![logo](https://pungo.io/images/pungo/pungo_header_logo.png "pungocloud") * **Telegram:** [PungoTalk](https://t.me/pungotalk) * **Slack:** [Komodo Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/komodo-platform/shared_invite/enQtMzI3MTc2MjAwNDUzLTkwN2Q3ZDkxMDlhMTY5NTg0NWI1MWMxY2YwMDRiYzNkM2JiYTc2MGRlZTc5YjlkNThkMWZhYzAyYjQ0N2UwNjU) at channel **#pungo** & our aliases: @kimmel @experimenter * **Twitter:** [@pungoio](https://twitter.com/pungo.io) * **Medium:** https://medium.com/@pungoio/ * **Websites:** https://pungo.io, https://pungo.app, https://pungotoken.com, https://pungo.cloud # WHO is PUNGO * [Pungoio](https://pungo.io) - has rebranded from Peer2Cloud on late 2018 * **Pungoio is a Komodo-born blockchain project** that focuses on ease of use and onboarding of users to Crypto Revolution. * Pungoio is developing several user friendly products tightly integrated to Pungo Wallet. An open source wallet that we created based on Agama mobile. Check it out on https://pungo.app - available on Google Play, Web and iOS. * Pungo has established several companies where different services are based: in Gibraltar, Romania, Georgia and Central america. * **Pungo has a Participation Reward Program to encourage participating** in Notary Node Elections. Check it out in next section! # OUR SH CANDIDATE NODE FOR 2019 ELECTION: * On 14th April Komodo will Airdrop VOTE tokens to KMD holders. For each 1 KMD in your wallet you will get 1 VOTE. You can support us by sending votes to the following adddress: * **VOTE PUNGOCLOUD SH CANDIDATE NODE send your VOTES to:** ` RSARbjjXcav4PLJTLSLDGwuec9C9kMJfWj ` ![logo2](https://i.ibb.co/TgqFfK1/screenshot-es-qr-code-generator-com-2019-03-27-02-15-41.png "qr_code") # PARTICIPATION REWARD PROGRAM 2019 * All voters will receive **PUNGO token monthly** as rewards to their voting wallets. * **20% of Mining Rewards** will go to our PungoToken Buyback fund. Funds reserved to buyback PUNGO tokens in the future to token holders. * **We accumulate part of our Revenues to the Public Buyback Fund.** By getting PUNGO you participate on Pungo project success and we can share our success with our supporters. You can check it live at [PungoToken](https://pungotoken.com) * **How monthly reward will be calculated:** 20% of KMD mined / Buy-back in USD price of PUNGO published "live" in our page * 0.6 = amount of PUNGO that will be distributed monthly among VOTERS monthly. * **PUNGO buy-backs** The only requirement to get PUNGO bought back PUNGO by us, is that holder has > 100 USD worth of it and to pass KYC verification. Alternatively, PUNGO