Starting Umbrel...
Please do not disconnect the power supply while the restart is in progress.
Shutting down...
Please do not disconnect the power supply until the shutdown is complete.
Error: External drive disconnected
The external drive was disconnected while Umbrel was running. This can sometimes happen when using an unofficial Raspberry Pi power supply.
Error: Version mismatch
The version of UmbrelOS on your microSD card is not compatible with the version of Umbrel on your external drive.
Error: No external drive found
Please connect an external drive (at least 1TB) to a USB 3.0 port (blue color) on your Raspberry Pi and restart your Umbrel.
Error: Multiple external drives found
Umbrel only works with one external drive of atleast 1TB size. Please disconnect any additional external drives and restart your Umbrel.
Error: Failed to connect external drive
There was an error connecting your external drive. Please consider using the recommended hardware listed on