@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ |
# VOTE2019 re-elected nodes - how to verify results |
git clone -b jl777 https://github.com/jl777/komodo.git |
build it |
cd src |
./komodod (sync KMD from scratch 6-8H) |
edit `notarystats.py` so that: |
`stopheight = 1307200` |
./notarystats.py |
to get KMD results edit notarystats.py |
from this `if obj['chain'] == 'KMD':` to this `if obj['chain'] != 'KMD':` |
and `startheight = 821657 #Second time filter for assetchains (block 821657) for KMD its 814000` |
change that to `startheight = 814000` |
all the code is there feel free to check it. |
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@ |
# Notary nodes season 2019-2020 |
For the season 2019-2020 we will have 64 nodes. 32 nodes will be elected based on VOTE2019 token, 4 nodes are kept for team dev purposes. 28 nodes will be automaticly re-elected based on notarization counts: total nodes score is number of KMD->BTC notarizations, plus 1/3 of number of assets->KMD notarizations done. |
VOTE2019 token will be airdropped 14th. April, based on KMD chain snapshot (of the same date). You will get VOTe2019 token 1:1 as seen at all transparent KMD R- addresses. If you want to get VOTE2019 tokens - make sure your KMD are stored at your own wallet (where you own WIF/seed) and not on any exchange by the end of day April 13th. |
# Winners |
Dev nodes for the next season are: jl777_dev, kolo_dev, decker_dev, ca333_dev. |
Also here are those 28 lucky creatures, who go into next season. Those nodes should provide 2 working pub keys not later than 14th May. |
## AR (7 nodes) |
alien_AR (prev. devA) |
BTC notarizations: 21239 |
AC notarizations: 391089 |
Score: 151602 |
metaphilibert_AR |
BTC notarizations: 16385 |
AC notarizations: 309907 |
Score: 119687 |
fullmoon_AR |
BTC notarizations: 15342 |
AC notarizations: 298261 |
Score: 114762 |
titomane_AR |
BTC notarizations: 13925 |
AC notarizations: 294037 |
Score: 111937 |
lukechilds_AR |
BTC notarizations: 12816 |
AC notarizations: 296560 |
Score: 111669 |
peer2cloud_AR |
BTC notarizations: 14786 |
AC notarizations: 281224 |
Score: 108527 |
cipi_AR |
BTC notarizations: 13019 |
AC notarizations: 282105 |
Score: 107054 |
## EU (7 nodes) |
alien_EU (prev. devE) |
BTC notarizations: 21014 |
AC notarizations: 398521 |
Score: 153854 |
dwy_EU |
BTC notarizations: 18040 |
AC notarizations: 358335 |
Score: 137485 |
jeezy_EU |
BTC notarizations: 14067 |
AC notarizations: 314975 |
Score: 119058 |
titomane_EU |
BTC notarizations: 12043 |
AC notarizations: 317724 |
Score: 117951 |
chainmakers_EU |
BTC notarizations: 12618 |
AC notarizations: 311922 |
Score: 116592 |
etszombi_EU |
BTC notarizations: 13516 |
AC notarizations: 290147 |
Score: 110231 |
indenodes_EU |
BTC notarizations: 13141 |
AC notarizations: 275172 |
Score: 104865 |
## NA (7 nodes) |
webworker01_NA |
BTC notarizations: 18193 |
AC notarizations: 365284 |
Score: 139954 |
cipi_NA |
BTC notarizations: 17326 |
AC notarizations: 332685 |
Score: 128221 |
fullmoon_NA |
BTC notarizations: 15586 |
AC notarizations: 310036 |
Score: 118931 |
indenodes_NA |
BTC notarizations: 14131 |
AC notarizations: 309531 |
Score: 117308 |
karasugoi_NA |
BTC notarizations: 9583 |
AC notarizations: 312344 |
Score: 113697 |
thegaltmines_NA |
BTC notarizations: 11545 |
AC notarizations: 284439 |
Score: 106358 |
pbca26_NA |
BTC notarizations: 7377 |
AC notarizations: 276215 |
Score: 99448 |
## SH (7 nodes) |
fullmoon_SH |
BTC notarizations: 12908 |
AC notarizations: 276567 |
Score: 105097 |
patchkez_SH |
BTC notarizations: 12887 |
AC notarizations: 247819 |
Score: 95493 |
indenodes_SH |
BTC notarizations: 11653 |
AC notarizations: 245568 |
Score: 93509 |
metaphilibert_SH |
BTC notarizations: 13480 |
AC notarizations: 237636 |
Score: 92692 |
titomane_SH |
BTC notarizations: 9389 |
AC notarizations: 233571 |
Score: 87246 |
chainstrike_SH |
BTC notarizations: 9938 |
AC notarizations: 228036 |
Score: 85950 |
komodopioneers_SH |
BTC notarizations: 8889 |
AC notarizations: 228693 |
Score: 85120 |
Stats are collected using webworker1 parser: https://github.com/webworker01/notarystats ( also available at https://komodostats.com ) and verified using RPC call coded by @blackjokr: https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/NotaryNodes/pull/312 |
Results from above methods appeared to vary in total 1-5 notarizations per node, but never more and not affecting resulting node position. |
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# Proposal KMD NN Election 2019 almocheCGG |
# Intro # |
I am an private 35 years old tech and for the most blockchain enthusiast. |
Facinated about that amazing tech and how it will impact and change the world in so many way in the future. |
I am involved in blockchain space since 2014. |
# Blockchain and Technical Experiences # |
## General ## |
I love digitalization in general. |
It can make life much easier and also safe time of your life and for the most if you know how, it can also protect your privacy. |
But I have to say, that I haven´t learn anything technical. |
All I know is self educated and investigated on my own. |
So meanwhile I would say blockchain is a big part of my life. |
## Blockchain Experiences ## |
Started in 2014 with NXT (therefore also owning Ardor and Ignis, because never sold them). |
Became one of approx. 3300 XEM/NEM stakeholders. |
ICO participations (only some of all): Waves, Lisk, Komodo, Stratis and also where all of these blockchains come together - Pantos. |
I have mined ETH at the beginning |
And my newest project besides KMD-NN-Server Election is: owning 1 of 40 witness nodes sever of Crypviser (blockchain encrypted messenger available for Android and IOS on Graphene blockchain) |
## Off-topic Experiences ## |
I have setted up a smarthome-server myself with raspberry over Apple (homebridge for DECT, ZigBee, Z-Wave and Wi-Fi) |
Therefto installed a router cascade with 2 Fritzboxes to secure my PCs |
I am owning several PC-Systems (Windows and Linux) |
I have experiences in Linux TV receiver networks // VU+ should be enough to say ;-) |
# Server Specification # |
| Spec | Detail | |
|----------|---------------------| |
| CPU | Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.2-4.6 GHz | |
| RAM | 4 x 16Gb DDR4 2400MHz Micron 16ATF2G64AZ-2G3E1 | |
| Storage | 2 x 1Tb NVMe Samsung Raid 1 | |
| Network | 1Gbit/s symmetric | |
| Location | Finland | |
# Vote information # |
- [**EU**] |
``` |
RTX6GMdB6CUhUuNcmB7EDktYfst5fRqa18 |
``` |
# Contact information # |
- [Discord](https://discord.gg/e2qEtHN) |
- [E-Mail](mailto:coingainguru@protonmail.com) |
- [Website](https://coingain.guru) |
- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/COINGAINGURU) |
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ |
## Alright - Asia Region Notary Node |
### AR region VOTE address : `RL716eGAQ1NdR7x48EdGFsSQvzewkdwjqM` |
## Who Am I? |
I'm Alright. I first became involved with Komodo in November 2017. After finding a number of critical bugs and disclosing them to the team, I was offered a job as a tester in May 2018. Since this time, I've found a number of critical bugs and exploits. In August 2018, I helped manage and organize the POSTESTs in the CHIPS discord. The purpose of these tests were to stress test the newly developed ac_staked parameter. These tests inspired the creation of STAKED(now KMDLabs). Since KMDLabs's inception, I have been a vital part in testing KMDLabs along with forming many of its concepts. blackjok3r and I(tt) have spent almost all of our free time since August 2018 developing KMDLabs. |
## What I do |
My day to day is eat, sleep, Komodo. |
I've written much of the technical documentation for Komodo.(see assetchains params doc, Creating an asset chain doc, Dilithium doc.) I have an active involvement with writing, editing and fact checking newly created documents. |
I am active in the development of KMDLabs. We believe KMDLabs will be a vital asset to the KMD ecosystem as a resource for testers and developers. It will allow for rapid R&D of new and existing Cryptocondition modules. KMDLabs will be the first project to showcase the true power of Komodo's MoMoM scaling technology. |
I'm typically the first to dig into any new Cryptocondition modules and search for exploits. I've found and helped fix bugs in just about every CC module to date. |
I set up the 2019NNtestnet for new candidates. I've been managing this with SHossain and blackjok3r. |
I've been developing pos64staker. This project allows for a noob to stake their coins efficiently on any ac_staked assetchain. This project has turned into more of a general purpose TUI. It now has an auto-bootstrapper(thanks for CHMEX's servers). It has the option to automatically create a new POS chain and manage it's UTXOs properly. It has a stats menu for staking performance stats. The latest feature is a fully functional Dilithium TUI. |
## What I promise |
50% of my mining rewards will be sent directly to a multisig address used to fund KMDLabs notaries. We hope this multisig fund can fund notarization transaction fees on the KMDLabs cluster for years to come. |
I will run my node in Tel Aviv, Israel. I made this decision because there isn't a single notary node in the middle east. This will be beneficial to the decentralization of the network. At first this will be run on a VPS. This will allow me to seamlessly change datacenters if need be. I am currently researching hardware. I plan to buy a server within a few months of the season starting. |
## Disclosure |
I am a KMD team member. ComputerGenie is my grandfather. |
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@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ |
# **Notary Node Proposal and1-89** |
<p align="center"> |
<img width="350" src="dog.jpg" /> |
----- |
----- |
# KMD EU : RB1BSgGjcNM1tJt7XG6CWqJ9kyWHuitRX7 |
---- |
---- |
# How to vote ## |
**1.** Download Agama - https://komodoplatform.com/komodo-wallets/ |
**2.** Import your KMD private key or seed and start KMD coin |
**3.** Activate Coins --> VOTE2019 Coin--> select |
(VoteCoin2019 will be airdropped 14. April equal to your Agama KMD amount) |
**4.** Send your VOTE2019 Coins to one of the addresses listed |
``` |
Note: Only first transaction of VOTE2019 Coin will be counted as a valid vote. |
If you have multiple KMD addresses don't consolidate before sending your VOTE. |
``` |
# What is a Notary Node? |
*Excerpts from the original documentation* |
https://blog.komodoplatform.com/delayed-proof-of-work-explained-9a74250dbb86 |
* 64 special nodes which can create a network of its own dPoW (delayed Proof of Work) peer-to-peer network and communicate with each other exchanging the latest blocks and dPoW consensus information related to the blockchains it is securing. The nodes in this dPoW peer-to-peer network are called Notary Nodes (NN). |
* Since dPoW was first created, there have been 4 Notary Nodes reserved for Komodo’s developers. |
* The other 60 Notary Nodes are elected based on the votes of KMD holders and how they vote for the Notary Node operators. |
* The Notary Nodes votes are every year, the top 30 Notary Nodes that completed the most notarizations (of Komodo to Bitcoin or Assetchains to Komodo) are automatically re-elected for another year. This gives notary node operators incentive to do their job well, rewards diligent operators, and ensures a smooth transition from one cohort to the next. |
* The lowest 30 Notary Nodes positions are opened every year to the community. |
* The location of Notary Node servers must be diversified on all continents. The regions are categorized in the following locations: Southern-Hemisphere (SH), Asia-Rusia (AR), North-America (NA), Europe (EU). |
You find the full explanation about how delayed Proof of Work (dPoW) and Notary Nodes (NN) work in the link above. |
# Reasons to vote for us: |
## First of all Who We are ? |
We’re Technic and Crypto enthusiast from Germany, who has already collected experience by running an KMDLabs StakedNotary, XMPP Chat Server and handling |
our own Mining Farm. Also some of you knowing us as one of the Admin’s in the |
Komodo and Pirate Channel of Germany’s Telegram Group. |
* We are convinced that the potential of crypto lies in it’s decentralisation. It means specifically (for us) that 64 nodes should be distributed among 64 different node operators. |
* Since the Komodo team is focused on developing the technical applications of Blockchain, we are convinced that this will have an enormous impact on the entire future Blockchain technology. That's why we want to bring in our personal experience to the community. |
* We are not official team members or partners of Komodo. We see independence as an additional contribution to decentralisation. |
## Server Information: |
**CPU:** IIntel Xeon E5-1660v3 - 8c/16t - 3/3.5 GHz |
**RAM:** 128GB DDR4 ECC 2133 MHz |
**SSD:** SoftRaid 2x1.92TB NVMe |
**Networking:** 1000 Mbit/s upload bandwidth |
**Location:** Frankfurt, Germany |
---- |
**KMD EU Vote address:**```RB1BSgGjcNM1tJt7XG6CWqJ9kyWHuitRX7``` |
---- |
Discord: [and1"ヅblubbi#5456](https://komodoplatform.com/discord) |
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
# Cakeshop |
Vote for [cakeshop projects](https://cakeshop.dev) in the SH & AR regions to make the funds do work. A small developer team in the ME/SEA region, community testers and other community bounties including writing projects. |