will start to be publicly traded during 2019 and used in some of our products. # 2018 ACHIEVEMENTS * Our 2 nodes have successfully performed in 2018 and we have gained great experience on handling Notary Nodes. * SH node had IP white-listing problem with the rest of the nodes, that's why we lost a precious time while switching 3 times hosting until issue was found. However we scaled positions to get to 8th, which has not allowed us to repeat. * We successfully AIRDROPPED 3% of https://pungotoken.com to our voters * We successfully AIRDROPPED 2% fo https://pungotoken.com to Komodo community * We accumulated almost 3000 KMD in Public Buyback Fund and sent Revenues to our VOTERS * Our AR node has been automatically Reelected for 1 year ## 2018 AR Node details - Location: Singapur * BTC pub key `034e5563cb885999ae1530bd66fab728e580016629e8377579493b386bf6cebb15` * BTC address `18kGq4toM4MNw9CyvWUAJNRVGVLuWnLUVo` * KMD address `RH2Tuan5wt9x19aBPgTHPtkh2koWCEsjEK` * **Hardware**: CPU: Xeon Processor E5-2650 v4, RAM: 64 GB, SSD: 1,25 TB SSD, Link: 1 Gbps ## 2018 South Hemisphere Notary node - Location: Sydney * BTC pub key `03396ac453b3f23e20f30d4793c5b8ab6ded6993242df4f09fd91eb9a4f8aede84` * BTC address `1JXwrC63VsZUuqQt1qrcYZhcRQidS17Hmf` * KMD address `RSp8vhyL6hN3yqn5V1qje62pBgBE9fv3Eh` * **Hardware CPU:** 20vCPU, RAM: 64 GB, SSD: 640 GB SSD, Link: 1 Gbps ## 2018 VOTES |Sending address |Votes | |------------------------------------ |------------- | | RJThZJrxoLZvjCMZFmL8X9GzGEGnsWYht4 | 124 | | RH8mMEfejnZMGE9fisLRccfdwHfRdMBMF1 | 149,9999 | | REKnMAvM2SxniKkSKHQAqE4aJMxy7rojzJ | 44070 | | RSRaMhRCrxmmzd9RaEkCaHnvxrzeQ7o2P7 | 1999,9999 | | RFwUZXRMZHX3jYn2LZrnd6biZVnkSrekkk | 199,9999 | | RH8mMEfejnZMGE9fisLRccfdwHfRdMBMF1 | 0,2999 | | RFBxwyTKGy5DtxR5CLLZSjKL5jU6fm13kp | 79999,9999 | | RQavfBdrtv3WyFqoNmE47bshRcgC2XKYGb | 220 | | R9wux4J96JY3X7RMQTNPP3zAzynwFX8TDy | 899,9999 | | RAvAwRaQMigcAPZPQamMcAYuDU82bTdqem | 1587000 | | RJ4RBmhCt3DpTW9ibS16dgeyYpEUYt8L8D | 150,338894 | | RABXNoFXEp4ptsEAuvU44hc3tbt2D33jmH | 4999,9997 | | RKwH42V7Xh6n2VRzWZVPeY9CpqjDQ3g5Jo | 23,64478115 | | RBtfFBdYiryB6fyWoubm4XNqZwXqzAbJEK | 6037,9999 | | RTSFrcYBPZ3wMUtJCo5RC8n71R2c1ypC46 | 79,4585 | | RMsqjbSTfy4CZ5qf34BU7HwynYhd3Tm9nY | 1,23481073 | | RM5v8KSTbrwCizr6csfLJ66Zg1s4n79EVu | 7000 | | RC9DPgm4dNVjJN8HczZTRTkJ5i9F3pSVTW | 1180,155163 | | RCtyHviWXZ49Jb1dLCgkK4Awu71fEDvZoB | 483,9999 | | RM5v8KSTbrwCizr6csfLJ66Zg1s4n79EVu | 100 | | RD5a1eRzY5cqbe3ewMvAt575Qr1QYsKDA6 | 350 | | RJTot1iCBmq2pBRVjd2f3vBrpq6WUnuKP1 | 0,25127425 | | RDMrpAgAxSMR7c5nzFmjB3KwbxnvXcWeTA | 434 | | RW2X7rbRSrV3Ax7XiaBJnLSXK8okE3t2pH | 10,83166786 | | RKASXR5kZoY4LmH5bTVh9X97pPvtAspNQD | 100000 | | RHPGxpiwRHP4dKZXjYPdpon1nCto7qVE8s | 434 | | RCB7QoMD63UKvAhHomRbgJ9i9gfNrxJ17U | 600000 | | RNqtaTKoJ2c9SQFfGt353du8AqeKWrRc2M | 7636 | | RHPGxpiwRHP4dKZXjYPdpon1nCto7qVE8s | 434 | | RLaxaSnPh5LqtuwKqTCYhdHthxeRRWqt49 | 0,27257494 | | RPGcUc2kLDwsTafv9T9PTRTKB2vh3KbxcT | 11087,10644 | | RPGcUc2kLDwsTafv9T9PTRTKB2vh3KbxcT | 20350,46538 | | RGHoKLW6r7DEBtYfV6VgjeBsQQFMvZ5thw | 3953,803205 | |------------------------------------ |------------- | |Total Votes |2479411,861 | |Sending address |Votes | |------------------------------------ |------------- | | RDGw8EqEuxaYEExsCXXNcyEga4RkcVbA4g | 198,9999 | | RPGcUc2kLDwsTafv9T9PTRTKB2vh3KbxcT | 21000 | | RHHKo1uDphYzJySbVa5Xfp1nTXQJne97Xn | 3570,9999 | | RMKZYcVEEHYUtaADcKfVxR9NWqokX54yhs | 3570,9999 | | RMsqjbSTfy4CZ5qf34BU7HwynYhd3Tm9nY | 8,8999 | | RLgKsmgdzwNCt8CgqZ5J6cZhTat9HeZgxG | 73946,1129 | | RTTpzuhj1NhBuwv85LYXfix2CVqV3UqQ2n | 21,63 | | RCL3yxraiEoqLGmFa3wcxHmjLA8nWh8KD3 | 50000 | | RK1T6h87GxEG5bM8kSpNMxi3BRhyLgBFfc | 42578,7869 | | RFGrDHbgvauo4ZWG8PboWewfM2UBmnhNMN | 1500 | | RTuPV2P4kqCfsjEFKEVzGYHegEtNPFZJUv | 82058,9929 | | RHkDqjCZcXqpP33w9CFMVbLcNbD2PCTwTp | 49,9999 | | RHkDqjCZcXqpP33w9CFMVbLcNbD2PCTwTp | 49,9999 | | RM5v8KSTbrwCizr6csfLJ66Zg1s4n79EVu | 100 | | RSRaMhRCrxmmzd9RaEkCaHnvxrzeQ7o2P7 | 394,9999 | | RQVW4jPDtrL4X8J4gHfopfpyXbxnUvASED | 274999,9998 | | RSGMa5gbztppMFqZGAsBU7MdgHnnqVLGDG | 341,9899 | | RWTfFTP7c9WxLhgxd2EXSsKszpDVPXHN8A | 131429,5999 | | RAihhPa1pXG8tRrKWp7zAkkjAZ7D2Ktd87 | 2429,9999 | | RQavfBdrtv3WyFqoNmE47bshRcgC2XKYGb | 220 | | RKuwq4oi4mqQ2V4r54mPEthn3TBrEwu2Ni | 499,9999 | | RHkDqjCZcXqpP33w9CFMVbLcNbD2PCTwTp | 84,09989999 | | RBtfFBdYiryB6fyWoubm4XNqZwXqzAbJEK | 5999,9999 | | RM5v8KSTbrwCizr6csfLJ66Zg1s4n79EVu | 3000 | | RKuwq4oi4mqQ2V4r54mPEthn3TBrEwu2Ni | 515,5071848 | | RHkDqjCZcXqpP33w9CFMVbLcNbD2PCTwTp | 249,9999 | | RAK3jzp4cVr59GQj3C54C4GYLyxsUDPoHP | 81239,04894 | | RFYSPD7pH5259wPFGjurJL9TdXSDrGYqQQ | 56009,8219 | | RERp696QtNTeWDfBy3x3QbRwPYN2NxwxfA | 27,11999671 | | RJThZJrxoLZvjCMZFmL8X9GzGEGnsWYht4 | 125,7389 | | RAvAwRaQMigcAPZPQamMcAYuDU82bTdqem | 1273065 | | RHPGxpiwRHP4dKZXjYPdpon1nCto7qVE8s | 2203 | | RHPGxpiwRHP4dKZXjYPdpon1nCto7qVE8s | 2203 | | RQc14ozifQWNnzKtCrenqtF2d9Z8znHYn9 | 2203 | | RQc14ozifQWNnzKtCrenqtF2d9Z8znHYn9 | 46896,23602 | | RFRwnqNU2nwtVCmVNgWD4FMqgW61KvGxkX | 202716,3259 | | RDRKrwZ9GRNHqU2jkefhzFHwPbHgADZA1f | 216,5175249 | |------------------------------------ |------------- | |Total Votes |2365726,427 |