# Dwy EU Node info

Hello there ! Here's the place I'll put as much information as I can to keep you updated about my node.

## Node Addresses  :

**BTC pubkey** - 0259c646288580221fdf0e92dbeecaee214504fdc8bbdf4a3019d6ec18b7540424

**BTC** - 1NDgxgLdvhNN1NHmtgkM6cXuncQZdTjyur

**KMD** - RWVt3CDvXXAw5NeyMrjUC8s7YssAJ9j4A4

## Node Specs  :

As it was announced during the election, my node currently have the spec needed to run notary tasks **as of today**.

## Node details and future  :

I'm currently considering to build tools, and use wonderful scripts done by other notarymates ^^ to be able to switch on higher server when it will be needed. Because I believe it's a matter of when, not if, so even if it's not needed right now, I'm on it.

Few projects have been launched, using different PoV. I think I'll just stick to my vision, and mostly will rely on one of these two options : 

Prepare everything on a *not preconfigured* image, just to throw it live and partially synced, which will allow in case of a change to be able to skip sync time (can't skip it all, but updated image will just do the trick). I insist on the not preconfigured one, cause I just want everything "private" to be done manually (keys, etc...)

Combine existing scripts / new needed ones to be able to fire a global install, here again, leaving me the task of private tasks.

About the location : My node is in Europe :)

## Relations and agreement :

Maybe the easiest part : None. Am not related to any of official member/partners.

I developped contacts with some members of notarynode channel, some of them being future notary nodes like me, but don't intend to develop any sort of agreement.

## Misc  :

People and voters asked me how they could be updated on the node status, and the best solution is : Contact me on Slack.

In the future I may add sort of "blog", but for the moment, I feel there is much important things to be done : Have a fresh running node, and be ready for live !

I'm not twitter guy, nor facebook or any social network fan. I may change my mind later, if that's needed :).

## About this election  :

Maybe not the right place to discuss about it, but I want to thank everyone who supported me during this election, in terms of voting power AND motivation.

## What's Next ? :

Contribute, refine and participate in the notary process.

Publish here the promised rewarding distribution of 30% every quarter.

## Contact details  :

Slack : @Dwy