**Send your VOTE for a server to be run in the SH region**: `RUTn853UxzQ3kg3NJR67yGFGeRzoxGT8Kr` |
**Send your VOTE for a server to be run in the AR region**: `RQSXenqmWT9HhfvaPiiKqFzFBuKyxzS9UL` |
**The goals of cakeshop projects are to create base products for use in the ecosystem & collaborate** |
# Financials |
After server costs are taken out (budget at $500USD/month), the remaining KMD will be split like this |
* 10% to go to LABS for their funding bounties |
* 10% to go to KomodoPioneers for writing resources to be paid for their [DEX news site](https://hybriddex.com) & upcoming [multi-chain news site](http://test.shardwatch.com/multi-chain-projects). |
* 50% to cakeshop projects below and the bounties for community involvement to test |
# Proposal |
Cakeshop has several projects already started, and will continue - although it will be at a snails pace without revenue, being part of the notary network will enable mined funds to be spent to grow (dev/human/testing/contractor)resources to these projects. |
Cakeshop tries to take [existing implementations, the cakeshop](https://www.komodo-cakeshop.com/shop/) for showcase, and will continue to do so as [the developer ecosystem grows](https://www.komodo-cakeshop.com/2019/02/24/disclaimer-using-komodo-cakeshop/). |
An :point_right:[install guide](https://www.komodo-cakeshop.com/guide/):point_left: is available for the komodo-in-a-box and an amazon machine image (AMI) is available using :point_right:komodo-in-a-box or komodo from AMI search:point_left: from your AWS Management Console. Running the installer from scratch on any ubuntu-18.04 machine needs a little more :heart: but should work. |
In-a-Box projects will require community testers and feedback, and funds for these items will be available in the form of community bounties. |
* [komodo-in-a-box](https://cakeshop.dev/komodo-in-a-box/) is an easy installer for anyone to use. It's aim is for any komodo project to be able to offer their community a standalone installer. It currently only supports KMDICE, however - adding any existing assetchain is only minimal work. |
* [komodo-in-a-box](https://cakeshop.dev/komodo-in-a-box/) can be easily made to sync with seed nodes that come from other projects, once given the startup parameters. |
* [iguana-in-a-box](https://cakeshop.dev/iguana-in-a-box/) is a *proposed* installer for iguana for the purpose of the [streaming project](https://komodoplatform.com/tech-tuesday-update-6/). Another simple installer for [projects that want to adopt the technology](https://komodoplatform.com/tt2019-12-custom-blockchain-game-dev-tools/) when it begins development & testing again. |
* [marketmaker-in-a-box](https://cakeshop.dev/marketmaker-in-a-box/) is a *proposed* easy installer that can be used with the komodo ecosystem, and perhaps extended to use other blockchains, thereby creating bitcoin-in-a-box or XXXX-in-a-box. |
* [Game development](https://cakeshop.dev/gamedev/) - a proof of concept hyper-casual game has been started by Ahmed using Unity3d that will be looking to integrate komodo's #cc-games development to use tokenization |
* [Game development](https://cakeshop.dev/gamedev/) - a simple lemonade stand style game using Komodo's CC tech to create modules for a "cakeshop" game |
* [Labs & Liqudity](https://cakeshop.dev/labs-liquidity/) - a small proof of concept 0x relayer is being built by Ahmed to explore the potential of integrating with the marketmaker network |
* Cloud enablement using tools like terraform for cross cloud deployment and testing and introducing Komodo to organizations for blockchain integrations by becoming a [System Integrator Partner](https://www.hashicorp.com/partners). |
# Why cakeshop exists |
Cakeshop spawned itself from the komodo pioneers because that organization aims to be a DAO that provides supporting materials to independent people to hold meetups and other community initiatives. As a DAO it is better to have no products or services that can create a liability on its constituents - and cakeshop was born. |
# Key contacts |
* Mylo @Mylo(KomodoPioneers) mylo@komodoplatform.com imylomylo@gmail.com |
* Ahmed @Artist |
* TBA |
# Disclaimer |
* Mylo is part of the komodo team, by being part of the team, the cakeshop vision is achievable. Mylo writes tech tuesday articles. |
* Mylo is the lead tech of the komodo pioneers team maintaining their notary node |
* Ahmed writes for the pioneers publication project [hybriddex.com](https://hybriddex.com) |
@ -1,19 +1,186 @@ |
# ChainStrike SH Notary Node Info |
* BTC pub key `0370bcf10575d8fb0291afad7bf3a76929734f888228bc49e35c5c49b336002153` |
* BTC address `1PaDKKamr7MrnheZZc7twW81TwU9MQK4JV` |
* KMD address `RXrQPqU4SwARri1m2n7232TDECvjzXCJh4` |
# ladies and gentlemen, |
## Location: Australia |
we are pleased to announce the candidacy of |
TEAM CHAiNSTRiKE for nodes in NA & AR. we |
have a long history in the crypto scene |
and komodo community especially. |
## Hardware |
you want details? sure lets jump right in... |
* CPU: i7 8T |
* RAM: 64GB |
* SSD: 500GB |
* Link: 100mbps |
#### /home/jeezy |
* started mining and trading crypto in 2012 |
* long time investor of james projects (NXT) |
* EU node operator since the beginning in 2016 |
* over 15 years of IT-experience (win/nix) |
* helps KMD projects grow where possible |
* PIRATE pool op, tests CC/ROGUE, etc. |
## Contact Details |
#### /home/dukeleto |
* developer, helping a lot of crypto projects |
* core dev of KMD, helping implement 2.0 vision |
* core dev of HUSH, bringing secure coms to people |
* started mining BTC and read Satoshis WP in 2011 |
* Slack: @jeezy, @dukeleto |
* Twitter: @TeamChainStrike, @dukeleto |
here are some details about our nodes in EU & SH |
that have been running since october 2016 (EU) |
and april 2018 (SH) |
* industrial servers on a gbps backbone |
* hosted in first class dc around the globe |
* near perfect mining results every month |
* top notarization results, day by day |
* uptime of 99% |
so whats planned for 2019/2020 you ask? |
pretty simple, keep the above mentioned |
performance level and add two more nodes. |
since we have all the experience and can put |
in the workhours it should be an easy task, |
but most importantly we help KMD keep pumping |
a healthy stream of notarizations. |
#### but wait, there is even more! |
either periodically or after the year is finished |
we will drop 10% of our earnings from mining |
to one or more selected projects of our choosing. |
we will chose those projects based on the |
value we see in them helping KMD grow. |
this, in addition to our powerful team and the |
fact that we bring experience and willingness |
to provide a stable notarization environment |
to the table, should be enough to convince you |
that voting for TEAM CHAiNSTRiKE is the only |
logical conclusion. |
questions? reach us at: |
##### discord [@dukeleto#7326](https://discord.gg/qj25rC8) [@jeezy#3408](https://discord.gg/qj25rC8) |
##### mail [chainstrike@protonmail.com](mailto:chainstrike@protonmail.com) |
##### twitter [@TeamChainstrike](https://twitter.com/TeamChainstrike) |
##### keybase [/chainstrike](https://keybase.io/chainstrike) |
#### NODE NA => SEND VOTE2019 TO: |
RBqwWPYGyi6vkSKYgniDabyMrk2fxVgZcH |
#### NODE AR => SEND VOTE2019 TO: |
RV9fELEnjkSxLjdTSSBuKkwixN4e9tMc5P |
#### DISCLAIMER - aka How does this work? - Please read carefully! |
* For a full overview of the mechanics, please click here: [Komodo Election Website](http://komodoelection.com/) |
* Make sure to NOT send any VOTE2019 to us from an address you do not control! (exchanges, etc.) |
#### Thank you for voting! |
# General Information |
#### NODE SH |
* Location: Australia Tier 3 DC |
* Legacy Addr: RXrQPqU4SwARri1m2n7232TDECvjzXCJh4 |
* Legacy BTC: 1PaDKKamr7MrnheZZc7twW81TwU9MQK4JV |
* Legacy PubKey: 0370bcf10575d8fb0291afad7bf3a76929734f888228bc49e35c5c49b336002153 |
* New Addr: RMQLywbU7JGGzUnV6HaZ3MVvnVuY4ijcUk |
* New BTC: 1D89uRiBWUThvURHd7bRwqAj2ESwQ422xk |
* New PubKey: 03e9b86e3431432f5e7a04ad056c7ef4026de866cd134fd1b47d0964029d79dd6f |
#### NODE NA |
* Location: TBD |
* Addr: RBqwWPYGyi6vkSKYgniDabyMrk2fxVgZcH |
* BTC: 13ZkRsezNtJMgRxMDcj6V5eA6Ua5Gkpb8b |
* PubKey: 036bb5c8ea5033e4bafd49ca75e40a0d029bf1f6d2a2ea8283d460ce6c712090a3 |
#### NODE AR |
* Location: TBD |
* Addr: RV9fELEnjkSxLjdTSSBuKkwixN4e9tMc5P |
* BTC: 1LsU9pMW8vePGjGFyGCnEEcXC6c3ShkMsQ |
* PubKey: 03568a5c4e3989d2eecf13990db75f096837f83515e69977a787d05ce384f982a8 |
##### PGP |
xsFNBFqWefkBEADY4/V04IsNLj8NXo3iTpkRV/I9KQf55gHxHEM+3t1KcyHabPEV |
LJyNLnCvKRWeeq+hyRNIf7qIrEuKpeVedf7fwDAWuBSWRZV4YIj7VmpPjhA+r/sM |
vm6iyRPNln8WAuqhgvASfIUwdyEvFqcMpFA8BvML+cL7k3RepXUUANrj8/5iswgI |
UtYXfHse4VqhuEifY85YAI9vHpTzmDHOKtddygd+UO7JJqcheP7N5lPVbkNW06hA |
ornUENieExlR5pf6Ou66XyWS9VntHB3CumaCLKsaeDsf3FRINKMb8pvakjw4aqpu |
+919upqmCWrbkoihqRec2BH7G+tvmbG98wzjF3UXzXSDpVGKo9xfj26of1qL/WZc |
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jiI5z0kfX79CWKtDNsgXBxGXE92swf17kwKg7Wzzqd8kuqUALC1kboBKe4O60wW5 |
BPhMxyRrQ3WJp3eJEYHzN0iUYePGQIaPhRUo/zgumYAuZvJ7K2qwTKvQI87wFL1N |
0T4z1Q7gxJnmOPHgnHVzZ55m8YygmXz0BS+nAD9BgzguVLuwz9RSrU+/jleR3rZf |
fCqInbyYnPMnAXW3Vk6p+npb23sBvWlobM7+YJGQtD3aXS2VBVvxh+PI5QARAQAB |
zShjaGFpbnN0cmlrZSA8Y2hhaW5zdHJpa2VAcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20+wsF0BBMB |
AL3Cq41HTrh+aOZCb+TlUKrR5QacnXuJ+iXfQHX5hIixSnckpGWlvI9XSa9tEn79 |
Dl5cas8/BnFaKXvjIN3fdITpfkr1qmVzzu6rCxxXqM+AhS0sBAKFKlwXu8Dlu787 |
BO6obiyOIcKkmZ5RWj369ClXb7EDS9YmLa/F8xqDt9rNyQVctpwx2LyX+lq3g//I |
qoSHvpn4IvYQ9BElJFDcnEXHUZRlHajYpefiLaV7zYN8b45Snlffsq6uMaMAQpEn |
VyjQcRlP5BTHLArPpWSleepHyrjcgJDlmUuSg7A2Vg70fpAORtVHIiNequbiL2yA |
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=45pp |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 322 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ |
# CHMEX Notary Node Proposal 2019 |
## Voting Address ## |
**Region: EU** |
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CHMEX/VOTE2019/master/chmex_qr_voting.png" align="right" height="190px" width="150px"> |
``` |
RChMex2FrLoqL3C3ED9tADfRBnUsUFJ4rj |
``` |
<br> |
## About me |
I am CHMEX Operator of <a href="https://dexstats.info" target="_blank">www.dexstats.info</a>, which provides various useful tools like `Trading History`, `Richlist & Lookup`, `Address Converter` and `PIRATE Migration & Onboarding` to name a few. Visit <a href="https://dexstats.info" target="_blank">dexstats</a> to learn more. |
I work an DevOPS IT Job in Telco where I'm exposed to a lot of Data. |
For the first time I would like to present myself as a candidate for Notary Node Election 2019 to operate a Node in the `EU Region`. **I only run for one Region and one Node**. In case of auto re-election in 2020 the proposed Use of Funds honored as well. |
## Why Vote for CHMEX - Dexstats |
### ICO Contributor, Active Community Member since 2017, Team Member since 2018. ### |
#### :heavy_check_mark: Done and Running. ##### |
* Running <a href="https://dexstats.info" target="_blank">www.dexstats.info</a> and all it's Tools which you have maybe already used.<br> |
* Running Fullnodes with about `4TB` of outbound data per month to help the network for all Notarized and known Assetchains<br> |
* Hosting Hourly updated <a href="https://dexstats.info/richlist.php" target="_blank">Richlists</a>. Realtime <a href="https://explorer.dexstats.info" target="_blank">Coinsupply</a> with API. Daily updated **<a href="https://dexstats.info/bootstrap.php" target="_blank">Bootstraps</a>** on all Notarized Assetchains. Hosting about 50+ Explorers for Live and Testing Network https://explorer.dexstats.info . I got BarterDEX listed on CMC with integration. |
* Hosting and maintaining API's to feed in Realtime _Blockfolio Coinfairvalue Blocktivity **CoinmarketCap** Coingecko Coinpaprika_ and others. Serving `4 Mio` API calls per day to these sites. That's `46 Req/s` or `1.4 Bil` Request per year.<br> |
* Helping out People Migrate funds `1+ Mio ARRR`, `1+ Mio USD` in NXT Assets saved. Trustee in OTC Transactions. |
* :trophy: Winner of the :beer:BEER & PIZZA:pizza: Atomic Swap contest in 2018. I will Airdrop `1 Mio` PIZZA-Testcoin to all my Voters regardless of the outcome of the Election! I was running LP Nodes on odd Pairs like DBG/HUSH HUSH/VTC during bullmarket. I'm still running PIZZA/BEER LP nodes. With mm2.0 these marketmaker Nodes will be activated again. My addresses have been involved in approx. 10% of all BarterDEX Atomic Swaps. |
* I don't code C but some of suggested RPC Calls have been implemented by James and Duke (_getsnapshot coinsupply convaddress getchaintxstats_ to name a few.) |
* My <a href="https://dexstats.info/scale/index.html" target="_blank">20k TPS / Visualization</a> was well Commented |
* Maintaining and styled <a href="https://explorer.pirate.black" target="_blank">https://explorer.pirate.black</a> |
* I'm helping out people as much as I can on Discord and Telegram. A lot of time I test new KMD features. |
* Onboarding System for PIRATE with <a href="https://pirate.dexstats.info/?VOTE2019">Referral System</a>. |
* <a href="https://kmd.explorer.dexstats.info/address/RF4HiVeuYpaznRPs7fkRAKKYqT5tuxQQTL" target="_blank">LABS Node Operator</a>, therefore have the capability to run a Notary Node. <a href="https://kmd.explorer.dexstats.info/address/RF4HiVeuYpaznRPs7fkRAKKYqT5tuxQQTL" target="_blank">Current Running</a> LABS Node uses Notary Hardware and Location. |
