checking ${SWAP_DIR} is now on external storage..." df -h "${SWAP_DIR}" | grep --quiet '/dev/sd' echo "Setting up swapfile" rm "${SWAP_FILE}" || true fallocate -l 4G "${SWAP_FILE}" chmod 600 "${SWAP_FILE}" mkswap "${SWAP_FILE}" swapon "${SWAP_FILE}" fi fi