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Fix typos and add some info

- Credit to Pete Eyre for finding some of these typos
- Credit to Ruben Somsen for pointing out how L1 blocks full of rollup updates would be larger than current average block sizes and that this should be pointed out in the costs section
John Light 2 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
  1. 28


@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Contact the author: <>
This report is the product of the author's participation in the Human Rights Foundation's [ZK-Rollup Research Fellowship]( Financial support for the ZK-Rollup Research Fellowship was provided by Starkware and CMS Holdings. The author thanks these organizations for their support.
The author also thanks the following individuals for answering questions, providing insights and ideas, and/or giving feedback that contributed to the production of this report: Trey Del Bonis, Francis Corvino, Jeremy Rubin, Sebastián Gustavo Reca, Eric Wall, Louis Guthmann, Matt Corallo, Patrick Dugan, Dario Sneidermanis, Alberto Garoffolo, Eli Ben-Sasson, Alex Gladstein, Olaoluwa Osuntokun, Ruben Somsen, Vitalik Buterin, and Jameson Lopp. (Name order has been [randomized](
The author also thanks the following individuals for answering questions, providing insights and ideas, and/or giving feedback that contributed to the production of this report: Alex Gladstein, Eric Wall, Olaoluwa Osuntokun, Dario Sneidermanis, Jameson Lopp, Pete Eyre, Jeremy Rubin, Ruben Somsen, Patrick Dugan, Eli Ben-Sasson, Matt Corallo, Francis Corvino, Louis Guthmann, Vitalik Buterin, Trey Del Bonis, Alberto Garoffolo, Sebastián Gustavo Reca. (Name order has been [randomized](
Please note that inclusion in this acknowledgements section should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the contents of this report. Any claims, conclusions, opinions, errors, _et cetera_ belong to the author alone, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ One of the results of the decade-plus research into scaling and expanding the ca
> — Satoshi Nakamoto [^1]
It has been over a decade since bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto first considered how zero knowledge (zk) proof technology could be used to improve upon the electronic cash protocol he invented. Originally described by Goldwasser, Micali, and Rackoff in their 1985 paper "The Knowledge Complexity Of Interactive Proof Systems", zk proofs are a type of cryptographic proof defined as "those proofs that contain no additional knowledge other than the correctness of the proposition in question".[^2] Over 35 years after that seminal paper, and a decade after Satoshi Nakamoto first discussed using zk proofs in bitcoin, cryptographic proof protocols are now a core component of bleeding-edge blockchain scaling and privacy protocols.
It has been over a decade since bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto first considered how zero knowledge (zk) proof technology could be used to improve upon the electronic cash protocol he invented. Originally described by Goldwasser, Micali, and Rackoff in their 1985 paper "The Knowledge Complexity Of Interactive Proof Systems", zk proofs are a type of cryptographic proof defined as "those proofs that contain no additional knowledge other than the correctness of the proposition in question".[^2] Over 35 years after that seminal paper, and a decade after Nakamoto first discussed using zk proofs in bitcoin, cryptographic proof protocols are now a core component of bleeding-edge blockchain scaling and privacy protocols.
The first concrete proposal for using zk proofs in a bitcoin context came from Greg Maxwell, who wrote about "zero knowledge contingent payments" in the Bitcoin Wiki in 2011. Maxwell later worked with Sean Bowe, Pieter Wuille, and Madars Virza to implement the protocol in 2016.[^3][^4] In May 2013, Miers et al published the Zerocoin paper, showing how zk proofs could be integrated directly into the bitcoin protocol to hide the addresses involved in a bitcoin transaction.[^5] That same month, Eli Ben-Sasson gave a presentation at the Bitcoin 2013 conference in San Jose, California describing how, in addition to improving privacy, universal (Turing-complete) cryptographic proofs could be used for scaling bitcoin as well.[^6] These early proposals foreshadowed and inspired later implementations of crypotographic proofs that have been used to improve the privacy and scalability of blockchains for real users in "mainnet" production environments.