* <a href="https://notarystats.info/testnet.php">Notary Testnet 2019 Stats</a> on www.notarystats.info |
#### :soon: Upcoming in Development ##### |
* Integrated Richlist :moneybag: and Node List to Explorers. New Type of Explorer might be around the corner. |
* KMD Rewards Bot - It will notify you when Rewards stopp accruing. |
* Simple Fundraising :dollar: Platform for Eco System Projects. |
* I will continue creating Tools for the Community as needed. Dexstats needs a Redesign. |
* Node will be running in Switzerland with a politically stable and Crypto Friendly Goverment. |
## Use of Funds: |
* Increasing Infrastructure to all Regions :world_map: Bootstraps and Nodes on all Six Continents |
* 10% of total mined KMD to LABS :microscope: ( min. 150 KMD per Month ) |
* 10% of total mined KMD to PIRATE :sailboat: ☠️ ( min. 150 KMD per Month ) |
* Dedicating more time to the Komodo Eco System |
* minimum Funds to LABS and PIRATE are paid regardless of the KMD-FIAT Price. |
* I will use Funds to pay Dev Bounties like RPC Integrations Bitcore and others. <a href="https://github.com/jl777/komodo/pull/1328"><b>getchaintxstats</b></a> to KMD was paid by me. I financially supported sg777 / CHIPS dev. I will continue using funds to support devs. |
If elected I can setup, run and pay more Servers and create new Tools I have a lot ideas, most importantly and `$BUIDL $BUIDL $BUIDL` for the next wave of Assetchains in 2019/2020. |
I got some Donations from Community members over the last few month which I'm very thankful. With the current Infrastructure I pay around USD 250 per Month out of my Pocket. |
## Server Specs: |
* Processor: `2x Xeon E5-2630v3 8x2.4 GHz` <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CHMEX/VOTE2019/master/chmex_datacenter.png" align="right"> |
* RAM: `128 GB` |
* Disk: `1TB SSD` |
* Power: `2x Power Supply 100% Renewable Energy` :green_heart: |
* Network: `1 Gbit` Carrier neutral 30 Gbit Interconnect |
* Server Location: `Central Switzerland` _( Side Note: 15m Underground in a ex-Military Bunker now Remodeled Datacenter )_ |
## Disclosure: |
* I'm an official Komodo Team Member (volunteering on part time base, not on payroll) |
* PIRATE Member First Mate 🏴 |
* LABS Member |
* To my current knowledge the location of my Node will be the southern-most in Europe. It's outside of `Hetzner & OVH Network` I believe in a de-centralized network which I want to support this way. |
* First Time Running for a Notary Node |
## Contact: |
:iphone: Discord: `CHMEX#0686`<br> |
:e-mail: Email: `chmex@dexstats.info`<br> |
:key: PGP: `8F9F41D44E98F84013E10F10780F6DE2576B2F6D`<br> |
## Vote Now Deadline 14th May 2019 |
### Thank you for reading my Proposal and sending your VOTE2019 to |
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CHMEX/VOTE2019/master/chmex_qr_voting.png" align="right" height="190px" width="150px"> |
``` |
RChMex2FrLoqL3C3ED9tADfRBnUsUFJ4rj |
``` |
<br><br><br> |
## PGP Public Key |
``` |
mQINBFyEvwgBEADIF26Rr4gfO3uXmJYzUgDzE9YFQiiiO2o/sy8nnzX9GlKEWtas |
xpSTxi9NmRGSbJVLBC+cvLM1Seciz8UQb3hftootnZDTDCta28MxmTnTGKq8nN1R |
toNUxVSDA1B+Bd/msUh00LIuuCpSc7tIauv1Wz81Ocz8y/0ikOYxRK8BHaXVyUaF |
hgOYVbI/jv9ZJb6u5kPamiXc6BmxqfJJG6FJq1zOHddiPKAgt7mgPzKHxZxJoxPv |
0GUK+PnoPg3E+pLyPolplILheyvJvY4lzR3s58sCjThV+/tk6B3NJT514MGRtxIR |
EObjRCTBr0pD1r8seqN5oPIbXJE5NMMiQekHYuuaxp5+Unh1bhlng+gLC5qnGquw |
wQMDr73X12BR+dN6wuuL8ljrtpj6ZG0h95iaYnA7vh6f1JCTkgyNamJFk6xOlQ1n |
4bNSig9+rJoBgjpqhNdMz6/Xwth8DEA98LNzOqtyDmzuixAOfC73DHZnhzHKJozf |
Y9HaC0qjPOKXuU+ooBzJk3veRlwgg4utLUmQ7/Jku72VWfGrYmpbsEJ/rQNldBVn |
rWnhrz/deIQrNyk3sn2OzafIYCODTBLky8T5cG+yoyiAPVaysW+HI/EMwoLeOlUV |
dPv3klnpcuSDsExFKNILNa+WH7klD6frUVvNjShmdqvs3vtvq/xJzHFy+QARAQAB |
tBtjaG1leCA8Y2htZXhAZGV4c3RhdHMuaW5mbz6JAk4EEwEIADgWIQSPn0HUTpj4 |
CRB4D23iV2svbd2oD/91L1KtFf16f+M9Y9E4yFkHgMmFlkIhdt2JgBrNEXfhw9D+ |
mhyQALhft3AROTItoCQLoDZ/Mq/8ed6M5nzFLU2r5o6mx1q5eDxJww/FAGEl+Wv+ |
55RvtTt1sW71ec1rS1sZFl7/POU9ic8OYdftcKTCQTieK7vBHqKqA0d4li5O/b94 |
31JfaXTQYDHaaVfX5a7fYWThxxsm4tUhn+s9hDGQbRqHcBd//vTgDmuxNGkvdpLU |
bX1PWvz++9skKU1bwD5RZ/FsFGpaVeOnQznyf8pp7/emlINvB6j1oF6yVktuJ3X7 |
q+RqskPhN+kqFGjJUIp7LhQkCFLfLxAcFA4h1y7vQiMMVNiNIHJtEf5yTCN0XVwf |
dtGs+gpnLMdCcNaq+8FebfktVfgh47BimnJ5pqcOMwn93ABSj9aPF9baMVEQ/Fx3 |
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=dxt9 |
``` |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 121 KiB |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 6.5 KiB |
@ -1,33 +1,58 @@ |
## Server specifications |
## About Me |
I am a UNIX systems engineer/administrator with around 20 years of experience in UNIX. |
During my professional carreer, i was with 3 different employers: |
* Server Hosting/Housing company |
* ATC (air traffic control) software and hardware supplier |
* German public ('state') television |
I am now part of the Komodo team, run a couple of servers, like the electrum servers and some BarterDEX FRs and LPs and integrate new coins in BarterDEX. |
#### Skills |
- UNIX |
- Networking |
- Bash and Perl scripting |
- Monitoring (Nagios) |
- HA (Linux-HA) |
## Server specifications (notary candidate) |
#### Region: EU |
- AMD EPYC 7401P |
- 128 GB RAM |
- 2x 960GB NVMe SSD |
- 1 Gbit/s Port |
- Location: Germany |
- <strong>VOTE-address: RVEqV7WnAs3NWUDGxjEjR99TtUNjUx7Smc</strong> |
- btcpubkey: 03610b299bfba5601bee22fb8e19a34589f7f8430987e311f4c2676ecbdf64e8eb |
## Server specifications (present notaries) |
#### Region: NA |
- 2x Intel Xeon E5-2670v3 |
- 128 GB RAM |
- 4x 480GB SSD (Hardware RAID 5) |
- 100 Mbps Port |
- 1 Gbit/s Port |
- Location: Dallas, USA |
- KMD-address: RD2uPC7aUkX9tQTYgRvDb2HQPWa22VttEE |
- BTC-address: 14kiJgEHsviapQ6MDFw6VVxCdF7RNqxLec |
- btcpubkey: 02858904a2a1a0b44df4c937b65ee1f5b66186ab87a751858cf270dee1d5031f18 |
#### Region: AR |
- 2x Intel Xeon E5-2620v4 |
- 128 GB RAM |
- 4x 480GB SSD (Hardware RAID 5) |
- 100 Mbps Port |
- 1 Gbit/s Port |
- Location: Hong Kong |
- KMD-address: RBZxvAMqt1QhkvmiMRqDGRBW9QaQjqPEpF |
- BTC-address: 13HmqeUZHBc8gvQWtFr6AtrJP97p2TtxPZ |
- btcpubkey: 02c4f89a5b382750836cb787880d30e23502265054e1c327a5bfce67116d757ce8 |
## Contact details |
- Slack: @cipi |
- Discord: cipi#4502 |
- Email: cipi@komodoplatform.com |
## Disclosure |
- i am part of the Komodo team |
- i run this servers on my own, no other people are involved, no agreements are in place |
- i also run 2 marketmaker nodes for BarterDEX and 6 electrum servers |
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ |
# ComputerGenie Notary Node Proposal 2019 |
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KomodoPlatform/NotaryNodes/master/notarynodes/computergenie/genie.jpg" width="248"> |
## Voting Addresses |
```diff |
+ Region: NA + |
- RVoteCGxquRNeHWGiHC6vxzpXBodKt3P88 - |
``` |
## Who ComputerGenie Is |
Throughout my time in the Komodo community I have been seen with equal parts admiration and disdain. Those that like me really like me and those that do not really do not. |
Setting my personality aside, it's near impossible for anyone to even attempt to lay the claim that my heart isn't with making Komodo, and the ecosystem |
surrounding it, the best technology and currency that it can be. To sum it up in a single word: dedication. |
[TheComputerGenie on Github](https://github.com/TheComputerGenie) |
### Project Involvement |
- Mining |
- My introduction to Komodo was through mining and I have been actively mining and helping to secure the chain (and many assetchains) ever since. |
- Operator of [chickenpool.com](http://chickenpool.com) a mining pool dedicated to Komodo and assetchains |
- komodod |
- Through chats and testing, I believe that several of my theories and comments have lead to improvements in function and security. (Only JL knows for sure) |
- BarterDEX GUI |
- testing |
- some development assistance |
- PoS and MGNX |
- active in testing stages of PoS implementation in komodod and became the largest non-dev shareholder of MGNX (the 1st dPoW hybrid PoS/PoW to exist in Komodo) |
- KMDLabs |
- Have been an active tester for LABS and participated as a **LABS NN** |
- Started developing the 1st QT wallet internally themed and designed for z-only transactions of PIRATE chain (forked from Decker/Ocean's original KomodoOcean) |
- Created [piratesolo.com](http://piratesolo.com), the only public solo mining pool for z-only PIRATE |
[My PGP signature](./mygpg.key) |
## Disclaimer |
While I am **not** an *official* "member" of any "team", I have deep ties to many other NN ops through friendships and projects of mutual interest (of which they may or may not be "team members"). |
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p+FG9rreBOe7Y3mFocI961uZgfW8YB05zLqCKPtOKEJ0VHx6xvveHqIoP7wq3l/P |
0qQLxBKZ4tkwiePhipfW7yobDUuU773TdkJ/1sMMvan20YhTcfN1PgoUHi9aDVX2 |
BEjoY/8UbCSHw7aAdnc0VAfMVx2P3IFQ5iiNiC3nVy/TDYi9Xy/28KswS9Z8Kwtn |
EdELZ5MJeGl0QzQQRO4nW00gGgg1VDADGC5IYjn/Wqngl9QIP7cRAYVt/+wf9mPp |
+1NqgpGF1JkbGrtr0uld4CJ32F1jnyz6n9GCwRDze4lovnqz23lsrpye/QFEWXp3 |
jDJN+0TVFW5OpfGQ1vidWTakBPqKMbkFHT83WgH6TsPjd38H1lTVtMOWQaQhOrwn |
dGVyZ2VuaWUuY29tPokB1AQTAQgAPhYhBJjfBPAdxXJuP4cjNhdNcqvucjbWBQJc |
2g8L+wZF/WRkumN0LUkpEyS2VuMmX0hMEnxJEAnYv+iJ4nUfYQYkifMhRKsbkVKT |
++vcf9ljlPgKIhm5iJe4fP/V99DOl5fqcxabCOoOC6btXBMtE3mUGt/5dpl/aDr7 |
Gs+scH9UVOgaDaozImnHanu+Zo8QH85b/tlp85h/CkdImSUn9mmmkqY5s+Ead5XC |
4GdZfx5QRurIOh7QGHnOqPwK7a1C+KbDNSsgX15g6ksq2tEIoGrFejUbuguGCXC2 |
bXW2vm8Y9xnlkEDzG+fuxpiF19ETQZiYJzP8MF67MpitHpdr2HHpulws3oAGjrZo |
PYhn4EhAUe9GLWOcwHgHQiyj6GUUf5yWRjru+7x4eSuUM8LxXXxRfdgyw0yvS6uC |
vKe8vxdvX6Jmt7K5IaKIp6Q0E45StNAmcT39PqrZOfBYhMpuqx24sHKXxIOogaiX |
r+JvAaXQOXXETHBzB5Bgb7mEmNkD9iNd4a1MhKOaDvZqDg3irHcES0ix8ZJuKOgH |
UQkTsLkBjQRcnpw9AQwAwfzciRwJb2h4ucwmrACwP/NX2gJagjCszm+DJOMY6+sn |
kbmLp6PWNUdt/nV+YBqrW3VPMVGzI061XSUBOa8s+e0/DDC/PNxYVCg2Hirc10l4 |
0bXjJ7VHf5+8G6vEsdjuF+fi9toczab6ltjbxj27t2BL8xIDRGGWHRzdiTaOmhN8 |
Pq0xc24GrnM9004+COMlgP8sgWx93iQPxCJCadUmyAH+7CslUHqeLi2nwgJyDB5p |
yQMv3qfII7puwFR6ZDDuT4+cggMEzIxheMBGY9ffZwtyTLD+6gDmQXxPZWQZ8vkC |
HZufdA5hsCShs6HX1UrNSuwSFylYQelEj1Awa8pxD34FIk+Lnf+uqXVi6zaGTqPA |
zHJgn916Xy5IneqLf74fOgMwTrXHvMfRs10qZxHTEShZDdMikGR8AIMAKfdqx4z7 |
dr4OIi+FUK1G/vP00+azfGA/xYgQLl4c0rpyEELYYciovyQXmvauD/kLObvUBd62 |
FBG8Gy+tc8kauTvMYcTpr73jxzNgfXJJB8+pThpuzxdymjelBE5PIcvpArhy/+cv |
ePcPiIvFhNmJSx4QYcCqUo5Hfw2KJ6hKdksyR/qdj0NygnbrdErMqv9eSd7j8LXl |
d0MyTjXBZVBhYI17W/FOXsy2Yhdw316VL85GLOfqWayGizCS5e7OIpId4zujugC0 |
vbp431q5gReLrPB9VL10L6BKKjoX/cFZkaDf/xSG6q09wOU9yr6XCKA9AS1EBU3r |
lxM+wT3stn32lryWNtn2ODjZmmcM/FgxnLr/d2KnAnZFnqu/5r16xrowCRFp3msK |
UH0tq7uRPUwkspVVV8okc9iYeidZ/lRKmcM9B3Y5MH6Z/NU+GaBTn0D2TijMmDTf |
ob3h/78GTypdxF41vivLAxgzx0d0lTkC3Z1bvp8LW7ngYPLG3K9blRECka16r/ln |
w3IkT1f5fn+dzzKofuYd00VE4lkUXsHtEODAzIMp4vx/wpE= |
=AflB |
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<h1 style="text-align: center; font-size: 50px;" align="justify"><strong>NOTARY NODES 2019 - Candidature of Crypto Economy</strong></h1> |
<a href="https://www.crypto-economy.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/NOTARY-NODE.jpg"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-163365" src="https://www.crypto-economy.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/NOTARY-NODE-1024x460.jpg" alt="" width="900" height="405" /></a> |
<h2 align="justify"><strong>WHO WE ARE</strong></h2> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">Crypto Economy is an independent multilingual platform dedicated to blockchain technology and the vast world of cryptocurrencies, in which we share and analyze the latest news about existing and future projects in the sector.</span></span></span></p> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">Our platform not only provides information but also gives added value to users in the form of useful applications on the site. Such as our mining profitability calculator; a prices tracking section of the top 100 of the main cryptocurrencies updated in real time; or our list of ICOs with a useful countdown set to be informed about the relevant dates of each phase of the projects. We continue working on new and interesting tools to offer attractive and valuable content to our readers.</span></span></span></p> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">We are a team with true enthusiasm for Bitcoin and all other projects in the ecosystem and we are sure of the benefits that the adoption of Blockchain technology can provide. With over 6 years of experience in the sector, passionate in our purpose to raise awareness about the existence of this technology.</span></span></span></p> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">As a media site, we are a young project, growing since 2016 that makes us very positive about the potential of our diffusion throughout the world, with thousands of direct visits per day and thousands of followers in our social networks.</span></span></span></p> |
