I am CHMEX Operator of <ahref="https://dexstats.info"target="_blank">www.dexstats.info</a>, which provides various useful tools like `Trading History`, `Richlist & Lookup`, `Address Converter` and `PIRATE Migration & Onboarding` to name a few. Visit <ahref="https://dexstats.info"target="_blank">dexstats</a> to learn more.
I work an DevOPS IT Job in Telco where I'm exposed to a lot of Data.
For the first time I would like to present myself as a candidate for Notary Node Election 2019 to operate a Node in the `EU Region`. **I only run for one Region and one Node**. In case of auto re-election in 2020 the proposed Use of Funds honored as well.
## Why Vote for CHMEX - Dexstats
### ICO Contributor, Active Community Member since 2017, Team Member since 2018. ###
#### :heavy_check_mark: Done and Running. #####
* Running <ahref="https://dexstats.info"target="_blank">www.dexstats.info</a> and all it's Tools which you have maybe already used.<br>
* Running Fullnodes with about `4TB` of outbound data per month to help the network for all Notarized and known Assetchains<br>
* Hosting Hourly updated <ahref="https://dexstats.info/richlist.php"target="_blank">Richlists</a>. Realtime <ahref="https://explorer.dexstats.info"target="_blank">Coinsupply</a> with API. Daily updated **<ahref="https://dexstats.info/bootstrap.php"target="_blank">Bootstraps</a>** on all Notarized Assetchains. Hosting about 50+ Explorers for Live and Testing Network https://explorer.dexstats.info . I got BarterDEX listed on CMC with integration.
* Hosting and maintaining API's to feed in Realtime _Blockfolio Coinfairvalue Blocktivity **CoinmarketCap** Coingecko Coinpaprika_ and others. Serving `4 Mio` API calls per day to these sites. That's `46 Req/s` or `1.4 Bil` Request per year.<br>
* Helping out People Migrate funds `1+ Mio ARRR`, `1+ Mio USD` in NXT Assets saved. Trustee in OTC Transactions.
* :trophy: Winner of the :beer:BEER & PIZZA:pizza: Atomic Swap contest in 2018. I will Airdrop `1 Mio` PIZZA-Testcoin to all my Voters regardless of the outcome of the Election! I was running LP Nodes on odd Pairs like DBG/HUSH HUSH/VTC during bullmarket. I'm still running PIZZA/BEER LP nodes. With mm2.0 these marketmaker Nodes will be activated again. My addresses have been involved in approx. 10% of all BarterDEX Atomic Swaps.
* I don't code C but some of suggested RPC Calls have been implemented by James and Duke (_getsnapshot coinsupply convaddress getchaintxstats_ to name a few.)
* My <ahref="https://dexstats.info/scale/index.html"target="_blank">20k TPS / Visualization</a> was well Commented
* Maintaining and styled <ahref="https://explorer.pirate.black"target="_blank">https://explorer.pirate.black</a>
* I'm helping out people as much as I can on Discord and Telegram. A lot of time I test new KMD features.
* Onboarding System for PIRATE with <ahref="https://pirate.dexstats.info/?VOTE2019">Referral System</a>.
*<ahref="https://kmd.explorer.dexstats.info/address/RF4HiVeuYpaznRPs7fkRAKKYqT5tuxQQTL"target="_blank">LABS Node Operator</a>, therefore have the capability to run a Notary Node. <ahref="https://kmd.explorer.dexstats.info/address/RF4HiVeuYpaznRPs7fkRAKKYqT5tuxQQTL"target="_blank">Current Running</a> LABS Node uses Notary Hardware and Location.
* I will use Funds to pay Dev Bounties like RPC Integrations Bitcore and others. <ahref="https://github.com/jl777/komodo/pull/1328"><b>getchaintxstats</b></a> to KMD was paid by me. I financially supported sg777 / CHIPS dev. I will continue using funds to support devs.
If elected I can setup, run and pay more Servers and create new Tools I have a lot ideas, most importantly and `$BUIDL $BUIDL $BUIDL` for the next wave of Assetchains in 2019/2020.
I got some Donations from Community members over the last few month which I'm very thankful. With the current Infrastructure I pay around USD 250 per Month out of my Pocket.
* Server Location: `Central Switzerland`_( Side Note: 15m Underground in a ex-Military Bunker now Remodeled Datacenter )_
## Disclosure:
* I'm an official Komodo Team Member (volunteering on part time base, not on payroll)
* PIRATE Member First Mate 🏴
* LABS Member
* To my current knowledge the location of my Node will be the southern-most in Europe. It's outside of `Hetzner & OVH Network` I believe in a de-centralized network which I want to support this way.