#!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail ########################################################## ################## Check dependencies #################### ########################################################## check_dependencies () { for cmd in "$@"; do if ! command -v $cmd >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "This script requires \"${cmd}\" to be installed" exit 1 fi done } if [ ! "$(uname -s)" == "Linux" ]; then echo "Sorry, Umbrel only supports Linux-based systems at this point." echo echo "You may work around this by modifying the configuration script yourself, but it's highly experimental." echo "If you get it working, we hope you consider making a PR. :)" exit 1 fi check_dependencies docker docker-compose dirname readlink # Switch to Umbrel's root directory UMBREL_ROOT="$(readlink -f "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"/..)" if [[ ! -d "$UMBREL_ROOT" ]]; then echo "Root dir does not exist '$UMBREL_ROOT'" exit 1 fi cd "$UMBREL_ROOT" # Configure for mainnet or testnet or regtest depending # upon the user-supplied value of $NETWORK BITCOIN_NETWORK="${NETWORK:-mainnet}" if [ "$BITCOIN_NETWORK" != "mainnet" ] && [ "$BITCOIN_NETWORK" != "testnet" ] && [ "$BITCOIN_NETWORK" != "regtest" ]; then echo "Error: Umbrel can only be configured for mainnet (default), testnet or regtest" exit 1 fi echo echo "======================================" if [[ -f "${UMBREL_ROOT}/statuses/configured" ]]; then echo "=========== RECONFIGURING ============" else echo "============ CONFIGURING =============" fi echo "========= UMBREL (${NETWORK}) ===========" echo "======================================" echo ########################################################## ############### Setup configuration files ############### ########################################################## # Store paths to intermediary config files BITCOIN_CONF_FILE="./templates/bitcoin.conf" LND_CONF_FILE="./templates/lnd.conf" TOR_CONF_FILE="./templates/torrc" ENV_FILE="./templates/.env" # Remove intermediary files if they exist from any # previous unclean configuration run [[ -f "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" ]] && rm -f "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" [[ -f "$LND_CONF_FILE" ]] && rm -f "$LND_CONF_FILE" [[ -f "$TOR_CONF_FILE" ]] && rm -f "$TOR_CONF_FILE" [[ -f "$ENV_FILE" ]] && rm -f "$ENV_FILE" # Copy template configs to intermediary configs [[ -f "./templates/bitcoin-sample.conf" ]] && cp "./templates/bitcoin-sample.conf" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" [[ -f "./templates/lnd-sample.conf" ]] && cp "./templates/lnd-sample.conf" "$LND_CONF_FILE" [[ -f "./templates/torrc-sample" ]] && cp "./templates/torrc-sample" "$TOR_CONF_FILE" [[ -f "./templates/.env-sample" ]] && cp "./templates/.env-sample" "$ENV_FILE" ########################################################## ############ Generate configuration variables ############ ########################################################## # Generate RPC credentials echo "Generating auth credentials" echo BITCOIN_RPC_USER="umbrelrpc" BITCOIN_RPC_DETAILS=$("./scripts/rpcauth.py" "$BITCOIN_RPC_USER") BITCOIN_RPC_AUTH=$(echo "$BITCOIN_RPC_DETAILS" | head -2 | tail -1) BITCOIN_RPC_PASS=$(echo "$BITCOIN_RPC_DETAILS" | tail -1) BITCOIN_RPC_PORT=8332 BITCOIN_P2P_PORT=8333 # Pull Tor image and generate Tor password echo "Generating Tor password" echo docker pull --quiet getumbrel/tor:v0.4.1.9 TOR_PASS=$("./scripts/rpcauth.py" "itdoesntmatter" | tail -1) TOR_HASHED_PASS=$(docker run --rm getumbrel/tor:v0.4.1.9 --quiet --hash-password "$TOR_PASS") ########################################################## ### Update config files with configuration variables ##### ########################################################## if [ "$BITCOIN_NETWORK" == "testnet" ]; then # Set testnet ports BITCOIN_RPC_PORT=18332 BITCOIN_P2P_PORT=18333 # Uncomment "test" block sed -i "s/\#\[test\]/\[test\]/g;" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" # Enable testnet sed -i "s/\#testnet=1/testnet=1/g" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" # Switch LND to testnet sed -i "s/bitcoin.mainnet=1/bitcoin.testnet=1/g;" "$LND_CONF_FILE" # Uncomment testnet neutrino block and peers sed -i "s/\# \[neutrino\]/\[neutrino\]/g;" "$LND_CONF_FILE" sed -i "s/\# neutrino.addpeer=testnet1-btcd.zaphq.io/neutrino.addpeer=testnet1-btcd.zaphq.io/g;" "$LND_CONF_FILE" sed -i "s/\# neutrino.addpeer=testnet2-btcd.zaphq.io/neutrino.addpeer=testnet2-btcd.zaphq.io/g;" "$LND_CONF_FILE" fi if [ "$BITCOIN_NETWORK" == "regtest" ]; then # Set regtest ports BITCOIN_RPC_PORT=18443 BITCOIN_P2P_PORT=18444 # Uncomment "regtest" block sed -i "s/\#\[regtest\]/\[regtest\]/g;" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" # Enable regtest sed -i "s/\#regtest=1/regtest=1/g" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" # Switch LND to regtest sed -i "s/bitcoin.mainnet=1/bitcoin.regtest=1/g;" "$LND_CONF_FILE" # Use bitcoind as the node sed -i "s/bitcoin.node=neutrino/bitcoin.node=bitcoind/g;" "$LND_CONF_FILE" fi # Update RPC and P2P Ports sed -i "s/rpcport=<port>/rpcport=$BITCOIN_RPC_PORT/g;" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" sed -i "s/port=<port>/port=$BITCOIN_P2P_PORT/g;" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" sed -i "s/BITCOIN_RPC_PORT=<port>/BITCOIN_RPC_PORT=$BITCOIN_RPC_PORT/g;" "$ENV_FILE" sed -i "s/BITCOIN_P2P_PORT=<port>/BITCOIN_P2P_PORT=$BITCOIN_P2P_PORT/g;" "$ENV_FILE" # Add rpcauth to bitcoin.conf sed -i "s/rpcauth=<rpcauth>/$BITCOIN_RPC_AUTH/g;" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" # Add RPC credentials to lnd.conf sed -i "s/bitcoind.rpcuser=<username>/bitcoind.rpcuser=$BITCOIN_RPC_USER/g;" "$LND_CONF_FILE" sed -i "s/bitcoind.rpcpass=<password>/bitcoind.rpcpass=$BITCOIN_RPC_PASS/g;" "$LND_CONF_FILE" # Add RPC credentials to env file sed -i "s/BITCOIN_RPC_USER=<username>/BITCOIN_RPC_USER=$BITCOIN_RPC_USER/g;" "$ENV_FILE" sed -i "s/BITCOIN_RPC_PASS=<password>/BITCOIN_RPC_PASS=$BITCOIN_RPC_PASS/g;" "$ENV_FILE" # Add chain to env file sed -i "s/BITCOIN_NETWORK=<network>/BITCOIN_NETWORK=$BITCOIN_NETWORK/g;" "$ENV_FILE" # Add Tor password sed -i "s/HashedControlPassword <password>/HashedControlPassword $TOR_HASHED_PASS/g;" "$TOR_CONF_FILE" sed -i "s/torpassword=<password>/torpassword=$TOR_PASS/g;" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" sed -i "s/tor.password=<password>/tor.password=$TOR_PASS/g;" "$LND_CONF_FILE" sed -i "s/TOR_PASSWORD=<password>/TOR_PASSWORD=$TOR_PASS/g;" "$ENV_FILE" sed -i "s/TOR_HASHED_PASSWORD=<password>/TOR_HASHED_PASSWORD=$TOR_HASHED_PASS/g;" "$ENV_FILE" ########################################################## ############### Performance optimizations ################ ########################################################## echo echo "Making performance optimizations" echo echo "Setting dbcache size" echo DBCACHE_SIZE=$(awk '/MemTotal/{printf "%d\n", ($2/2^10 * 0.5) - 300}' /proc/meminfo) sed -i -e "s/dbcache=<size>/dbcache=$DBCACHE_SIZE/g" "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" # TODO: Adjust prune size based on available disk space ########################################################## ############## Override main config files ################ ########################################################## mv -f "$BITCOIN_CONF_FILE" "./bitcoin/bitcoin.conf" mv -f "$LND_CONF_FILE" "./lnd/lnd.conf" mv -f "$TOR_CONF_FILE" "./tor/torrc" mv -f "$ENV_FILE" "./.env" ########################################################## ################ Configuration complete ################## ########################################################## echo "Pulling Umbrel Docker images" echo docker-compose pull --quiet # Create configured status touch "$UMBREL_ROOT"/statuses/configured echo "Configuration successful" echo "You can now start Umbrel by running:" echo " sudo ./scripts/start" echo