<h2 align="justify"><strong>Crypto Economy and Komodo Platform</strong></h2> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">Crypto Economy team has followed the steps of the Komodo project since its inception, its main members were already followers of the Bitcoin Dark project and participated as investors in the Komodo ICO in 2016.</span></span></span></p> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">As a crypto-digital media, we were supporting the Komodo project in its earliest phase to promote its adoption, since we believe that privacy is a fundamental pillar that should guide an important part of the developments in the field of cryptocurrencies.</span></span></span></p> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">That is why in our mining profitability calculator we only added coins to mine focused on these beliefs, and therefore, KMD was one of the first ones to be added and get their place in it on its own merits.</span></span></span></p> |
<p align="justify"><a href="https://www.crypto-economy.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Profitability.jpg"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-163379 size-full" src="https://www.crypto-economy.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Profitability.jpg" alt="" width="696" height="537" /></a></p> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><a href="https://www.crypto-economy.net/en/komodo-and-the-consensus-on-digital-currencies/">https://www.crypto-economy.net/en/komodo-and-the-consensus-on-digital-currencies/</a></span></span></span></p> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;"><a href="https://www.crypto-economy.net/en/jumblr-the-new-sharedrop-for-komodo-holders/">https://www.crypto-economy.net/en/jumblr-the-new-sharedrop-for-komodo-holders/</a></span></span></span></p> |
<h2 style="text-align: justify;"><strong>As a Notary Node, what can Crypto Economy provide?</strong></h2> |
<p style="text-align: justify;">Crypto Economy wants to be part of the Komodo community in a more active and committed way, that is why, if elected as Notary Node for 2019, Crypto Economy will contribute with the project not only by providing the node with the power and capacity necessary for the proper functioning of the notarization of the Komodo network, along with the required knowledge to make it possible, but also making use of our media group to spread the Komodo brand among our readers and for this:</p> |
<ul> |
<li style="text-align: justify;">We will publish all the relevant news about Komodo that may arise</li> |
<li style="text-align: justify;">We will publish reviews, guides and tutorials, and more content with the aim of promoting the adoption of KMD</li> |
<li style="text-align: justify;">We will run a giveaway among our readers to let them know Komodo Platform and help, as a result, the KMD user community grow.</li> |
</ul> |
<p style="text-align: justify;">Furthermore, <strong>we will destinate the 50%</strong> of our mining rewards as Notary Operator <strong>to support Komodo projects</strong> in the following way:</p> |
<ul> |
<li style="text-align: justify;"><strong>40%</strong> - CHIPS development</li> |
<li style="text-align: justify;"><strong>10%</strong> - We will mantain a fund for other KMD projects in development who request it</li> |
</ul> |
<h2 align="justify"><strong>Server Info</strong></h2> |
<h3 align="justify"><strong>EU Server</strong></h3> |
<p align="justify"><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">Voting address: <strong>RXxDVSpCyWEn2bkVGAauAQDugX9UgWYLUM</strong></span></span></span></p> |
<ul> |
<li><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">CPU: Intel i7-7700K OC - 4c/8t - 4,7GHz /5GHz</span></span></span></li> |
<li><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">RAM: 64GB DDR4 2400 MHz</span></span></span></li> |
<li><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">Bandwidth: 500 Mbit/s </span></span></span></li> |
<li><span style="color: #222222;"><span style="font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;"><span style="font-size: medium;">HDD 5Tb</span></span></span></li> |
</ul> |
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# d0ct0r |
d0ct0r-t3rm1nus - Komodo Supernet NN #01 |
Dear KMD Community, |
I hope you are all doing well. I'm here because I'm a true KMD believer and with enough NN votes I'll earn the chance to prove it. |
In addition to being a massive KMD enthusiast, I'm a well experience and self-sufficient systems / networking administrator and project planner / manager as well as continued service directing / responding agent. I graduated college over 12 years ago and I've been operating as an independent IT contractor ever since. I've spent this time specializing in medical imaging IT sales, planning, coordinating, installing, configuring, calibrating, networking, securing, testing, servicing, and troubleshooting HIPPA compliant systems. I've never had a boss, just a handful of regular, trusting, and happy clients spanning the US. |
The blockchain / crypto space has brought new depth and passion to my already obsessive IT life. Once more I'm invigorated, interested and excited to greet my professional life every morning, every day. Thank you crypto space, and most especially thanks to KMD and its core developers. The most promising, comprehensive and de facto blockchain project I've seen. It's a fact. |
Custom rig building / GPU mining has been extremely fun. The experience has been beyond informative. Eye opening, highly thought provoking, and surprisingly, a bit character building. I crafted a few systems in summer of 2017 with ~ 20 high-end GPU's which I have successfully managed, maintained, upgraded as well as continually improving upon ever since. Through persistence I've achieved consistently exceptional / competitive hash rate, excellent uptime, power efficiency, and even effective heat utilization. All of this while constantly reassessing my idea of value, growing more aware of real-time trade-offs and opportunity costs. |
This is where I want to be. All I need is better and better reason and opportunity to participate. |
I'm ready and very willing to make myself a part of the KMD network / community efforts. I eagerly joined the KMD Discord channel within only days of it coming online. If elected I can be counted upon to remain present and involved with the Komodo community throughout my notary node upkeep and beyond. I'll work hard to keep my single node up and running at its best in hopes of earning a second year of service! |
I'm prepared to run 1 North American KMD Notary Node to the best of my ability while also assisting community members where and when possible across a full range of potential matters which I might contribute advice towards drawn from years of real-world experience. |
NA - Komodo Supernet NN Server-01 Specs: |
CPU: 2x AMD Operton 6272 - 16 Cores / 16 Threads Per CPU - 2.1 GHz Base & 3.0 GHz Boost |
RAM: 128GB DDR3 - 2000 MHz |
Storage: 2 x 1 TB SSD RAID-1 Array |
Network: 1 Gbps up/down |
Location: Datacenter - Dallas, Texas - United States |
KMD Voting Address: RJgeTFv3UEUftGVn7BdpUhjmKpXi2KDvtZ |
Contact Info: |
Discord: @Dr.Terminus#3269 |
E-Mail: d0ct0r.t3rm1nus@gmail.com |
This is my first time running for a KMD Notary Node. |
Please feel free to reach out toe me with any questions or concerns you may have. |
Thanks for reading my proposal! |
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## DragonHound 2019 Notary Node Proposal ## |
#### VOTE2019 Address (North America Region) is RJRr8azAAn9nbPPPXxeoXS9ehD8JhE7CQ1 #### |
I'm a bloke with a dog, and I've been part of the Komodo Community since early 2018, spending my spare hours learning, building and testing. Most of this work has been self-directed until recently when I was honored with a place within the team as a dApp dev, support agent and qa tech. |
Before joining the community, I spent the last decade working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS), automating cartographic production, running spatial analysis, managing spatial databases, and running ArcGIS/QGIS training courses. Before that I was a nightshift forklift jockey in cold storage. |
I've been an afterhours coder since my old man introduced me to PERL as a youngster, and done a variety of "on the side" contracts over the years using a variety of languages. |
More recently, I've spent the last 7 Aussie summers serving as an "intel" officer during fire suppression incidents in Australia, creating fire spread prediction maps and tools like flir2qr, which delivers hot spot maps from aerial imagery onto the smartphones of on ground crews before the observation aircraft lands to refuel. |
## What have you done for me lately? ## |
VOTE2018 Notary Node Map - http://cryptocartography.io/notarymap/ |
Scale Testing Statistics Visualisation - http://cryptocartography.io/txscl_vis/ |
OraclesCC / IoT Asset Tracking Project - http://dragonhound.tech (Dog tracking on hold, alternative use case under development) |
OraclesCC Demo site - http://oracle.earth |
Blog articles about CCs - http://rant.cryptocartography.io/ |
KMD LABS Mining Pool (currently offline being upgraded) |
- CPU: E3-1270v6 |
- RAM: 64GB |
- Speed: 10GigE |
- HDD: 1TB SSD |
- Location: North Carolina, USA |
## Why you running? ## |
I want to help build things to create a decentralised future I'd like to live in, and empower like-minded and motivated community members to do the same. |
Running a NN is the next step in learning more and being able to do more. |
## What's in it for the community? ## |
Collaboration, content and competitions. I have more ideas than time, and know there is talent within the community worth rewarding. If you have the time and talent to help, I'd like to tip you with tokens so we can build something awesome. |
NN income (after server costs) will be split as follows: |
- 25% Premium canine food and apparel. If KMD price rises beyond the cost of feeding Skrunch, the excess will be used to adopt/sponsor additional pack mates from the local shelter, or proportionally re-allocated to the initiatives below. |
- 25% GPS/IoT development (both that which I am doing, and toward bounties or approved community projects). |
- 25% KMD LABS development initiatives. |
- 7% Monthly community competitions (winners to be decided by which entry registers the most wags of Skrunch's tail). |
- 7% Translation bounties for support guides and developer documentation. |
- 7% Komodo Pioneers initiatives. |
- 4% Funds held in reserve. |
Voters will also be offered: |
- Quarterly transparency and progress reports |
- At-cost pricing for Dragonhound merch, kit and a free 1 year subscription to the tracking service when launched. |
- Unsolicited dog pics. |
Thanks for your consideration, |
smk762 |
#### VOTE2019 Address (North America Region) is RJRr8azAAn9nbPPPXxeoXS9ehD8JhE7CQ1 #### |
## Disclosure ## |
- I am a Komodo Team Member |
- I do not have any active Komodo Notary Nodes |
- I am a KMD Labs Team Member |
- I am running for election as an independent, but will be donating a portion of Notary Node funds earned to Komodo Pioneers and KMD Labs. |
- A portion of Notary Node funds earned will also be awarded to winners of monthly community competitions (you dont need to vote for me to participate). |
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# DragonRiders team |
# Dragon Rider's Notary Node - Southern Hemisphere (SH) |
https://dragonriders.team |
## About me - patchkez |
I am Open Source enthusiast and System Administrator. I am professionally working with *nix systems since 2006. In the past I have been working as Linux/Unix administrator, I was supporting critical Telco systems with tight SLAs. I am Red Hat Certified Engineer and certified in some Red Hat products (Ansible, Openstack, Pacemaker). I am not official Komodo team member and I am currently employed as Quality Engineer. |
## Season 2 summary |
I joined Komodo Slack channel on 8th of February 2018. After I read requirements for Notary Node I decided to participate in Notary Node elections. I had an idea to develop my Notary node by using containers technology. I shared this idea in komodo channel and found other candidate - Emmanux who wanted to do the same. So we formed team called Dragon Riders. |
During the year I was involved in Komodo scaling testing where I cooperated mostly with [blackjok3r](https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/NotaryNodes/tree/master/notarynodes/blackjok3r). We used Kubernetes technology by Gooogle and AWS to spawn huge amount of komodo assetchains. |
- KMD address: `RBp1xHCAb3XcLAV49F8wUYw3aBvhHKKEwa` |
- BTC address: `13XpsmJszDj3GA7rg59pP2bqovU6gk3tLU` |
### HW specification |
For season 2 I rented dedicated server in SH region with these parameters: |
- Dual Intel Xeon E5-2620 v3 |
- 64GB RAM |
- 2 x 512GB SSD |
- redundant power supplies |
The server was running pretty fine, there were only few outages caused by network issues in the datacentre. |
You can find my server with name `patchkez_SH` in [komodostats](https://komodostats.com/). |
## Season 3 |
Because my node ended in first half of SH Notary Nodes, it will be re-elected for season 3. I plan to upgrade my existing node to server with more recent CPUs, 128GB and 2x1TB SSD disks. I am looking forward to next season, as there will be more assetchains added which will force us to think about how we can scale our nodes better. Maybe I will end up with multiple servers instead of one. |
- KMD address: `TBD` |
- BTC address: `TBD` |
- btcpubkey: `TBD` |
## Contacts |
You can find me in Komodo Discord channel as `@patchkez`. Please reach to me in case you want run your notary Node in containers (we can improve existing deployment together), if you want to use python instead of bash or just to have a chat about beer and life. |
