- Proposals and corrections are submitted via pull request to master branch of this repo. Your proposal should be a **lowercase named** subdirectory inside `proposals` dir with `REDAME.md`.
- It **should** have all particiapting regions explictly stated and have transparent wallets for each. Regions are named: AR, NA, SH, EU. There is no regions named AU, AE, SE etc. Good candidates also provide z-address.
- It **might** have pubkeys (btcpubkey) attached to each wallet. Failure to provide pubkey timely might end up loosing spot.
- It **should** have your slack contact nickname(s) visible and noticable.
- Your propoposal **must** have separate section named `Disclosure` where you should disclose any impacting relationships with other candidates, your status as a team member (if you're invited in team chat) and nodes you're currently operate as auto re-elected.