diff --git a/notarynodes/lukechilds/readme.md b/notarynodes/lukechilds/readme.md
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+++ b/notarynodes/lukechilds/readme.md
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Komodo Notary Node Proposal

+ **Region:** Asia (AR)
+ **Public Vote Address**
+ RV2evPRxFGk2ev7eRxUvWuzjYPWwQ2kpMC
+ **Private Vote Address**
+ zcLQAsdGtJ1KW2KX4Kpdq7mH1K1SkptzUThWj5ZEDTiZq7kWATeQwhFwbmoitPzz6MJQZXjUaG1apm39zWnEkkZGN3V6RtY
+## About Me
+I'm an experienced software developer that's very active in the Open Source community and have been involved with cryptocurrencies since 2012. I work on Open Source almost full time, however I do some freelance work to cover my living costs.
+I've made over 2000 contributions to Open Source software in the last year and have lots of my own projects published on [GitHub](https://github.com/lukechilds/). My Open Source modules get downloaded [millions of times a month](http://npm-stats.com/lukechilds).
+My Open Source software is used in production by small developers and large companies all round the world. Some examples of companies that are using my software are:
+- GitHub
+- Ethereum
+- Signal
+- Facebook
+I'm currently working on an alternative GUI implementation for Komodo's BarterDEX with a focus on simplicity, reliability and ease of use. I'm also doing extensive [debugging/testing/security auditing](https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=repo%3Ajl777%2FSuperNET+author%3Alukechilds&type=Issues) with `marketmaker`.