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btcpubkey: 033f316114d950497fc1d9348f03770cd420f14f662ab2db6172df44c389a2667a |
BTC: 1311gPf4smcFd6zNQ7dST8wUDZjAYSHWwC |
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
btcpubkey: 0296270f394140640f8fa15684fc11255371abb6b9f253416ea2734e34607799c4 |
BTC: 13XpsmJszDj3GA7rg59pP2bqovU6gk3tLU |
BTCD: RBp1xHCAb3XcLAV49F8wUYw3aBvhHKKEwa |
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Hi everyone. My nickname is Etszombi. I have been working for the Komodo community as a notary in three nodes, SoutAfrica, Europe and Asian Region. |
I would like to contribute with my experience, my hardworking and my knowledgement. |
Daily I connect to all my servers to update and do everything the komodo team ask me to. |
It is a big pleasure to continue being member of this great team and I need your votes in order to carry this out. |
Here you have my wallets if you eventually decide to vote for them. |
## AR region |
Location Singapore |
* BTCPubkey:"02e55e104aa94f70cde68165d7df3e162d4410c76afd4643b161dea044aa6d06ce" |
* KMD:"RDBzwiP8V2TrmXvCyvwU2Xz3t9UgPKL4nr" |
* Sever specs: |
* CPU: Intel Xeon-D 1541 - 8cores / 16 threats -2.1GHz |
* RAM: 64GB DDR4 ECC 2133 MHz |
* Disks: SoftRAID 2x960Gb NVMe |
* NIC: 1Gbit/s |
## EU region |
Location Germany |
* BTCpubkey:"03c786702b81e0122157739c8e2377cf945998d36c0d187ec5c5ff95855848dfdd" |
* KMD:"RP9s94FAeVfCDXjPtrHq62Cnt4CpbXCJUV" |
* Sever specs: |
* CPU: Intel Xeon-D 1541 - 8cores / 16 threats -2.1GHz |
* RAM: 64GB DDR4 ECC 2133 MHz |
* Disks: SoftRAID 2x960Gb NVMe |
* NIC: 1Gbit/s |
## NA region |
Location Canada |
* BTCpubkey:"0293ea48d8841af7a419a24d9da11c34b39127ef041f847651bae6ab14dcd1f6b4" |
* KMD:"RT6SAVW189Vw5gsLfQv5AnDcyq2WJcv1WZ" |
* Sever specs: |
* CPU: Intel Xeon-D 1541 - 8cores / 16 threats -2.1GHz |
* RAM: 64GB DDR4 ECC 2133 MHz |
* Disks: SoftRAID 2x960Gb NVMe |
* NIC: 1Gbit/s |
## SH region |
Location Australia |
* BTCPubkey:"02f65da26061d1b9f1756a274918a37e83086dbfe9a43d2f0b35b9d2f593b31907" |
* KMD:"RXBFxb9V8FUjAuoaKqnHAXMkpB4nwScUy1" |
* Sever specs: |
* CPU: Intel Xeon-D 1541 - 8cores / 16 threats -2.1GHz |
* RAM: 64GB DDR4 ECC 2133 MHz |
* Disks: SoftRAID 2x960Gb NVMe |
* NIC: 1Gbit/s |
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# GT Notary Proposal :tea: |
## Vote Address: RNGnsh7uQhuFqyaAjAyNuWhLwRnK9JVuoq |
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gtmatcha/NotaryNodes/master/notarynodes/gt/qr.png" heigh="250" width="250"> |
## Region: AR |
## GT Komodo Ecosystem evolvement: |
* Has been a part of the Komodo community since stress tests for barterdex started. |
* Maintain [KMDLabs notary](https://kmdlabs.com/who/) and testing |
* Help test CC/mine/migrations when possible (rogue/sapling upgrade for pirate via Rocket, marmara etc) |
## GT personal: |
* KMD believer and believer in the open source ethos |
* Started off as a noob in blockchain tech but learned through hands on envolvement via KMDLabs |
* Getting masters in CompSci :point_right: Putting experience forward to KMD |
## Pledge: |
* To maintain a well performing node for the security of KMD as well as it’s many assetchains and other projects using dPoW. |
* To continue maintaining a well performing KMDLabs node. As the KMDLabs project grows, the rest of the ecosystem will benefit. |
* Give back to the community. |
* To scale with the needs of the network |
``` |
* 20% - KMDLabs fund |
* 10% - To start a fund that will be used for current or futue KMD Ecosystem Projects |
(ex: Pirate Chain, Verus Coin, Chips, Komodore64, self projects etc) |
- To be used for things such as listing fees, bounties, development |
* 10% - Chips Development |
``` |
## Server Spec: |
_I will comply with the minimum sever requirement if elected as provided:_ |
``` |
* Region: AR |
* CPU: Xeon or i7 (8 cores) |
* RAM: 64 GB |
* Disk: 1 TB/SSD |
* Bandwidth: 1 Gbp |
``` |
## TestNet Notarization Counts: [Here](https://notarystats.info/testnet.php) |
## Disclosure |
* KMDLabs node operator |
* First time running for a NN position |
## Contact Info |
* Discord: gt#2812 |
* Email: weget@protonmail.com |
* [notary.gtmatcha.com](https://gtmatcha.com) |
* 한국어 가능 |
## Ecosystem Project Links |
* [KMDLabs](https://kmdlabs.com/) |
* [Pirate](https://pirate.black/) |
* [Verus](https://veruscoin.io/) |
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## Infotech–al KMD North America NOTARY NODE CANDIDATE-2019! |
| | | |
|--- |--- | |
| `InfoTech – Al` | :ballot_box_with_check: Engaged community member for KMD on Discord / Twitter / Reddit | |
| `15 - year IT Veteran` | :ballot_box_with_check: Skills: Diligent Node Operator Server Admin | |
| `Candidate to be a NA Notary Node` | :ballot_box_with_check: Skills: Fully Operational Testnet Node already setup and hosted in a reliable state of the art Data Centers in NA. | |
| | :ballot_box_with_check: All social media accounts are extolling virtues of Komodo Platform. <br/>- FB / Reddit / Twitter / Telegram – All are Komodo centric! | |
<br/> |
| | | |
|--- |--- | |
|  | You get a Notary Node Operator, Social Media Marketer, World Traveler, Philanthropist and commited member of the Komodo vision & potential. | |
| `InfoTech – Al Notary Node Candidate` | **VOTING DETAILS: NORTH AMERICA ADDRESS** <br/>RJZWxYnAuu6j6qUtqVJfBUPaMy2qyExBds | |
| | |
<br/> |
> A vote for me, is a vote for full time Komodo representative! |
# Connection to Komodo and campaign |
I have no affiliation with komodo team except I ran for election last year but sadly was not elected. However, I took over an abandoned node (artik_EU) and have maintained it diligently throughout the year. I know the Komodo team will be successful and that is why I want to be part of this enterprise! |
|Contact - Discord: infotech-al| |
### Server Info: Hardware |
Bare Metal Dedicated Server (MaaS) |
| Specs | Details | |
|--|--| |
| OS | Ubuntu 16. 04 .3 LTS | |
| Processor | Intel 2x Xeon Gold 5118 - 24 c / 48 t - 2.3 GHz / 3.2 GHz | |
| Memory | 96GB DDR4 ECC 2400MHz | |
| Disk | 1 TeraByte NVMe | |
## What will you do for Komodo the coin, Komodo platform? |
My experience is in distributed systems, grid services, QA, Windows / Linux |
servers. I assure you I am dedicated to KMD success as a platform and the |
team behind it. I am confident I will meet the leads and devs at some point in my |
journey here. I have setup a Notary sever already, I have signed up for a dedicated wifi |
setup so I can monitor, maintain and access the Node for any issues day and night. |
Additionally, I have changed all my online presence to market Komodo and grow |
the platform organically. |
## Disclaimers |
I took over an abandoned node for Komodo last season and hope to be elected this season! |
If you have made it down this far reading my proposal, then please note that I am grateful to Komodo and the team for taking under their wing a wannabe programmer/developer. The team is full of bright, ambitious, and super competitve people. If you hang around their Discord channel you will always learn something and be better for it! |
Enjoy the ride! |
@ -1,30 +1,109 @@ |
# Node Info: jeezy EU |
* BTC pub key `023cb3e593fb85c5659688528e9a4f1c4c7f19206edc7e517d20f794ba686fd6d6` |
* BTC address `13swCVuXeZhWkmwEXod83Mv2YWKVqYeMVS` |
* KMD address `RCA8H1npFPW5pnJRzycF8tFEJmn6XZhD4j` |
## Location: France |
## Hardware |
* CPU: i7 8T |
* RAM: 64GB |
* SSD: 500GB |
* Link: 100mbps |
## Contact Details |
* Slack: @jeezy |
#### cd /home/jeezy |
* started mining and trading crypto in 2012 |
* long time investor of james projects (NXT) |
* EU node operator since the beginning in 2016 |
* over 15 years of IT-experience (win/nix) |
* helps KMD projects grow where possible |
* PIRATE pool op, tests CC/ROGUE, etc. |
#### Addr info |
* OLD BTC pub key `023cb3e593fb85c5659688528e9a4f1c4c7f19206edc7e517d20f794ba686fd6d6` |
* OLD BTC address `13swCVuXeZhWkmwEXod83Mv2YWKVqYeMVS` |
* OLD KMD address `RCA8H1npFPW5pnJRzycF8tFEJmn6XZhD4j` |
* 2019 KMD: `RY9bw9AGCrE15Td9LTKs6CgC6PuxWR4fKc` |
* 2019 BTC: `1PsQrdGyc2RS1TFwsHLjzgLzL8TMnWAYS5` |
* 2019 PUBKEY: `02df24c8c92771282294a22be71378270e0689937a0e89d8b487422c3bffbe0857` |
#### EU NODE in France Tier 3 DC |
#### Contact Details |
* Komodo [Discord #notarynodes @jeezy#3408](https://discord.gg/qj25rC8) |
* Keybase [jeezy KB](https://keybase.io/jeezy) |
#### Thank you for reading this π |
Version: Keybase OpenPGP v2.0.61 |
Comment: https://keybase.io/crypto |
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More to come ! |
vote20!9 Notary |
SH Notary |
:) |
As security provider of the hybrid PoS/PoW LUMBER chain, the Lumberscout Foundation (LSF) is focused on developing crypto-conditions within the Komodo ecosystem; specializing in commodity & environmental based valuations. To better provide the global economy with consistent value-based trades, LSF is commited to ensuring that LUMBER and other notarized assetchains are established with BTC level security so that they may unwaveringly provide the global marketplace with consistent, verified values. |
vote20!9: |
Please visit our website & read the Lumberscout whitepaper for more information: |
https://lumberscout.io/kmd_nn |
Vote Lumberscout 2019 !!!! |
RSp89iBPWifdtq6d8NmXZ4ZXsg3AyakVtj |
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# Newvulcan Notary Node Proposal 2019 |
## Newvulcan Voting Address |
Region: Europe (EU) |
- KMD-address: RSdUzqzBZRUPfMiEpxdoVwykgFoB4yMbZt |
To vote for me, just send your [KMD VOTE tokens](https://komodoelection.com/2-election-process/vote-token/) before May 14, 2019 to the above KMD address |
### Hardware to be used |
UK Based Dedicated Server |
|Hardware | Description | |
|--|--| |
|Processor | AMD Epyc 7351P 2.4GHz 16 Core | |
|Memory | 128GB | |
|Disks| 2x500GB NVMe Drives Soft RAID| |
|Network| 500Mbps| |
### Current Notary Testnet Stats can be found here |
[48hr Testnet Statistics for newvulcan](https://notarystats.info/testnet.php?period=48h) |
### Revenue Share |
- 10% of any KMD earned will go towards furthering Komodo Development |
- The rest will be split between the costs of running the Notary Node, Mining Pool Server and our Mining Farm |
### About Me |
I am an IT Technical Specialist from the UK with 30 years of experience in IT. I was trained as a Real-Time programmer, with my first job writing Assembler code for the control systems of various DoD vehicles. I then became an IT Support Specialist for the rest of my career: |
- Supporting a Trading Floor of a large multinational bank |
- Field Engineer for Trading Floors across London |
- IT Manager for a Norwegian ISP |
- Senior IT Support Engineer for a large Web Hosting and Social Media Company in Manchester,UK |
I then went on and founded my own IT Consultancy and Web Design company. Over the next few years I worked with the NHS, developing websites for Neonatal care units and various small businesses across the North West of the UK. All my websites were based around Joomla on Linux VPS servers. |
Unfortunately due to health concerns in 2015 I had to suspend my work in IT and pursue a very different career - that of building and hiring 5" and 7 1/4" gauge ride-on trains. This had me travelling all over the UK and working with the BBC on Countryfile Live, and CarFest South (Part of the BBC's Children in Need charity). I was also involved with the opening of the new Liverpool Exhibition Centre. |
We run our own ASIC based mining farm specifically for Equihash with a current capacity of 410mH/s, shortly to be increased to 605mH/s. |
We also have in development our first Mining Pool and initial testing has proved very succesful, and hope to have this fully up and running in the next 4-6 weeks and will support KMD, ARRR, ZEX and HUSH. |
Now I am looking to getting more involved with the actual workings of a Cryptocurrency. After learning how to build and set up a Mining Pool based around Komodo, it has peaked my interest in this cryptocurrency and I'd like to get more involved, and running a Notary Node seems the next logical step. |
I feel my 30 years in IT, most of it in high pressure real-time environments will be a huge asset in running a successful and reliable Notary Node for Komodo and I hope I can gain enough votes to be one of the eight candidates to represent the EU moving forward through 2019 and into 2020. |
### Disclosure |
- 1st Time Proposal |
- Not affiliated with Komodo or it's team in any way |
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# CrisF node-9 |
### KMD Notary Node Proposal 2019 |
Thank you for checking out my Notary Node Proposal. Your votes would be greatly appreciated! |
Please send them here: |
RBDivEArcb7aRsYTvtN5MRnaxeDAepSNmW  |
In this proposal I talk about myself a lot. That just seems to be the clearest way to express what I am offering. Please don't think I'm a narcissistic megalomaniac. |
I am in fact far, far better than that. |
:wink: :wink: |
### TL;dr -- The Point |
> The point of all of this is to give you one simple picture. |
> **```I'll be there, I'll do the work and I'll push limits.```** |
> You can check my record on this through Discord search, or |
> by asking around. Get in touch if you have any questions. |
Discord: CrisF#3405 |
Email: CrisFell@pm.me |
Website: https://node9.xyz |
