Team currently operates re-elected nodes in Europe and Souther Hemisphere.
Currently we operate re-elected nodes in Europe and Southern Hemisphere.
Team is reformat of pre-existed cooperation between team member **kolo** (currently - election master) and **rnr** (ex. team member, notary node operator). New company will use Russia-based company office with hirable admins and network engnieers. Team will be sometimes helped by **Kolo** (not more than all other operators) without any financial agreements and rewards until self-consistent operation.
Team is reformat of pre-existed cooperation between team member **kolo** (currently - election master) and **rnr** (ex. team member, notary node operator). New company will use Russia based company with hirable full-time managers, admins and network engnieers. Team will be sometimes adviced by **Kolo** on occasional basis without any financial agreements and rewards. Only until self-consistent operation. Team also operates private financial and charity fund based on NINJA asset token.