@ -87,13 +87,13 @@ Offchain transaction execution protocols move transaction execution to a separat
In 2017, the popularity of token sales and breedable kittens on Ethereum led to block space congestion that caused gas prices to spike and transaction confirmations to be delayed.[^24] Just when Ethereum was having its first taste of "mainstream" adoption, the limits of its design prevented usage of the blockchain from increasing any further. Scalability became a priority, and application and protocol developers began searching for solutions.[^25] Short-term solutions that traded off security for throughput, such as sidechains, were quickly implemented.[^26][^27] The developer community was not content to settle for sidechains and continued to search for the holy grail: a scaling solution that would enable more usage without either giving up self-custody or harming full node decentralization. While the community expected that Ethereum's eventual sharding upgrade would significantly improve scalability, there was both an urgency to the problem that demanded a more near-term solution and an understanding that even greater scaling gains could be had by combining sharding with other scaling solutions.[^28]
One proposed solution that was explored in depth was state channels, a generalization of the payment channel protocols that were first implemented on bitcoin.[^29][^30] State channels had several limitations that made them unsuitable as a general scaling solution for all of the different the kinds of applications that were being built on Ethereum: they were difficult to build for multiparty applications where many users are coming and going at different times, they required expensive capital lockups, and they required users to be online to receive updates and file disputes.
One proposed solution that was explored in depth was state channels, a generalization of the payment channel protocols that were first implemented on bitcoin.[^29][^30] State channels had several limitations that made them unsuitable as a general scaling solution for all of the different kinds of applications that were being built on Ethereum: they were difficult to build for multiparty applications where many users are coming and going at different times, they required expensive capital lockups, and they required users to be online to receive updates and file disputes.
Another proposed solution that got a lot of attention was Plasma. First described in a whitepaper published by Vitalik Buterin and Joseph Poon in August 2017, Plasma was a technique for moving transaction execution offchain while still rooting security in the Ethereum "Layer 1" (L1) blockchain.[^31] The main improvement over state channels was that, like a sidechain, and unlike state channels, users would not have to lock up lots of liquidity and manage channel balances. However, like state channels, Plasma had a few problems that held it back from being considered the holy grail scaling solution.
Early versions of Plasma had a "mass exit problem" that could lead to L1 congestion and delay withdrawals by weeks in the case of Plasma operator misbehavior.[^32] The mass exit problem was a consequence of another problem, the data availability problem.[^33] The problem is that in order to be able to unilaterally exit from an L2 protocol, users need to be able to prove that they currently own the assets they are trying to exit with. However, if any piece of data making up the current state of the L2 protocol is missing, even a single bit of data, for example because a block producer has committed the latest block's state root but has not published the block itself, then users do not have all of the data they need to produce the necessary cryptographic proof to exit, and their funds become frozen until the data is made available.
Plasma solved the data availability problem by enabling users to exit with their last known balance if nodes detect that data for the most recent state committed to L1 is unavailable. The cost of this solution was the users had to put some of the plasma chain data on L1 to exit, and if many users have to exit at once, this would require lots of data and transactions on L1, creating the mass exit problem. Later versions of Plasma made mass exits less of a problem, but still required users to be online and verify the plasma chain and withdrawals to monitor for misbehavior.[^34] Perhaps the most important problem Plasma had was that it was difficult to add support for Turing-complete smart contracts like those supported on Ethereum L1.[^35][^36] This made Plasma unattractive to developers who wanted the flexibility of the EVM.
Plasma solved the data availability problem by enabling users to exit with their last known balance if nodes detect that data for the most recent state committed to L1 is unavailable. The cost of this solution was the users had to put some of the plasma chain data on L1 to exit, and if many users have to exit at once, this would require lots of data and transactions on L1, creating the mass exit problem. Later versions of Plasma made mass exits less of a problem, but still required users to be online and verify the plasma chain and withdrawals to monitor for misbehavior.[^34] Perhaps the most important problem Plasma had was that it was difficult to add support for Turing-complete smart contracts like those supported on Ethereum L1.[^35][^36] This made Plasma unattractive to developers who wanted the flexibility of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
In 2019 Ethereum developers began thinking about how to solve both the data availability problem and the EVM compatibility problem in ways that also solved the other problems that Plasma and state channels had, such as the online/interactivity requirement. This led developers to revisit older proposals that required users to post a minimal amount of data on L1 for each L2 transaction.[^37] This category of protocols that put minimal data onchain while keeping transaction execution offchain came to be known as a "rollup" (which got its name from the first implementation of a validity rollup by Barry Whitehat).[^38]
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ This brings us to the present day. Ethereum developers have redesigned their who
A rollup is a blockchain that stores the state root and at least enough transaction data to recompute the current state from genesis inside of the block of a different "parent" blockchain, while shifting transaction execution "offchain" to a separate node network. This is in contrast to related protocols such as state channels, sidechains, and validia chains, which also execute transactions offchain but keep the vast majority (if not all) of their transaction data offchain as well. The operation of a rollup is otherwise identical to any other other blockchain: transactions are bundled into blocks, those blocks are broadcast to a network for verification, and valid blocks are added to the "tip" of the chain of previous blocks. (And as with other blockchains, if there are multiple valid blocks competing to get added to the chain tip, how to choose which block gets added to the chain tip varies depending on the rollup consensus rules.)