PGP Key: [See page bottom](#pgp-key) |
### How to participate |
Information on how the NN elections work and how to vote can be found on the [Komodo website, here](https://komodoplatform.com/third-annual-notary-node-election/) and on [Komodoelection.com](https://komodoelection.com). One KMD earns one vote token. It is possible to send portions of your vote tokens to multiple candidates. |
# Proposal |
### Region: EU |
### Purpose |
As a Komodo EU Notary I will focus on notarizing. Notarizing to the highest level I am able. I will also support others in doing the same. I believe that what we are creating here with Komodo is a very important step in the right direction. As such, I take the responsibility of the role of Notary Node operator very seriously. |
### Method |
I will reliably put in the time and effort to do the best job I can possibly do. This means being available when needed for updates, support and for active participation in the notary node community. It also means I will do my best to improve my skills and hardware continually throughout the entire one year term. Although these concepts may sound trivial and common, they are in fact not. I believe my record, found through search or by asking around, will show that I am capable and willing to make this happen. |
### Means |
Through the use of a network of support I have developed and with the experience, skills and knowledge I have gained through working in KMDLabs as a Notary Node operator and basic tester I will continually optimize my node throughout the year, regardless of my notarization standings. I am not a dev or a very technical person but I have found out where and how to find and implement solutions to technical problems. |
### Biography |
The below accomplishments are very minor, without a doubt. If you consider a start with absolute zero skill or knowledge of anything to do with computers, let alone blockchain and crypto, these accomplishments may take on a different perspective. |
- mm1 stress test - received bug bounty for finding and reporting bug |
- scaling test - one of very few to send a txBlast, participating where possible |
- Pos64tests - actively participated in tests. Found minor bugs. Only one to set up CC (dice) outside of 'official' test contract. |
- minor participation in PIRATE |
* setup a test chain for PIRATE NN tests (not used) |
* involved in deciding change to the current block reward |
* involved in PIRATE notarization testing in KMDLabs |
- provide assistance in Discord ```'LANGUAGES AND LOCATIONS' #japanese``` channel |
- KMDLabs |
* active participation in community |
* basic testing on setup of Labs |
* basic testing on first CCs |
* built and maintain [KMDLabs website](https://kmdlabs.com) |
* wrote, compiled or edited majority of content for website |
* setup and maintain [KMDLabs pad](https://kmdlabs.cc) |
* perform various non-dev jobs so devs can get on with devving |
- basic testing on Marmara chain |
- assisted in early Marmara documentation work |
- mm2 community tester |
- active in various KMD channels |
- actively working with KMD team, outside of the online world, to bring business to KMD and its ecosystem |
### Node |
The exact details of the node I will be using will be finalized, should I be elected, after the election but well before going live on mainnet. I expect an influx of new assetchains and and projects requiring dPoW over the coming year and will spec the server to meet this demand. |
Minimum specifications will be as follows: |
| Specs | Details | |
| ------ | ------ | |
| CPU | Xeon/i7 (or equivalent AMD) | |
| RAM | 128GB DDR4 ECC | |
| Storage| 2 x 1TB SSD purpose| |
| Network | 1 Gbps | |
| Location | EU datacentre | |
### Pledge |
If elected as a KMD Notary Node operator I pledge to donate 20% of the KMD mined by the node to [KMDLabs](https://kmdlabs.com) to be used to improve their infrastructure and their support for development initiatives. |
> [KMDLabs](https://kmdlabs.com) is a 'not for profit' testing ground for R&D |
> work on Komodo (KMD), Komodo based assetchains |
> and Crypto-Conditions contracts. It also provides an |
> incentivized test network, technical services and support |
> knowledge base that will attract and onboard projects |
> and developers to the Komodo ecosystem. It is not a |
> business, but aims to provide free and very low cost |
> services for development on the Komodo Platform. |
### The Point |
The point of this embarrassing self-aggrandizement is to give you one simple picture. |
**```I'll be there, I'll do the work and I'll push limits.```** |
Please send votes my way. |
RBDivEArcb7aRsYTvtN5MRnaxeDAepSNmW |
Thanks! |
CrisF |
### Disclosure |
- I am a current [KMDLabs Notary Node](https://kmdlabs.com/notary-node) operator. |
- I have personally donated funds to KMDLabs, who I will donate a portion of node earnings to, and its spin-off projects. |
### Contact information |
Discord: CrisF#3405 |
Email: CrisFell@pm.me |
Website: https://node9.xyz |
PGP Key: [See page bottom](#pgp-key) |
### PGP Key |
``` |
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Zjcub3JnPokB1AQTAQoAPhYhBOiynvWKmyz6CoVF15FEr65obLiABQJcsGX7AhsD |
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bwMgd19tZg3oj1/ZL2GQ |
=Lo9z |
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# NutellaLicka |
#### Region: Southern Hemisphere |
### **SH** region VOTE2019 address : `RLLk4ZtJzteuKBpyToRmq9aAj6ZbZWpCPj` |
You can vote for my by sending your VOTE2019 coins to the address listed above. |
## About Me |
I have been interested and invested in cryptocurrency for about a year and a half, whilst being active in the Komodo community for over a year now. After seeing the technological advancements that Komodo was making, and seeing how the community came together to create, test and evaluate projects, I knew I wanted to be a part of this community. My first Komodo experience came through mining and trading. I purchased, built and ran multiple miners whilst I researched and learnt more about the code behind blockchain technology. I was introduced to the world of blockchain technology testing through the Proof Of Stake64 Test in 2018. I have to thank @Alright for walking me through how to install and run a full Komodo node for the first time, whilst also providing me an excellent opportunity to learn all things blockchain related. Since the POSTEST64 test event, I have provided time and effort towards a few different test events and projects. Most of my effort has gone towards the Komodo Assetchain, Pirate. I provided feedback and mining nodes on the initial startup of Pirate, I participated in the RKT z address sapling upgrade test net which directly led to identifying critical bugs that were fixed prior to mainnet introduction, as well as running a Pirate and Komodo mining pool. I created https://minethechains.com to provide the Komodo community with a one stop shop mining pool for KMD & it's assetchains. As of right now, it provides KMD & Pirate mining only, but will be implementing other KMD assetchains soon. |
To summarise, ever since I was introduced to Komodo and it's community, I have been hooked. I would like the opportunity give back to through community engagement and providing my time to help with Komodo development. Although new to the blockchain world, the experience I have gained over the last year and a half has given me the required skills in order to effectively run and manage a Notary Node, and I would love to be given the opportunity to do so. |
## My Notary Node Goal |
My goal as a Komodo Network Notary Node is to provide a reliable, effective and efficient notarising node. The way I will achieve this is by maximising the uptime and productivity of my node through continual monitoring and optimising as required. I will be available every day on Discord and via email in case of any required changes, or coin additions. |
## Community Development Funds |
Not only will I be dedicating my time and effort to work on various projects in the Komodo ecosystem, I will be dedicating 15% of my notary node mining rewards to support a fund for KMD ecosystem projects. This can be for dev costs/marketing initiatives /project improvement, etc. Initially this will be used to fund a gui developer for CHIPS. Following that, other KMD ecosystem projects will be able to apply to have KMD out of the fund. |
If anyone has requests or suggestions for fund allocations, shoot me a message, I would love to hear your thoughts. I will be creating a webpage with the details of the wallet that will secure the funds, how many funds have been allocated, and to what projects, for transparency. |
## Server Specifications |
I will be providing the Southern Hemisphere with a node located in a data centre in Brisbane. I believe this will aid in the decentralisation by providing another critical SH node that isn't located in Sydney. |
| Specs | Details | |
|--|--| |
| OS | Ubuntu 16.04 64bit | |
| Processor | 2x Intel Xeon E5-2660 - 2.2 GHz | |
| Memory | 64GB DDR3 | |
| Disk | (4TB Total) 2x 1TB SSD's & 1x 2TB HDD | |
| Bandwidth | 4TB @ 1Gbps | |
| Location | Brisbane, Australia | |
## Contact Details |
### Discord |
- @NutellaLicka#4241 |
- [Komodo Discord](https://komodoplatform.com/discord) |
- [MineTheChains Discord](https://discord.gg/syqQ5Yr) |
### Email |
minethechain@protonmail.com |
## Disclosure |
I run https://minethechains.com mining pool and have friendships with many current Team members and Notary Nodes. |
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# Komodo Notary Node (NN) Voting Proposal |
| | | |
| ----------------- | ------------- | |
|Discord username | @PHBA2061#2530 | |
|Region | EU (Frankfurt-DE)| |
|Server details | Linode 64GB: 16 CPU, 1280GB Storage, 64GB RAM | |
|Voting address | RFcGrDLnWh1cMiQqMKncFJ6b9cnt8fwKCM | |
#### VOTE Tokens will be airdropped on April 14, if you decide to vote for me, please send your VOTE tokens to the voting address above (you can also obtain the address by scanning the QR image below) before May 15. Thank you for your support ! |
--- |
## :information_source: My profile and background :information_source: |
You can find my full background & profile on linkedin [linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/bao-an-pham-ho-b04814a3/). In short, I'm an electrical engineer who is currently working in France. After 3 years working for CEA as a R&D engineer, I decided to learn how to become a blockchain developper (fyi, CEA is a French public government-funded research organisation; me and my team, we build handheld gas sampling/analyzing devices, I wish I could show you some pictures but I can't due to NDA). |
I'm also a "electronic geek", in the past I spent a lot of time playing with stuffs like Arduino board, Raspberry SBC, and electronic components such as microcontrollers, sensors, LCD screens ... Here's an example of what I would do during my free time :clapper: [Rainbow RGB LED](https://youtu.be/YA9X3_JJ8hM) |
## :question: Why should you vote for me :question: |
I'd like to focus on developping blockchain dapps (I personnally believe that games will be the catalyst for blockchain mass adoption). I've already deployed a few dapps on Ethereum Ropsten testnet. I'm also interrested in Komodo's crypto conditions (CC), but didn't really have time to take a deep look into it, my objectives for the next 6-12 months is to replicate popular dapps (mainly games) that already existed on other platforms like Ethereum or EOS, in order to prove the capacity of CC in specific and Komodo platform in general (I started with Ethereum because it is well documented and supported). By entrusting me your votes, I'll be able to fund my works with the mining rewards from my NN, expand my team if needed and speed up my contribution to the Komodo ecosytem (for the moment I'm the only member, but even without getting elected, I will still spend time on learning & developping CC :grin:) . |
I don't have much experience in system security/administration, but I don't mind spend time learning from other NN operators, and with my engineering and technical background, I believe that I'll be able to guarantee the performance of my NN. |
I don't have the intention of giving rev shares to my voters, because: 1) I think it is a bad practice 2) I think it only economically gives voters a relative small percentage of what they already have (to secure a NN seat I will need at least 500000 votes, by becoming a NN I can mine up to 18500 KMD per year on average, let's say if I give 10000 KMD back to my voters, that's only 2% of their holdings!). Let us vote responsibly ! |
I will do a monthly report to keep things as transparent as possible. |
To summarize, rewards from my NN will be prioritized for: |
- covering NN server cost ($320/server monthly). |
- developing & promoting CC based dapps, mainly focus on games. (and I believe this will contribute to drive the value of KMD up in the long term). |
- to be precised, I'll be focusing on Casino game type (like dice, poker) & colectible game type first. |
## :link: My other social pages/links :link: |
- My linkedin profile [linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/bao-an-pham-ho-b04814a3/). |
- I'm a co-inventor of the published patent **"Device for analysis of mixtures of at least 2 gas"** :bulb: [worldwide.espacenet.com](https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=US&NR=2017016840&KC=A1). |
