<p>You need to connect %btc-wallet to a configured provider before you can use it. %btc-wallet and %btc-provider may or may not be on the same ship.</p>
The IP address in the 3rd line is the address of this container. You should see a new block announcement in the dojo. If your ship is on another host, change the URL to its IP address.</p>
<p><ul><li>Next, go to your Bitcoin wallet in your Urbit's web UI.</li>
<li>Configure your provider by entering the @p (ship name) of the provider you just configured.</li>
<li>Enter your xPub from <ahref="https://bridge.urbit.org">Bridge</a> or an <ahref="https://blog.blockonomics.co/how-to-find-your-xpub-key-with-these-8-popular-bitcoin-wallets-ce8ea665ffdc">external wallet</a>.
<p><b>Whitelisting clients</b></p>
<p>By default, only your provider's @p will be whitelisted for use. You can whitelist any other ship or groups of ships using the following commands.</p>