Validity rollups are one of two main rollup variants that have been invented so far.[^52] Validity rollups are so-called because they use cryptographic "validity proofs" to ensure that new rollup blocks follow the rules of the rollup protocol. Every time a validity rollup block is created by a rollup block producer, the block producer submits a state update transaction to the parent chain. The rollup state update transaction contains data about each state transition in the rollup block, the new rollup state root after the state transitions in the block are applied, and a validity proof that proves data availability and that the new rollup state root is a valid update to the last valid rollup state root confirmed on the parent chain. Only state update transactions that are accompanied by a valid proof succeed when confirmed State update transactions with an invalid proof will still be confirmed but the transaction will revert and fail (or they will be completely rejected by full nodes and never be confirmed; it depends on the implementation).
Validity rollups are one of two main rollup variants that have been invented so far.[^52] Validity rollups are so-called because they use cryptographic "validity proofs" to ensure that new rollup blocks follow the rules of the rollup protocol. Every time a validity rollup block is created by a rollup block producer, the block producer submits a state update transaction to the parent chain. The rollup state update transaction contains data about each state transition in the rollup block, the new rollup state root after the state transitions in the block are applied, and a validity proof that proves data availability and that the new rollup state root is a valid update to the last valid rollup state root confirmed on the parent chain. Only state update transactions that are accompanied by a valid proof will successfully advance the rollup state when confirmed. State update transactions with an invalid proof will be confirmed but the transaction will revert and fail (or they will be completely rejected by full nodes and never be confirmed; it depends on the implementation).
The other variant of rollup is the optimistic rollup, which is so-called because rollup withdrawals are "optimistically" considered valid and only proven to be valid or invalid if challenged.[^53] Optimistic rollups rely on at least one honest party to watch the rollup smart contract for invalid state updates and submit a challenge transaction if they spot one. To challenge the validity of an optimistic rollup state update, a valid "fault proof" must be confirmed on the parent chain during a challenge window, which usually lasts between several hours and several days. If the fault proof is valid and confirmed within the challenge window, the invalid update will be cancelled, protecting users of the rollup from potential theft. Generally, a bond is posted in the rollup contract upon submission of update and challenge transactions, to prevent griefing attacks. If the owner of the bond misbehaves, for example by submitting either an invalid state update or an invalid challenge, then their bond will be "slashed" i.e. deleted or redistributed to the honest party.
@ -221,9 +221,9 @@ If it were possible to build validity rollups with alternative execution environ
### Section 3.2 New privacy protections
Bitcoin's transparency makes privacy protocols built on-chain inherently fragile and therefore inadequate for preserving privacy in the long-run.[^73] Offchain L2 protocols such as Lightning and zkChannels have their own privacy challenges and limitations, largely due to the transparency and limited scripting capabilities of the bitcoin base layer these protocols are built on.[^74][^75] (See the August 2022 zk-PCN paper for a recently proposed improvement to payment channel network privacy.[^76]) Because of bitcoin's inherent privacy limitations and the immaturity of the tooling that does exist, bitcoin users must either follow long, detailed guides about how to gain some semblance of privacy, meticulously following each step and hoping other users do the same so that they can preserve their anonymity set, or else surrender their bitcoin to a centralized or federated offchain system to gain stronger, more easily usable privacy elsewhere.[^77][^78][^79]
Bitcoin's transparency makes privacy protocols built onchain inherently fragile and therefore inadequate for preserving privacy in the long-run.[^73] Offchain L2 protocols such as Lightning and zkChannels have their own privacy challenges and limitations, largely due to the transparency and limited scripting capabilities of the bitcoin base layer these protocols are built on.[^74][^75] (See the August 2022 zk-PCN paper for a recently proposed improvement to payment channel network privacy.[^76]) Because of bitcoin's inherent privacy limitations and the immaturity of the tooling that does exist, bitcoin users must either follow long, detailed guides about how to gain some semblance of privacy, meticulously following each step and hoping other users do the same so that they can preserve their anonymity set, or else surrender their bitcoin to a centralized or federated offchain system to gain stronger, more easily usable privacy elsewhere.[^77][^78][^79]
In the years since Satoshi first contemplated how zk proofs could be used to improve bitcoin privacy, cryptographers have invented new protocols that greatly improve the quality and usability of private cryptocurrency transactions. Validity rollups make it possible to implement these new privacy protocols on bitcoin while inheriting the full ownership security of BTC owned on L1. This would provide bitcoin users with state-of-the-art privacy without having to give up self-custody of their BTC. Additionally, with a flexible enough proof verification system implemented in the bitcoin consensus rules, bitcoin can be future-proofed so that new advancements in privacy protocols can be adopted without requiring any further consensus-level changes to bitcoin.
