To vote for me, just send your [KMD VOTE tokens]( before May 14, 2019 to the above KMD address
I am an IT Technical Specialist from the UK with 30 years of experience in IT. I was trained as a Real-Time programmer, with my first job writing Assembler code for the control systems of various DoD vehicles. I then became an IT Support Specialist for the rest of my career:
- Supporting a Trading Floor of a large multinational bank
- Field Engineer for Trading Floors across London
- IT Manager for a Norwegian ISP
- Senior IT Support Engineer for a large Web Hosting and Social Media Company in Manchester,UK
I then went on and founded my own IT Consultancy and Web Design company. Over the next few years I worked with the NHS, developing websites for Neonatal care units and various small businesses across the North West of the UK. All my websites were based around Joomla on Linux VPS servers.
Unfortunately due to health concerns in 2015 I had to suspend my work in IT and pursue a very different career - that of building and hiring 5" and 7 1/4" gauge ride-on trains. This had me travelling all over the UK and working with the BBC on Countryfile Live, and CarFest South (Part of the BBC's Children in Need charity). I was also involved with the opening of the new Liverpool Exhibition Centre.
We also have in development our first Mining Pool and initial testing has proved very succesful, and hope to have this fully up and running in the next 4-6 weeks and will support KMD, ARRR, ZEX and HUSH.
Now I am looking to getting more involved with the actual workings of a Cryptocurrency. After learning how to build and set up a Mining Pool based around Komodo, it has peaked my interest in this cryptocurrency and I'd like to get more involved, and running a Notary Node seems the next logical step.
I feel my 30 years in IT, most of it in high pressure real-time environments will be a huge asset in running a successful and reliable Notary Node for Komodo and I hope I can gain enough votes to be one of the eight candidates to represent the EU moving forward through 2019 and into 2020.