- My website, which is still under construction & temporally hosted on [codesandbox.io](https://64n60p245n.codesandbox.io/). :joy: |
- A dapp (which was based on a Truffle framework tutorial, I migrated the front-end part to React) that I have deployed on Ethereum Ropsten testnet :dog: [codesandbox](https://jz0060zrmy.codesandbox.io/). |
- A simple dice game smart-contract (which use blockhash instead of a true source of randomness), also deployed on Ropsten tesnet :game_die: [etherscan](https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xb5a5734ba7198a2283730bc998f8af56408ca06d#code). |
- And there will be more to come. |
## :lock: My PGP public key (*.asc) :lock: |
``` |
mQINBFySYFoBEAC99zs+kszeYtfM/Rh1eqykXMWcAczRuc4IwDq0w/xpTOzoM+xV |
5j/Q52JHfogmcDJwrVv3F+TfNNpp4dQGfVg8JqMKyCzyRpYna5Bz98hdJipVQlji |
pW/+oJGGhq1xzSnTb/4ecRf9/a8fHBsb8JTBvrYqxbDpt/7j16GjCEl+gVqXaFSc |
9YQ03dz2IGprypOz/bf0IlDfemwPb5N6pAZR1a6XuxnZwMvIrAixqDhYHufpc8IX |
EaUk7082e4wpoCVSARmtPTAWfgEkk7ZAyH+gtu7ebjMpydhDWqBW8K6nbqIuvvkZ |
Zn2dk69Wlz+Jk6fPs1dzrD+f91dSobAzVnUMGY/6Pv3JF2iEgEVsaqmw1e4KWEPO |
cvrVHVwsvV32d1bOBRl3SLQEDOd686nSuFQT3QrZijCL30lBFi6+/vykoQtOIcEC |
FZ3Jes2curwOdI5rBUoOmNAXw8K7j+3p7kAKmh+moioKrHzOe3/zXBMoCi/bRcn6 |
1j/IDQ19dGvj3Xxf78bQfUwbS3fEDb/T08vS6KeobVJk4fFYKtetGIPg2jAv4MtG |
/qi3NNmqCD3gZNOKysIhZLj0EGd5WXTrkyJhWz3w96lCnpaJbVGsPQ/t0h8Vd5Ld |
7R9+a+QCRX4CVZteSUJ4yMJzjEMGvwskrVr65Ibwt8BilzTKPx2gIRcfeQARAQAB |
tB1waGJhMjA2MSA8bm9jdGxqcm5lQGxpdmUuY29tPokCVAQTAQgAPhYhBM1W+P81 |
Ah4BAheAAAoJEM+dS7wQSXD+6YQP/Ryoy1FMh17MO8iLcXJL88dnbLLL/IseiJ9O |
M0HR2XXXSJIRdGtdcnRPvIVOyuwTvttwGp7y6JQitzL2gU5xyhCY83k3AObwNJv0 |
TyFbIvzl9bpxNN48XOOiKTfzQBm2eb1C+Y3F8i2VCcpsPObm0TFRwpOtzCtW7rrw |
kJYA/77HWzRfGw1RRKN5LGtDmC1LunYiU6I18vYmW81RDr0hI8Qb2IICleKw3sUA |
UrfntQjP4MlEGCpJLy36CmbOeyEXLlf2UH8Kf+m43CjsDnBfgZ4yTiJziMShV3F8 |
N+tm7y77yNbu9XTX+gOr0uGk23OxdT/6fobTI3EKn+20j3dnXXhEwio+/bhnSpUo |
2n4AyAUnwF14qdUp9pdUR1dFfnT8ObNvQGYVUy3mtGIKPF/zqeKdfjJ0MXoN117S |
f6QJpWsV6azR4pCh0SEzVak2L+HqWp8I6bqlTDYfAGZ2ybMSE+NQVaIOajJ/gb11 |
+y4kYtbFxPqeosAhuXyIUI4nvyt+yUzWn8Na2+XcyIxKfdlQMfnU0wVQWa+A2Ugw |
jk8Pvh35E0M10OrYAPj/XSFKAEWN/cu9d6zMypU9YP/lnlRnlBQaoiU7ZPg27t5o |
fcd5eJa8 |
=7uKG |
``` |
## :warning: UPDATE :warning: |
### 20/04/2019 |
- After the 1st week of the NN election, I'm very grateful to the people who casted their VOTEs for me (365000): |
| Address | TXID | VOTE | |
|------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------|--------| |
| RHEnnSwnfxtUppTrthHHknJK4YP11DFHzM | [319034d93b23efeb0dcc25a6800b93ddbef500c3c69458fb79289a53002886d2](https://komodod.com/vote2019/t/319034d93b23efeb0dcc25a6800b93ddbef500c3c69458fb79289a53002886d2) | 40000 | |
| RESES7Bvd5wJcy2bqizWHF6LXbUAA8GrnJ | [947b176e37fba52b327bcb67001f043afb292543ec0ffe7267d547fc7a2b4007](https://komodod.com/vote2019/t/947b176e37fba52b327bcb67001f043afb292543ec0ffe7267d547fc7a2b4007) | 25000 | |
| RKDZEEiWrqrxFHyiEq9NTQeHxgdFLu6ybF | [abde2a1637543b20b7578dab01bfe854fbefe3c37d7c9b725f66d4eec3ba9233](https://komodod.com/vote2019/t/abde2a1637543b20b7578dab01bfe854fbefe3c37d7c9b725f66d4eec3ba9233) | 50000 | |
| RGYbkvpcrLDxDEyxvc1uBXpgMqBBGigFeA | [d2b085d337bc01b0bd7b3c680e99b94e3a110d52fb9040aefd2d222de5203bf6](https://komodod.com/vote2019/t/d2b085d337bc01b0bd7b3c680e99b94e3a110d52fb9040aefd2d222de5203bf6) | 50000 | |
| RGaR9uTGhrwyZFHJ1WdoGSECDhAHBj36tM | [6d229901c513a9b34f27c84891dba0f8eb2d629dd857dafb3530955a3481f1fd](https://komodod.com/vote2019/t/6d229901c513a9b34f27c84891dba0f8eb2d629dd857dafb3530955a3481f1fd) | 200000 | |
- As stated previously, I'll be focusing on developing & promoting CC based dapps, mainly focus on games, to be precised, I have the intention to contribute my time working on the CHIPS project (even if I'm not elected). |
## End |
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# phm87 Node info |
Dear KMD community, |
I'm running UniMining.net mining pool with 30 - 40 altcoins since September 2017 with friends. We contributed to yiimp opensource project and we helped some coin developers. I'm working in IT since 10 years and I entered the world of cryptocurrencies in april 2017. |
I'd like to run a Notary Node in SH region and I expect at least as much fun, work and pleasure as I had to run a 40 altcoins mining pool. I joined the NN testnet of 2019 that was very interesting. Komodo ecosystem is new for me but I'd like to take part and help as much as I can in this amazing community. |
I had pleasure to test several ideas on testnet on altcoins and I'd like to support Komodo ecosystem by providing mining pools, block explorers for assetchains that could need it and other tools. |
## Voting Address (SH region) : |
**KMD** - RUMwK3uQtWzTmKxCKit7UXY9VMySdmEfbd |
## Server Specs : |
- Intel Xeon E3-1245v5 - 4c/8t - 3.5 GHz/3.9 GHz |
- 64GB DDR4 ECC 2133MHz |
- NVMe 1.2 To RAID |
Hardware will be chosen according to requirements to run the Notary Node setup with virtualization. A dual-CPU, more RAM or a second server may also be added if load is higher than expected. On the mining pool, we are using several servers in a VPN but with a network segmentation so using several servers won't be an issue. |
## Node details and future : |
The Notary Nodes rewards will be used to pay the servers required to operate as a Notary Node but other experiments may be conducted: |
- Additional servers to provide mining pools for all assetchains that could need it |
- Additional servers to provide block explorers for all assetchains that could need it |
- Additional server for kmdlabs for testing (details to be discussed) |
- Other tools to support KMD ecosystem such as stats, BartexDEX, CHIPS into yiimp (2) |
My experience with UniMining.net will help me to be able to maintain assetchains, KMD and BTC nodes. We are familiar with virtualization (VMware ESXi), TeamCity and coin updates. We improved automation using TeamCity and custom scripts to build and deploy coins but also to monitor blockchains. We are planning to use Docker when we will have enough experience with it (1). To improve stability, another script checks if each coin daemon is on the same chain of several block explorers. |
I operate UniMining.net with friends since September 2017, my friends may help me for some tasks related to automation around NN. Now, UniMining is paying in the coin mined, including KMD. |
## Relations and agreement : |
No agreement and no official relation with any entity. |
I have a friendly relationship with crackers of zpool, metaphilibert and ludom. I've discussed and met other persons of the KMD ecosystem at meetups and on Internet. I'm active on CryptoFr slack and in yiimp community. |
## Contact details : |
- Slack : @phm87 |
- Discord : phm87#7395 |
- Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1117726 |
(1) Link to dockerfile: |
https://github.com/phm87/docker-coin |
(2) As CHIPS can be used with c-lightning's jl777 fork, if commands of c-lightning were kept, this testnet usecase of c-lightning should work: |
https://github.com/tpruvot/yiimp/pull/292 |
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<h1>popcornbag AR node</h1> |
<ul> |
<li><strong>btcpubkey</strong> - 02761f106fb34fbfc5ddcc0c0aa831ed98e462a908550b280a1f7bd32c060c6fa3</li> |
<li><strong>btcaddr</strong> - 1N7WEwgnh5rFuznG5gy38ZkeeWacLFWZnF</li> |
<li><strong>kmdaddr</strong> - RWPhKTa5Huepz19TYrxAE65rQn3D3xPrNw</li> |
</ul> |
<h1>popcornbag NA node</h1> |
<ul> |
<li><strong>btcpubkey</strong> - 03c6085c7fdfff70988fda9b197371f1caf8397f1729a844790e421ee07b3a93e8</li> |
<li><strong>btcaddr</strong> - 1M7yrxRLefgjxPNXMtsRfQ2ExJT1aoYr8a</li> |
<li><strong>kmdaddr</strong> - RVQAwUJdFVVK2Pjiq4rYkvMSiZucHtJA7X</li> |
</ul> |
### About Popcornbag Notary candidate - Elections 2019 |
I have been involved in komodo project from the beginning, initially with the launch of ICO where I was an investor and after launch with the services of Notary Nodes. |
## Popcornbag - North American Notary Node |
(currently popcornbag_NA [komodostats.com](https://komodostats.com)) |
## Server Specs |
* Processor: Intel Xeon Gold 6132 - 14 c / 28 t - 2.6 GHz / 3.7 GHz |
* RAM: 96GB DDR4 ECC 2666MHz |
* Storage: SSD 1.2T |
* Networking: 1 Gbps |
* Location: USA |
## Keys and Vote Address 2019 |
* **Komodo / Vote Address** - RGNTqwGGrvvMXNTWu3iPiXWgcVDjnnhkXj |
* **btc pubkey** - 0278111eebebb7f2081893b33b5d010b13292e86e4c28b22d3f03e5a63a9c4b7f4 |
* **btc address** - 186GmRNzG77nTN6KRsjGd1BUrDm96ArSis |
## Contact |
* Discord - popcornbag#4039 |
## Popcornbag - Southern Hemisphere Notary Node |
## Server Specs |
* Processor: Intel Xeon Gold 6132 - 14 c / 28 t - 2.6 GHz / 3.7 GHz |
* RAM: 96GB DDR4 ECC 2666MHz |
* Storage: SSD 1.2T |
* Networking: 1 Gbps |
* Location : Australia |
## Keys and Vote Address 2019 |
* **Komodo / Vote Address** - RFVz9VtTxW4oEQxzJm4XHGexvUmTXW14cy |
* **btc pubkey** - 03e79bb3d5c8a86a10bc827047feb01c9a622a8cbd90c2d165a88cf3b4903be675 |
* **btc address** - 17Do4z1BMgGEAQbnqb5QBkKmADJrt7HYkW |
## Contact |
* Discord - popcornbag#4039 |
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ |
# STROB Notary Node Proposal 2019 |
**Region: North America (NA)** |
``` |
RRREEicQXX6fkmpqF3rTSsFCWx4b9fYUk7 |
``` |
:point_up: To vote for me, just send your <a href="https://komodoelection.com/2-election-process/vote-token/">KMD VOTE tokens</a> before May 14, 2019 to the above KMD address.:point_up: |
<br> |
<br> |
I am a professional CG artist doing `3D animations` and `visual effects` since more than `24 years`. I am also passionated about crypto since 2014 and I recently made a video for `Pirate $ARRR` and some images: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWLLgYkouqE">TOP 5 Reasons Why You Need PIRATE CHAIN ARRR Privacy.</a> |
[](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWLLgYkouqE) |
Based near Montreal, Quebec, CANADA, I work for commercials, video games, movies and web. I do everything from design to modeling to compositing, fluid sim, particles, water, fire, smoke, set supervision and 360 HDRI photos shoot. I started my career 24 years ago by working at many VFX studios big and small in Montreal for Holywood movies (Journey 3D, etc), AAA games and TV shows (Prince of Persia, Myst IV, etc). I also did all the 3D for a video called Iron Baby that has been seen near `100 millions` times all over the web as well as the visual effects for a TV show called Phylactere Cola that I co-created within an artists group. |
StrobFX is my own VFX studio since almost 10 years. I currently do mostly visual effects work and 3D animation on commercials for Cadillac, Subway, Danone, Kellogg's, Nestlé, Nature Valley and many others. |
I work with my own dedicated render farm counting more than `200 cores` (in 16 high end servers and workstation) that I manage myself. My pipeline is based on Blender/Cycles-Eevee, Houdini/Arnold, Zbrush & 3ds Max/VRay. I can also make 360 degrees HDRI and 3D scans of objects of all sizes. |
[](https://www.artstation.com/strob) |
<br> |
## STROB For Notary Node Operator in 2019!!! |
I have a passion for crypto since 2014 and I got really interested in `Pirate` and `Komodo` in 2018. I would like crypto to bring more :smiley:`freedom` and :sunglasses:`privacy` to the world and I love the Komodo ecosystem community's philosophy and usefulness toward that goal. I would be honored to be part of such an adventure by becoming a Komodo Notary Node Operator for North America (NA region). |
I heard it would surely be beneficial for the decentraliztion of the ecosystem to have someone NEW like me, who is not part of the Komodo team. I am not a coder but I have some basic sys admin skills and I have artistic skills to offer that no other candidate has. |
<br> |
I am an artist but with a strong technical background having most often worked on 3D/VFX involving fluid simulations (smoke, water, fire), particles and rigging. I know the basics of a few scritping languages in 3ds Max, Maya, Softimage (maxscript, melscript, VEX, VOP) and I manage all kinds of softwares and plugins on my Windows render farm writing bat files to install, update or remove softwares and plugins. I maintain many websites and host my own ftp server since 2003. I also do some mining. I went through the whole Komodo Notary Node installation guide as well as the standard security setup sucessfully. So I can guarantee I have the skills to run the node. I am also eager to learn more about blockchain, IT and network security. I worked in Windows for years but I am now learning Linux fast and love it! |
<br> |
Since 24 years I am pretty well known in my field as someone serious and a :sweat_smile:`hard worker` who delivers within :hourglass_flowing_sand:`time` and :moneybag:`budget`. So if you elect me you can be sure my node will be run seriously and I will put all the necessary hours to make it run smoothly and keep it updated as fast as possible. I know how many hours can be required for the task and I am ready for it. |
I would also like to promote the `Komodo ecosystem` by doing other videos or 3D illustrations to promote the Komodo ecosystem like the ones I did for Pirate $ARRR at a small fraction of the cost if elected. |
If not elected I will still promote Komodo and Pirate as I can and will be willing to make rebates for my CG work too but just a bit less :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and I will make proposals every year until elected! |