In the years since Satoshi Nakamoto first contemplated how zk proofs could be used to improve bitcoin privacy, cryptographers have invented new protocols that greatly improve the quality and usability of private cryptocurrency transactions. Validity rollups make it possible to implement these new privacy protocols on bitcoin while inheriting the full ownership security of BTC owned on L1. This would provide bitcoin users with state-of-the-art privacy without having to give up self-custody of their BTC. Additionally, with a flexible enough proof verification system implemented in the bitcoin consensus rules, bitcoin can be future-proofed so that new advancements in privacy protocols can be adopted without requiring any further consensus-level changes to bitcoin.
An example of a new privacy technology that could be implemented is the zero-knowledge, end-to-end encrypted transaction technique first described in the Zerocash whitepaper and later implemented in Zcash.[^80] Zerocash end-to-end encrypted transactions (also referred to as "shielded transactions") provide the best privacy possible today, cryptographically hiding the transaction amount, the sender address, and the recipient address. Shielded transactions also offer the largest theoretical anonymity set, with the upper limit being _an anonymity set equal to the total number of shielded transactions that have been made using the shielded protocol_.[^81]
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ Because of their objectively superior privacy protections, for the purposes of t
James Prestwich has defined scaling in a blockchain context as "validating more transactions on the same hardware".[^85] By this definition, validity rollups can improve scaling by increasing the number of transactions that gain the full security of the parent chain with no (or marginal) additional computational costs for parent chain full nodes. Exactly how much validity rollups improve scaling depends on the implementation details. (Note that the transaction sizes and throughput numbers in this section are approximate and could change depending on implementation details.)
If a validity rollup is designed to work like bitcoin, with a UTXO model and no address re-use, then each rollup transaction would be 113.5 weight units (WU). This is equal to the weight of a 1-input-2-output P2WPKH transaction with the witness removed (because the witness is replaced with a validity proof covering all rollup transactions) and assumes the witness discount is applied to all data in the transaction (because parent chain full nodes do not need to execute these transactions or store them in the UTXO set).
If a validity rollup is designed to work like bitcoin, with an unspent transaction output (UTXO) model and no address re-use, then each rollup transaction would be 113.5 weight units (WU). This is equal to the weight of a 1-input-2-output pay-to-witness-public-key-hash (P2WPKH) transaction with the witness removed (because the witness is replaced with a validity proof covering all rollup transactions) and assumes the witness discount is applied to all data in the transaction (because parent chain full nodes do not need to execute these transactions or store them in the UTXO set).
If a validity rollup uses an account model with address re-use (i.e. one address per user) then it is possible to reduce the weight of each rollup transaction down to 12 WU.[^86] This is because public keys can be assigned to account numbers on the rollup, which can then be securely represented in a highly compressed format. Then, rather than including the public key or address in each transaction, the sender and recipient can simply be referred to by their account number. Other rollup transaction details that would have used more bytes in a non-rollup transaction can also be removed or compressed in the state update transaction that gets confirmed on the parent chain.
@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ Although Lightning is most famous for settling on the bitcoin mainchain, Lightni
> Figure 8 description: There three Lightning nodes: Lightning node "A" that has a channel open on the bitcoin mainchain, Lightning node "B" that has channels open on both the bitcoin mainchain and a Lightning-focused rollup, and Lightning node "C" that has a Lightning channel open on the rollup. B has a dual-funded channel open with both A and C, and can therefore route payments between them, even though A and C each have channels open on different layers.
