- Technical experience : 10+ years (IT System Engineer)
- KMD history :
- Notary Node Operator (since 2018)
- Active member on KMD ecosystem (Testing... and breaking stuff :D)
## Node Specs :
##### Contact me #####
As it was announced during the election, my node currently have the spec needed to run notary tasks **as of today**.
- Discord: @dwy#8396
- Website: https://www.barterlly.io (still in progress)
*Update :* My main node will have a HW upgrade in a few days, as notary tasks begin in two weeks, i reconsidered the choice : Compliant in terms of specs at start, but what if more resources are needed and the standard configuration is not enough.
## NotaryNode Infos ##
Will re-use my first server on testnet, and the new one will be freshly configured and ready on time :)
I'm currently considering to build tools, and use wonderful scripts done by other notarymates ^^ to be able to switch on higher server when it will be needed. Because I believe it's a matter of when, not if, so even if it's not needed right now, I'm on it.
Few projects have been launched, using different PoV. I think I'll just stick to my vision, and mostly will rely on one of these two options :
**Stats** :
- EU (**2nd**)
- All (**4th**) *([source](https://www.komodostats.com))*
Prepare everything on a *not preconfigured* image, just to throw it live and partially synced, which will allow in case of a change to be able to skip sync time (can't skip it all, but updated image will just do the trick). I insist on the not preconfigured one, cause I just want everything "private" to be done manually (keys, etc...)
Combine existing scripts / new needed ones to be able to fire a global install, here again, leaving me the task of private tasks.
**Rewards Distributed :** 30% of all mining distributed to voters *([source](https://github.com/KomodoPlatform/NotaryNodes/tree/master/notarynodes/dwy))*
I'm candidating for a node in SH. Nothing changed in my mind and view about splitting nodes across multiple candidates, but this year I experienced it :
Maybe the easiest part : None. Am not related to any of official member/partners.
I experienced the stress and everyday work and check to keep notarizations happening, always keeping in mind that performance is my main objective. The result is self-explanatory : **[statistics](www.komodostats.com)**.
I developped contacts with some members of notarynode channel, some of them being future notary nodes like me, but don't intend to develop any sort of agreement.
But beyond stats and auto-reelecting rules, I believe we have a problem : there is a 1:6 ratio between top nodes and bottom ones, that means there was a severe issue with operators, but, worst, it means the dPoW system wasn't able to rely on the 64 supposedly available nodes.
**The Notarization process must rely on competitive operators, who dedicate time and energy on their NN job!**
## Misc :
Another point worth mentionning, even if it can be seen as a "fantasy" : There is a huge gap between continents regarding stats and performance. But I believe we have technical possibilities to reduce those gaps, and , to be honest, in case I have the opportunity to try it, I want to do it in the "hardest region".
People and voters asked me how they could be updated on the node status, and the best solution is : Contact me on Slack.
That's why I'm presenting in SH ! To dedicate time to handle nodes properly, test more and more stuff, and compete the best I can !
In the future I may add sort of "blog", but for the moment, I feel there is much important things to be done : Have a fresh running node, and be ready for live !
### Reward Allocation ###
I'm not twitter guy, nor facebook or any social network fan. I may change my mind later, if that's needed :).
Former Voters *(dwy_eu node):*
- The 30% promised redistribution to voters will remain as long as I manage to keep the node auto-reelected, that was my contract, and my goal is to continue on that way.
## About this election :
Maybe not the right place to discuss about it, but I want to thank everyone who supported me during this election, in terms of voting power AND motivation.
New Voters *(dwy_sh possible node):*
## What's Next ? :
- The mining rewards will be used to help me handle [Barterlly](https://www.barterlly.io)'s project (Server costs / Bounties / Legal stuff). I took the decision on purpose not to redistribute to voters, but to dedicate it to a project I believe in, and will fight for :).
Contribute, refine and participate in the notary process.

Publish here the promised rewarding distribution of 30% every quarter.
## Rewards History (dwy_eu) ##
## Rewarding : 1st part sent ! Base calculation : 11639.42
### 1st part sent !
As you may have noticed, a big block was mined very early, And to be honest, I didn't feel comfortable keeping funds that are not mine much longer. I decided to send it after 1 month the first rewards as promised. Here's the global information :
As you may have noticed, a big block was mined very early, And to be honest, I didn't feel comfortable keeping funds that are not mine much longer. I decided to send it after 1 month the first rewards as promised. Here's the global information :
Thanks again for voting for me. I'll do my best in the next weeks / monthes not to disappoint you, and will compete to have the best performance.
Thanks again for voting for me. I'll do my best in the next weeks / monthes not to disappoint you, and will compete to have the best performance.