![](./Vote_for_zatJUM.png) # zatJUM - Southern Hemisphere Notary node info # Hi Voters! On this page you'll find all the necessary info **up-to-date** concerning my Komodo Notary Node. ### TL;DR ### If you want to vote for me as a SH NN operator, please send your VOTE2019 tokens to: ```RTeH9mLQbLx3iBtjjz7MUEjHLmRCURBLZA``` ## Node addresses ## - KMD address: - BTC address: - BTC pubkey: ## About me ## I'm a Linux user since 1999 (I should have said "GNU/Linux", sorry RMS!) for my daily pleasure and my personnal work. I am a proud Free software user. I discovered the cryptocurrencies world in early 2013 with Bitcoin, then I've been part of the NXT community (not with this nickname), and followed jl777's work till today, from BitcoinDark and Komodo ICO to these Notary Nodes elections :-) Few months ago, someone* pushed me to apply for being a STAKER Notary Node operator, and I won 1 of the 20 spots available (see https://kmdlabs.com). It allowed me to learn the basis of how a Notary Node works, so now I can candidate for a KOMODO one. ## Rewards ## If you vote for me (and if I win!), I will redistribute a 20% reward of my KMD mining gains on a regular basis. I'll do my best to not disappoint you, and will compete to have the best performance. ## Server spec ## I promise to comply with the **minimum** requirements listed here if elected: - Region: SH (Australia or New Zealand) - CPU: Xeon or i7 (8 cores) - RAM: 64 GB - Disk: 1 TB/SSD - Bandwidth: 1 Gbps Server will be ready on time, don't worry! ## Special thanks to... ## *DWY! Many many thanks to this 2018 (and 2019?) Notary Node operator for believing in me! ## Disclosure ## I am not part of the Komodo Team. I am running for myself. ## Convinced? ## Please send your VOTE2019 tokens to: ```RTeH9mLQbLx3iBtjjz7MUEjHLmRCURBLZA``` ## Contact details ## Feel free to contact me on: - E-mail: zatjum@protonmail.com - Discord: [zatJUM#9924](https://komodoplatform.com/discord) ```-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: OpenPGP.js v4.4.10 Comment: https://openpgpjs.org xsBNBFyX2jIBCAD9E09Cuqd5Bw9eaSg+Ze+uo64HR+lmb/2ZsnI8vORZiJ8W rP43+1iy85x0gGt7BP1U7Fv00TZuOBAlEZ8GX2hodNvd8/k1FLcvy+8A5SYS QWtLAXs2a9jz3PiVIXM57NWOlr8iBOmPjONHUd4KmH+pMQJbttkcG07E84NA VoUtAFxQNqcOocrWtcMIRvSmj053fHscFhRujKgwOcUzsC5O5CCfqsHMzVOm 4kDjpa3cCmIlYc1pFGwKAhgK3cDtUHlXSDUXhm/IxBFxisf+CHtxxGccl2gR h7k0b/16NmPIDlzH958z2hj91Um8OP7a2qF8Bhsu7ws32mueO668wCgPABEB AAHNLyJ6YXRqdW1AcHJvdG9ubWFpbC5jb20iIDx6YXRqdW1AcHJvdG9ubWFp bC5jb20+wsB1BBABCAAfBQJcl9oyBgsJBwgDAgQVCAoCAxYCAQIZAQIbAwIe AQAKCRC9nT4Son5iwPLICACCT/EK3I5FlPdWjW+xOCHkjNiAe+Lp14nkUWoQ pfy8ptJKLKj3VGfGCGNHKfVdTXWleofwIBO/vZ7bL7nOKZ+v+FQVSKcin89N sh850Ch8FmU5ViOaFtyW6HjDU6bHggp+XtNqJgNy+KVdN7EUiw5b1jCnwa1u Cak6OD+ErY+jUNpU1FHWLGbzliuJy/mcpJl3+1SSpKpkrTzdIy+iJQBlIxGl ZUDkYwwxTGB9bUhmDkqpoLmIAOIPN3/2V0ALD3N1MRJGuOxmXyTuWLjXBYRH ZVBYab3UDlNemdKGrLtWJNmXF4Gg8GwPA1DRw6A/XlOB+rJUqdmrIuiYv9zK OFDJzsBNBFyX2jIBCADziBG0jKPn0oRboKOAbDLv8agjhdxboqAoYwuXJ9bU rA29cvIrn/baqSnG167go2Cxsi4eMacQb+6QpU4MwiZZRCvgFtViiukg5LfC DfI64oVCUTFLqNiNtY3UKzDYQy4oRbNutpUMhw+4zjB6e1SzLHCNdLRImGEt m+bmb1L5jW10uLu5/D+3EF0ZS5u5ODa5l6lrNUeaZGKL51sGDZa6v0Yb2LB3 UIJcHVZi8L29tpicg1bAXb2643q9XL3vT7WpE47GIyO7YwICAglUHYOZKKI9 ew/vyY1tzHlROMUXTU8hvDjQSYDVljIN71GtOV8PVNhAcpIt1U6uikXir4gL ABEBAAHCwF8EGAEIAAkFAlyX2jICGwwACgkQvZ0+EqJ+YsDHawf/SHqe6ILV BW+6mjmxUb3tox+niTB2xJE/NNdn3qiMVC8fKLat/RRiLaLJahyZiS4YHhDW hBeJQ8fquQ2j1oGSvv1xN81hty8jzd4sVo4sNtUZblAFQoPoU2izp+MbKyYt 4uBelLdxRSnUP/8rebpeCRx05ErOcf33EJ9SZFP/tUcS5oukmI04dj+dIy5j vUWQhhLErdyN6Zqb4XGXxte7m36FUuTdUfbOthOOcnYjjbKLLZeZV+WznMIP SlHj03QolMA4RFRgqdy3JlApTT3htY6UE1TqngFQVMmXgtddQ9OitKyJ0yJG QU5iyk80ukS4zZ+4BWQ2qwQo3EimqlGn8w== =xaA+ -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----```