> Figure 8 description: There are three Lightning nodes: Lightning node "A" that has a channel open on the bitcoin mainchain, Lightning node "B" that has channels open on both the bitcoin mainchain and a Lightning-focused rollup, and Lightning node "C" that has a Lightning channel open on the rollup. B has a dual-funded channel open with both A and C, and can therefore route payments between them, even though A and C each have channels open on different layers.
## Section 5. Building validity rollups on bitcoin
@ -380,9 +380,9 @@ This section will examine the costs and risks uncovered while preparing this rep
### Section 6.1 Increased bandwidth and storage costs
If block space is not increased to allow for more rollup transactions, then adding validity rollups to bitcoin will not result in any inherent increase in bandwidth or storage costs for L1 full nodes. The same block space and bandwidth will instead be used more efficiently to pack in more transactions for the same bandwidth and storage costs.
If block space is _not_ increased to allow for more rollup transactions, then adding validity rollups to bitcoin will not result in any inherent increase in bandwidth or storage costs for L1 full nodes. The same available block space and bandwidth will instead be used more efficiently to pack in more transactions for the same bandwidth and storage costs. However, although today the theoretical maximum block size is around 4 MB, in practice the largest block on record so far with "normal" transactions in it was around 2.7 MB (block #748918). Rollups could be more efficient in their use of bitcoin block space, which could result in L1 blocks regularly bumping up against the theoretical maximum of 4 MB in size given enough demand for rollup block space. This would result in larger-than-current-average blocks and thus increased bandwidth and storage costs for L1 full nodes.
If block space _is_ increased to allow for more rollup transactions, this will increase bandwidth and storage costs for L1 full nodes. More data will need to be relayed around the bitcoin network when broadcasting transactions and blocks. More data will also need to be stored on disk when a block containing rollup transaction data gets added to the blockchain. This is straightforward to measure depending on how much the block space limit is increased to make room for more rollup transactions. See [Section 4.1](#section-41-increasing-throughput-with-validity-rollups) for data cost calculations per rollup transaction.
If block space _is_ increased to allow for more rollup transactions, and demand for rollup block space results in this additional space being used, then this would further increase bandwidth and storage costs for L1 full nodes. More data will need to be relayed around the bitcoin network when broadcasting transactions and blocks. More data will also need to be stored on disk when a block containing rollup transaction data gets added to the blockchain. This is straightforward to measure depending on how much the block space limit is increased to make room for more rollup transactions. See [Section 4.1](#section-41-increasing-throughput-with-validity-rollups) for data cost calculations per rollup transaction.
### Section 6.2 Managing full node verification costs
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ One category of smart contract whose positive uses have been discussed at length
The obvious risk is that majority-vulnerable contracts enable an AIM attack that could lead to users getting robbed by block producers. Perhaps of more concern is a more subtle risk: _the existence and use of majority-vulnerable contracts creates an incentive for block producers to collude to effectuate the theft, making majority-vulnerable contracts potentially harmful to the security of the blockchain itself_. By creating an incentive to collude to form a "dishonest" majority where no such incentive would otherwise exist, majority-vulnerable contracts could be considered to be directly undermining the otherwise honest, correct, incentive-compatible operation of Nakamoto consensus.
The existence of majority-vulnerable contracts on bitcoin L2 may not be such a problem for L1 bitcoin users if the majority-vulnerable contracts use a different set of block producers than L1 e.g. a hashrate escrow contract implemented in a validity rollup that uses a different set of miners to secure the hashrate escrow. However if the implementation path used to add support for validity rollups on bitcoin enables new types of majority-vulnerable contracts on L1, then the bitcoin community may want to consider whether the potential risk introduced by majority-vulnerable contracts is worth the benefit of this particular implementation path. For example, bitcoin developer has pointed out that recursive covenants could be use to build hashrate escrow contracts on bitcoin.[^129] So if support for validity rollups is implemented on bitcoin using recursive covenants, then the bitcoin community will need to consider whether they also want to enable L1 hashrate escrow contracts as well.
