# Komodo Notary Node (NN) Voting Proposal ![Image of Yaktocat](https://i.pinimg.com/236x/e0/c6/5f/e0c65f4c027454ab7ee2fe02a8a42bcd--dynasty-warriors-lee-joon.jpg) | | | | ----------------- | ------------- | |Discord username | @PHBA2061#2530| |Region | EU| |Server details | Linode 64GB: 16 CPU, 1280GB Storage, 64GB RAM, Frankfurt-DE| |Voting address | RFcGrDLnWh1cMiQqMKncFJ6b9cnt8fwKCM| --- ## :information_source: My profile and background :information_source: You can find my full background & profile on linkedin [linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/bao-an-pham-ho-b04814a3/). In short, I'm an electrical engineer who is currently working in France. After 3 years working for CEA as a R&D engineer(CEA is a French public government-funded research organisation; me and my team, we build handheld gas sampling/analyzing devices, I wish I could show you some pictures but I can't due to NDA), I decided to learn how to become a blockchain developper. I'm also a "electronic geek", in the past I spent a lot of time playing with stuffs like Arduino board, Raspberry SBC, and electronic components such as microcontrollers, sensors, LCD screens ... Here's an example of what I would do during my free time :clapper: [Rainbow RGB LED](https://youtu.be/YA9X3_JJ8hM) ## :question: Why should you vote for me :question: I'd like to focus on developping blockchain dapps (I personnally believe that games will be the catalyst for blockchain mass adoption). I've already deployed a few dapps on Ethereum Ropsten testnet. I'm also interrested in Komodo's crypto conditions (CC), but didn't really have the time to take a deep look into it (I started with Ethereum because it is well documented and supported). By entrusting me your votes, I'll be able to fund my works with the mining rewards from my NN, expand my team if needed and speed up my contribution to the Komodo ecosytem (for the moment I'm the only member, but even without getting elected, I'll will still spend time on learning & developping CC :grin:) . I don't have much experience in system security/administration, but I don't mind spend time learning from other NN operators, and with my engineering and technical background, I believe that I'll be able to guarantee the performance of my NN. ## :link: My other social pages/links :link: - My linkedin profile [linkedin](https://www.linkedin.com/in/bao-an-pham-ho-b04814a3/). - I'm a co-inventor of the published patent **"Device for analysis of mixtures of at least 2 gas"** :bulb: [worldwide.espacenet.com](https://worldwide.espacenet.com/publicationDetails/biblio?CC=US&NR=2017016840&KC=A1). - My website, which is still under construction & temporally hosted on [codesandbox.io](https://64n60p245n.codesandbox.io/). :joy: - A dapp (which was based on a Truffle framework tutorial, I migrated the front-end part to React) that I have deployed on Ethereum Ropsten testnet :dog: [codesandbox](https://jz0060zrmy.codesandbox.io/). - A simple dice game smart-contract (which use blockhash instead of a true source of randomness), also deployed on Ropsten tesnet :game_die: [etherscan](https://ropsten.etherscan.io/address/0xb5a5734ba7198a2283730bc998f8af56408ca06d#code). - And there will be more to come. ## :lock: My PGP public key (*.asc) :lock: -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ``` mQINBFySYFoBEAC99zs+kszeYtfM/Rh1eqykXMWcAczRuc4IwDq0w/xpTOzoM+xV 5j/Q52JHfogmcDJwrVv3F+TfNNpp4dQGfVg8JqMKyCzyRpYna5Bz98hdJipVQlji pW/+oJGGhq1xzSnTb/4ecRf9/a8fHBsb8JTBvrYqxbDpt/7j16GjCEl+gVqXaFSc 9YQ03dz2IGprypOz/bf0IlDfemwPb5N6pAZR1a6XuxnZwMvIrAixqDhYHufpc8IX EaUk7082e4wpoCVSARmtPTAWfgEkk7ZAyH+gtu7ebjMpydhDWqBW8K6nbqIuvvkZ Zn2dk69Wlz+Jk6fPs1dzrD+f91dSobAzVnUMGY/6Pv3JF2iEgEVsaqmw1e4KWEPO cvrVHVwsvV32d1bOBRl3SLQEDOd686nSuFQT3QrZijCL30lBFi6+/vykoQtOIcEC FZ3Jes2curwOdI5rBUoOmNAXw8K7j+3p7kAKmh+moioKrHzOe3/zXBMoCi/bRcn6 1j/IDQ19dGvj3Xxf78bQfUwbS3fEDb/T08vS6KeobVJk4fFYKtetGIPg2jAv4MtG /qi3NNmqCD3gZNOKysIhZLj0EGd5WXTrkyJhWz3w96lCnpaJbVGsPQ/t0h8Vd5Ld 7R9+a+QCRX4CVZteSUJ4yMJzjEMGvwskrVr65Ibwt8BilzTKPx2gIRcfeQARAQAB tB1waGJhMjA2MSA8bm9jdGxqcm5lQGxpdmUuY29tPokCVAQTAQgAPhYhBM1W+P81 vWaf3z4Vt8+dS7wQSXD+BQJckmBaAhsPBQkDw3VWBQsJCAcCBhUKCQgLAgQWAgMB Ah4BAheAAAoJEM+dS7wQSXD+6YQP/Ryoy1FMh17MO8iLcXJL88dnbLLL/IseiJ9O M0HR2XXXSJIRdGtdcnRPvIVOyuwTvttwGp7y6JQitzL2gU5xyhCY83k3AObwNJv0 TyFbIvzl9bpxNN48XOOiKTfzQBm2eb1C+Y3F8i2VCcpsPObm0TFRwpOtzCtW7rrw kJYA/77HWzRfGw1RRKN5LGtDmC1LunYiU6I18vYmW81RDr0hI8Qb2IICleKw3sUA LB1NEJLN/WEHrAOGvjg3IAOEFeYUfj+6bq3JBDQ10QeHi3IJhnvilwxWO9ARW6pT UrfntQjP4MlEGCpJLy36CmbOeyEXLlf2UH8Kf+m43CjsDnBfgZ4yTiJziMShV3F8 N+tm7y77yNbu9XTX+gOr0uGk23OxdT/6fobTI3EKn+20j3dnXXhEwio+/bhnSpUo 2n4AyAUnwF14qdUp9pdUR1dFfnT8ObNvQGYVUy3mtGIKPF/zqeKdfjJ0MXoN117S f6QJpWsV6azR4pCh0SEzVak2L+HqWp8I6bqlTDYfAGZ2ybMSE+NQVaIOajJ/gb11 +y4kYtbFxPqeosAhuXyIUI4nvyt+yUzWn8Na2+XcyIxKfdlQMfnU0wVQWa+A2Ugw jk8Pvh35E0M10OrYAPj/XSFKAEWN/cu9d6zMypU9YP/lnlRnlBQaoiU7ZPg27t5o fcd5eJa8 =7uKG -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ``` ## End