About Me:
I have background in System Administration for about 18 years and have worked mainly in banks and telecom.
I started in crypto some years ago mining alts with GPU and since 2016 I've join komodo since its bird when the project was in testnet and was able
to get 2 nodes elected.
I will keep supporting the Komodo project has needed with hardware upgrades and more scalability solutions for the needed future of grow in assetchains and ElectrumX servers to improve
the user experience on the plataform.
Region: EU
64 Gb Ram
16 Cpu's
1,3 TB SSD Disk
1 Gbit/s Connection
Vote Address: RJ1bfNV46mBNaRLmz2uX9oracLCRLrrsUY
Z-Address : zc98QkDKt2q8UV22MxBp9K6vwenHvUtQctiYG39DgdRf3voDFFGrafTBhQbZH6rzCgFpXpkwsKaybhWuqJmW2QzjyHaPNQ2
btcpubkey : 021e8267d22c33d8a1f8dc4a7a681db7190654e1dffd44c7354bff776a8f0fa569
Region: SH
64 Gb Ram
16 Cpu's
1,3 TB SSD Disk
1 Gbit/s Connection
Vote Address: RWwXykQWkPmhwJVjUKnbQbE8ehY18QS9xt
Z-Address : zcXFbmXVLeZdr6id4nGS2gsaWAW1L9HotPqVdhs2Euexy8croVDUDNj8jfThJrVjXgMDD8gs9Aj6veFeTuuVAYtKPVdQTCu
btcpubkey : 035fa39a9dfff68599a6567dae45223eb44ab1f2248cb6ff25597da5db6b0f40b0
My Nickname on slack is @popcornbag.
Thank you for your time for reading my proposal.
Disclosure: popcornbag is an independent candidate with no relations with others NN or Komodo Team. I Have already 2 automatically re-elected nodes in US and Asia.