The existence of majority-vulnerable contracts on bitcoin L2 may not be such a problem for L1 bitcoin users if the majority-vulnerable contracts use a different set of block producers than L1 e.g. a hashrate escrow contract implemented in a validity rollup that uses a different set of miners to secure the hashrate escrow. However if the implementation path used to add support for validity rollups on bitcoin enables new types of majority-vulnerable contracts on L1, then the bitcoin community may want to consider whether the potential risk introduced by majority-vulnerable contracts is worth the benefit of this particular implementation path. For example, ZmnSCPxj has pointed out that recursive covenants could be use to build hashrate escrow contracts on bitcoin.[^129] So if support for validity rollups is implemented on bitcoin using recursive covenants, then the bitcoin community will need to consider whether they also want to enable L1 hashrate escrow contracts as well.
Empirical observation has shown that block producers have not yet colluded to steal despite the existence of majority-vulnerable contracts, suggesting there is some other incentive or dis-incentive preventing them from stealing.[^130] It's also possible that there's simply a tipping point that has yet to be reached and it's only a matter of time before the collusion and theft these contracts incentivize finally occurs. With sufficiently expressive smart contract capabilities, it would be possible to create an AIM contract that automatically allocates the proceeds of theft from a majority-vulnerable contract to block producers who participate in the attack, reducing risk and coordination costs and thereby potentially increasing the likelihood that the attack is attempted and succeeds. Since majority-vulnerable contracts have already been deployed to production, only time will tell whether or not they really are a threat to their host networks.
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ See [Appendix F](#appendix-f-mitigating-harm-from-compromised-cryptographic-proo
## Conclusion
In this report, we described the history of validity rollups, how they work, and how they could be built on bitcoin. We described how, even in their simplest form, validity rollups can enable over 100 times more transaction throughput on bitcoin with no loss of ownership security for validity rollup users compared to the ownership security of transacting on bitcoin L1. Given that validity rollups are "trustless" by design, and could be implemented without introducing new risks or sacrificing any of bitcoin's core values or features, we believe the simplest possible implementations of validity rollups would be a great fit for bitcoin.
In this report, we described the history of validity rollups, how they work, and how they could be built on bitcoin. We described how, even in their simplest form, validity rollups can enable over 100 times more transaction throughput on bitcoin with no loss of self-custodial ownership security for validity rollup users compared to the ownership security of transacting on bitcoin L1. Given that validity rollups are "trustless" by design, and could be implemented without introducing new risks or sacrificing any of bitcoin's core values or features, we believe the simplest possible implementations of validity rollups would be a great fit for bitcoin.
Optionally, the implementation of validity rollups on bitcoin could also support the verification of more powerful validity proofs. This would enable new capabilities for bitcoin users, such as support for more expressive smart contracts and stronger privacy protocols. Depending on how support for these more powerful validity proofs is implemented, these new capabilities could be enabled at little to no increase in the cost of running an L1 full node. However, these new capabilities could also come with new risks, such as enabling new kinds of AIM and MEV attacks, along with the possibility of provoking a crackdown on bitcoin by authoritarian governments who may be opposed to the strong privacy and censorship-resistant applications these protocols enable. Each of these new capabilities, and the risks that come with them, should be scrutinized on an individual basis, each with their own cost-benefit, risk-reward analysis, to determine whether or not they would be worth enabling on bitcoin, even in a validity rollup on L2. Some analysis of these issues was presented or referenced in this report, but should not be considered the last word on the subject. These are areas deserving of more research, experimentation, and observation.
@ -554,6 +554,8 @@ We can see in [Table 5](#table-5-protocol-comparison-table) how validity rollups
> [ ** ] "Maybe" in this column refers to the fact that unilateral exit is possible only if the necessary data is available to users who need it to create their withdrawal transaction.
> [ *** ] See [Appendix C](#appendix-c-increasing-throughput-with-offchain-data-availability) for more details about validia chains.
> [ **** ] "Maybe" in this instance refers to a specific attack against a Softchain. If a softchain is merge-mined with its parent chain, then the parent chain miners are also the softchain miners. And if enough of the softchain miners are malicious, then it could be possible for them to create an invalid withdrawal transaction and steal all of the BTC held in the softchain without the mainchain full nodes noticing. Ergo, parent miners could steal from the softchain -- by becoming softchain miners, and colluding to steal from the softchain.
> Table 5 references:
> [a] <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