I will also allocate 7% of my NN mining profits (after costs and taxes deducted) to support CHIPS! |
<br> |
I have my own servers so I don't even need to access it remotely (no open SSH port). I also have many of those servers in a rack as well as many others setup as workstations (total of 16) so there will always be a hardware backup available. |
* MB: SUPERMICRO server X10DRL-i |
* CPU: Dual Xeon 2.6GHz 32 cores :muscle: |
* RAM: 64GB |
* HD: 2T NVME M.2 Samsung 960 PRO soft raid 0, Highpoint raid card :rocket: |
* POWER: 5000VA UPS (APC SUA5000), powered by clean hydro-electricity :leaves::zap: |
* INTERNET: business 940Mbps up/down with static ip:dash: |
* Server location: Saint-Sauveur, Québec, CANADA :maple_leaf: |
Currently on test: i9-79870XE-64GBramDDR4-Intel Optane 960GB |
<br> |
* First time running!:runner: |
* The Pirate privacy video and images were funded by FishyGuts from the Pirate Project, at approx a tenth of my regular rate. (Please vote for :skull:<a href="https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/NotaryNodes/tree/master/notarynodes/pirate">team Pirate</a> too as a NN operators:metal:!) |
<br> |
`Strob#3417` |
`strob@strob.net`PGP KEY: 0BDC A4FB 7BFD 1EC6 0CC5 00A1 D13C BF42 C7A1 5309 |
[](https://www.artstation.com/strob) |
[](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1637450/) |
[](http://www.linkedin.com/in/strob) |
[](http://twitter.com/strobFX) |
[](http://vimeo.com/user1353159) |
[](http://www.youtube.com/user/STROBdotNET) |
https://www.strob.net/ |
<br> |
**Region: North America (NA)** |
``` |
RRREEicQXX6fkmpqF3rTSsFCWx4b9fYUk7 |
``` |
:point_up: To vote for me, just send your <a href="https://komodoelection.com/2-election-process/vote-token/">KMD VOTE tokens</a> before May 14, 2019 to the above KMD address.:point_up: |
<br> |
## PGP KEY |
``` |
1b50gBlJGaaRvUbx9ppi2LSDOXxmtCzmZLpKdkVhXckZ8y1SdmJeSrKZmK56iqaH |
gQPOGlHhe9Bj//51ZP1Xk4MkKtrQGeGRgoJAF/AZ2Bziwys1wRt94HHtmjNp2b1p |
AXxf+DnE5tPOwcI8PiV8Fn4Yr4f7cPDKlX2J+/b7UKmWrmmh42CNlZmygiEwibrl |
WLuX9HuKMpyb7rBbPYxBkcJr9mxFJ0ZZyPlQPwY9dsZocfQkCkOw4cjnKF8X8QOP |
WdTl3pWsBMG8F/FekO4kMO7xc6Rm9W9+r7zuUUzLyOy7oTXURK8FVKrKP3mEzkAk |
rOxJqW+Hpgxq+RCR53IdcylNGrKAU4OFevkGB2KZsI0nS7kt1ESJMSRfN7RYVe1k |
OkQroJmuc6tWw10d3xE+QVgVoayMnkR+18Hb8Cg/e+1LSzivwpvl4N9UG9904ZRA |
o/ihYb7aRclfmGHIk/X/dkpwl/C+kTrXb9TwWgr52qY/vEcdVzsIK9nSXv4Zkg5i |
C/FJhtlOwjloWKyAL8EILFccj+pdMIkcNeGS9ZAeuSaKP9i0RBTgfrrVhDZlRZ4b |
lnheZGwArULwfZmMO+uZbJynur7QfOMfjpPhHOT6fnnaRhYrabKBKYsYHQARAQAB |
tCZKb2NlbHluIFN0cm9iIFNpbWFyZCA8c3Ryb2JAc3Ryb2IubmV0PokCVAQTAQgA |
wHOWySIV9W8vO9QTTHkhuueVtF3K8krDPsSdAfZHdy1n2xySocGjU2FD2gvts+rv |
oC9DY/2zT62FX7T7KhJoyQ0lTwGc2tOmv20QIsNN3b1lwxlsn8pQT4yWb11reHw5 |
UReCdoR651D8fz+29a7Zdue3XF6bd9WGAapj79ji+aPZvKJrmJYXqWGI0I0U+gYv |
CbhcGHWP3p65ua3RjmgvjXBb3FlEJu1icVhjaJ6QCX895pAL1iMtHhy2rsQacGhK |
QScA0HWEGXzxzHnxtW85GZWKv+Kmhwo2Nw/mQ257KV6aXVnDInoXo/FjSsfxoZZ2 |
C2w+nl5iL80cIKJ6p/RzswnzLWj1fm3vT2fA+/WTlf0Pow0zt71dVkeW9GB5Xlj2 |
pHl/cgY5wVoiDGcWGrpE/jzMRNrNJ5c1nWW/1d6PvDaqVPBipoJUG043ZxQypEtD |
cI3Vp+TaepMlbZvuNEUkXTSOb1Wawte8exnUi/9zEJB9wDd9u72FsAn4u8DUbHKn |
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a65X0aXdk0pZwETorvlBEfwVbPirNjFdEKrlSw46aNYjEryYet7XtllEb3vquETM |
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QmvkzbojD4n/wGUn6ne6bmN7O1Qpadz96GlsAiN+ZrPRQomOXLhFZEJsAjiB0niJ |
ND59Plpnd3anB649w1OzVbQxPzlZIe+F4xbnBFvuzH+/VlFUsIgBN3MdgYWwTo11 |
qQgEiJQJbWr1VnXsNzCRs2YkV1fQAhwrCQs68xDah9bcdiBuTwPmI+Zw1xEWs7bK |
RvyBO8694ZhEx4LzZUTRoXMAUjdWhO7Q5WxXDfln9mS8KJn6Os4SGSNVuskDJK+R |
L9XdptIoQfwpf9ot+sS6CNAo9DRdEnxS4WhaB4/GhzZl68n6zlVMyFLMmTGRGCCr |
HtgKetosWCDV1MVTgkXqwL1QPgBXobYoRDuvxDWh74bHap9wxyDa+0b/5Tz1CfIQ |
ZO4uLGdNG6MtDe5/QfU8D0eIhMVa4cxZZHwZUBKpE68kLSI+CCf6/nvLOcyvxhoV |
ah9/PftTRcyf4wyVVnRmFLShHDqpI1CDajeEabz8YAdlhrGZnDh7GB1HkL5HrQyW |
AlyZT0YCGwwFCQlmAYAACgkQ0Ty/QsehUwl3vg/9GyxfMPzBys/Hv7uMkIlKBndj |
Imj9JOitB8T/ROGW8b2cw0nHAywk6x6GLYbPMx1SEdCJjOiiydvZrUDXKDpOCpx5 |
z+4ta08LrZ+anWeGxyCdvumlgrrgZ1xc48JqB472Nwu6s4a4rUkybAJXZrKr9AuH |
PF6ED/ZPuignu4mcUJLhA4ISxdHAPXq2jjP8CRP+svVeAcre7VudmPMSXIFWq5ci |
JDjBSdQzBDo48PALxmpMl3sET2917GHl4Sky24ioOCvgqZpIt0CwKIcuBnF0TnVu |
aocxTv5SNc7+STNBUB6K1Q5cpe0AuM4ZB7oRMQxVPOScYPg1jjqvFJjdPKEQLR21 |
DcAdX/Kf7viiIYiWKI6prwdCxhlQhPxAqygEO85/lKbkgSAa1ikcACPP1paZZ9w2 |
ec8+9aXWVx6JYYf8c/LufuqhocSRbN1vzQYTVDNJFVFErGIPW5v7fobTu8I8tNhx |
JHdrQ9SgwvZi9MQENgoDdvN/f357xmk4/JfbB15RRY8AuOBGK0qhreCA/Jfu26k6 |
83sABu9trzUdyjqteH/3b+rKgYOZ01GC4rskEve7LvLKrPIFd65hWk4lDqY8dPTH |
2U5GZyklapdc1eEc9UUxttxbMotV7cPNYgYVdvbfPiVK2ptztkstQ2qYlb0MMByO |
TfEAi8EvM1sRbVo0GmI= |
=yCRS |
``` |
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ |
About tau |
I have 8 years + experience into IT and also 5 years into crypto space. |
We are a team of 3 persons which like to promote Komodo in all spaces and spread the word all over the world. |
We organizing one of the biggest crypto meetups in Germany. |
Early Investor into BTCD and then KMD since 2016. |
We will give 30% of our KMD Rewards to our voters. |
Tau EU Notary Node Info |
BTC pub key 0213e77c866e461dd79f222313d758dc0eb7af760ff66971ee7f21f5e27b34cb47 |
BTC address 13Q6Z31t8rk4bKL1JsFzCnq6nRZoKFCszL |
KMD address RJpLyEnWNFEtrKBRGNEZTvS61ELrku9DWm |
Location Germany (in a big Data Center) |
Hardware |
CPU: i7 |
RAM: 64GB |
SSD: 2x512GB NVme SSD RAID 1 |
Link: 1Gbps |
Contact Details |
Telegram: https://t.me/taurados |
My proposal says NODE token will be issued. |
However, this requires additional cost to maintain node and notarization fee. |
So I decided to distribute out directly to my voters to maximze profits. |
I hope you understand this change. |
@ -1,23 +1,37 @@ |
**TheGaltMines_NA |
Region: NA** |
**Notary Node Group:** TheGaltMines |
**Website:** www.thegaltmines.io |
**Current Server:** North America Region |
**Election 2019:** We are not going to run for additional nodes this year and we are currently in the top half for our NA Node. We will continue to maintain our existing NA Node to the best of our ability for the coming season. |
**pubkey:** 031bea28bec98b6380958a493a703ddc3353d7b05eb452109a773eefd15a32e421 |
We will maintain our existing pubkey/privkey pair as wallet resets are working fine. |
**BTC:** 12dgVmYZ2XxnG3WoFV4PVBgMfy3cMhThwU |
**KMD:** RAusaHRqdMmML3szif3Wai1ZSEWCyu7X9Y |
**Server Hardware:** |
- SuperMicro Dual Opteron Board |
- 2x Opteron 6380 16-Core 2.5ghz 4x 32GB Registered DDR3 |
- 2x Crucial 1tb M.2 SSD 2x Western Digital |
- Gold-Edition 4tb Enterprise HD |
- SuperMicro Dual EPYC Board |
- 2x AMD EPYC 7281 16-Core Processor (32 Cores) |
- 128gb DDR4 Memory |
- 2x Crucial 1tb M.2 NVME |
- 2x Gold-Edition 4tb Enterprise HD |
**Server Location:** Enterprise, Oregon |
**Server IP:** |
**Server IP:** Available upon request. |
**Contact Info:** |
- Ryan Herbison - Server Admin - @herbison ryan@actualproductions.com herbicidal@tuta.io |
- Juan Galt - Media - @Juan Galt juans.galt@tuta.io |
- Travis Boyd - Data Center Owner/Hardware Guy - @Hyperborean1 |
- Ryan Herbison - Discord: @herbison |
- Linux Server Administrator - Notary Node Maintainer |
- E-Mail: ryan@actualproductions.com |
- Juan Galt - Discord: @JuanGalt |
- Crypto Educator, Entrepreneur |
- E-Mail: ConsultJuan@pm.me |
- Travis Boyd - Discord: @Hyperborean1 |
- Data Center and ISP Owner in Oregon |
- E-Mail: tech@hyperborean.io |
@ -1,37 +1,42 @@ |
+NODES 2018 |
+ |
+ |
+"btcpubkey":"0360b4805d885ff596f94312eed3e4e17cb56aa8077c6dd78d905f8de89da9499f" |
+"BTCD":"RCTgouafkve3rCSaqmm89TUpKGvQSTFr5M", |
+"BTC":"14BVjPhPA6qUnC5PNbn13w9cZ1Toqj2r1j" |
+ |
+Server Specs |
+Intel Xeon 2xE5-2620v3 - 12c/24t - 2,4GH |
+128Gb DDR4 |
+1Tb SSD Raid5 |
+1Gb/s |
+ |
+"btcpubkey":"029d19215440d8cb9cc6c6b7a4744ae7fb9fb18d986e371b06aeb34b64845f9325" |
+"BTCD":"RWk4WLiAv6MKWLozJbj1jyhayKtjwbtX7M", |
+"BTC":"1NTsRpptKGYkSLSnqRjteTNPD4S9FhqZyy" |
+ |
+Server Specs |
+Intel Xeon E5-2650v3 10c/20t - 2.3GHz /3GHz |
+128Gb DDR4 |
+1Tb SSD Raid5 |
+1Gb/s |
+ |
+"btcpubkey":"03573713c5b20c1e682a2e8c0f8437625b3530f278e705af9b6614de29277a435b" |
+"BTCD":"RAqoFL81YGFJ7hidAYUw2rzX8wjFKPCecP", |
+"BTC":"12ZcApEiwSSj3hMRhNVowLfKNgGehFTYoB", |
+ |
+Server Specs |
+CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz 8c/16t |
+64Gb DDR4 |
+1TB SSD Raid5 |
+1Gb/s |
+ |
+I will deploy some electrum server this month for improve performance BarterDEX and 2xLPnodes (Liquidity provider) . |
# NODES 2018 |
##### BTCpubkey:"0360b4805d885ff596f94312eed3e4e17cb56aa8077c6dd78d905f8de89da9499f" |
##### BTCD:"RCTgouafkve3rCSaqmm89TUpKGvQSTFr5M", |
##### BTC:"14BVjPhPA6qUnC5PNbn13w9cZ1Toqj2r1j" |
### Server Specs |
Intel Xeon 2xE5-2620v3 - 12c/24t - 2,4GH |
128Gb DDR4 |
1Tb SSD Raid5 |
1Gb/s |
##### BTCpubkey:"029d19215440d8cb9cc6c6b7a4744ae7fb9fb18d986e371b06aeb34b64845f9325" |
##### BTCD:"RWk4WLiAv6MKWLozJbj1jyhayKtjwbtX7M", |
##### BTC:"1NTsRpptKGYkSLSnqRjteTNPD4S9FhqZyy" |
### Server Specs |
Intel Xeon E5-2650v3 10c/20t - 2.3GHz /3GHz |
128Gb DDR4 |
1Tb SSD Raid5 |
1Gb/s |
##### BTCpubkey:"03573713c5b20c1e682a2e8c0f8437625b3530f278e705af9b6614de29277a435b" |
##### BTCD:"RAqoFL81YGFJ7hidAYUw2rzX8wjFKPCecP", |
##### BTC:"12ZcApEiwSSj3hMRhNVowLfKNgGehFTYoB", |
### Server Specs |
CPU E5-2620 v4 @ 2.10GHz 8c/16t |
64Gb DDR4 |
1TB SSD Raid5 |
1Gb/s |
I will deploy some electrum server this month for improve performance BarterDEX and 2xLPnodes (Liquidity provider) . |
#### Contact |
##### Discord titomane#3101 |
##### Keybase titomane BC0B 243E D1B8 4DE4 |
##### Mail titomane@hotmail.com |
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ |
My goal as a potential notary node operator is to add to ecosystem reliable and highly-available node and contribute to NN operators software. |
Part of the NN rewards I'm planning to spend on different testing bounties and community activities. For example ROGUE freeroll tournaments, crypto-conditions Tetris championship, crypto conditions modules testing bounties and so on. |
I'm doer more than a speaker, so sorry if speech is too short :) |
### Operator info: |
## Anton "TonyL" Lysakov: |
Github: https://github.com/tonymorony |
Discord: TonyL#3577 |
Member of Komodo team. At the moment the main focus on Komodo software testing and testing automation. |
Have experience of highly available Linux production systems administrating. |
Created [terminal user interfaces](https://github.com/tonymorony/komodo_cryptoconditions_tui) for crypto conditions consensus modules and other Python+Komodo things (various scripts mostly). |
Notary node operator and contributor of KMDLABS project. |
Bachelor of nuclear physics and technologies, chess candidate master. |
### Servers characteristics |
On the start, I will use dedicated servers which met the requirements (Top-tier server CPU, 64+GB RAM, 1TB SSD + 1Gpbs uplink). |
If I'll be chosen as operator - I plan to purchase server hardware this year and place in colocation in Bangkok, Thailand (AR region) to support network decentralization. |
#### AR REGION - SEND VOTE2019 TO: |
RANAvQQsfRfY6VCBiQM8bga4wphJ9YWNK6 |
#### EU REGION - SEND VOTE2019 TO: |
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
## VoskCoin - Notary Node Candidate 2019 |
VoskCoin is one of the largest and most active cryptocurrency YouTube channels with over 73,000 subscribers. In addition to our YouTube community we have very active communities on Discord, Facebook, and other platforms. |
### VoskCoin is running for 1 Notary Node in 2019 (EU) |
* VoskCoin will be utilizing notary node earnings to fund Komodo news and tutorials. |
* YouTube Channel: [https://youtube.com/VoskCoin/](https://youtube.com/VoskCoin/) |
* Discord Channel: http://voskco.in/Discord |
* Four VoskCoin Team Members |
### Server Specifications |
* Located in London, UK |
* CPU: E5-2650L 16 CPUs |
* 64 GB RAM |
* 1.25 TB SSD |
* *Testnet server may differ |
### Voting Address |
* [EU VOTE address] |
RDn2Wpn9abEr6qpdgab8o8MiibKiks6RLq |
### Previous Komodo Content on VoskCoin Youtube Channel: |
* [What is the Komodo Platform - BarterDEX Decentralized Exchange](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGKazUHue6w) |
* [Best Komodo Wallet - Agama KMD Wallet Tutorial - How To Claim KMD 5% Interest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYjs2NPJsLU) |
* [Komodo GPU Mining Profitability - KMD Notary Nodes Voting](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fi-Y43hrHD8) |
Disclaimer:VoskCoin is not affiliated with the Komodo team and currently holds no notary nodes. |
After Width: | Height: | Size: 266 KiB |
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# Notary Node Proposal KOMODO 2019 |
HI, I have been a computer engineer for 11 years. I have 11 years experience managing a data center. I have 4 years experience in criptocurrencies. I have some nodes in other coins,for exemple Dash and Lisk. I am very interesed in blockchain and crypto tecnology. I have been following the KOMODO platform for more than 2 year. Why vote for me? The nodes will always operate. I will be available 24/7. I will be fully committed to the work. I will develop a phone application to raise awareness about KOMODO. |
AR: RAMra8yeFrrGP29jBfKFjtm5kG9fpPixFg |
NA: RHvoYh4P9zdWF4uKMeiP9NL95cXhiuwoS3 |
SH: RPmTPuuKrRwfzgyxpmMameJq8g76NPrczH |
### Server Specs |
Xeon Gold 128Gb DDR4 2Tb NVMe 1Gbt/s |
Thanks!!!!!!!!! |