# GT Notary Proposal :tea:
## Vote Address: RNGnsh7uQhuFqyaAjAyNuWhLwRnK9JVuoq
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gtmatcha/NotaryNodes/master/notarynodes/gt/qr.png" heigh="250" width="250">
## Region: AR
## GT Komodo Ecosystem evolvement:
* Has been a part of the Komodo community since stress tests for barterdex started.
* Maintain [KMDLabs notary](https://kmdlabs.com/who/) and testing
* Help test CC/mine/migrations when possible (rogue/sapling upgrade for pirate via Rocket, marmara etc)
## GT personal:
* KMD believer and believer in the open source ethos
* Started off as a noob in blockchain tech but learned through hands on envolvement via KMDLabs
* Getting masters in CompSci :point_right: Putting experience forward to KMD
## Pledge:
* To maintain a well performing node for the security of KMD as well as it’s many assetchains and other projects using dPoW.
* To continue maintaining a well performing KMDLabs node. As the KMDLabs project grows, the rest of the ecosystem will benefit.
* Give back to the community.
* 20% - KMDLabs fund
* 10% - To start a fund that will be used for current or futue KMD Ecosystem Projects
(ex: Pirate Chain, Verus Coin, etc)
- To be used for things such as listing fees, bounties, development
## Server Spec:
_I will comply with the minimum sever requirement if elected as provided:_
* Region: AR
* CPU: Xeon or i7 (8 cores)
* RAM: 64 GB
* Disk: 1 TB/SSD
* Bandwidth: 1 Gbp
## TestNet Notarization Counts: [Here](https://notarystats.info/testnet.php)
## Disclosure
* KMDLabs node operator
* First time running for a NN position
## Contact Info
* Discord: gt#2812
* Email: weget@protonmail.com
* [notary.gtmatcha.com](https://gtmatcha.com)
* 한국어 가능
## Ecosystem Project Links
* [KMDLabs](https://kmdlabs.com/)
* [Pirate](https://pirate.black/)
* [Verus](https://veruscoin.io/)