## Infotech–al KMD North America NOTARY NODE CANDIDATE-2019!
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|--- |--- |
| `InfoTech – Al` | :ballot_box_with_check: Engaged community member for KMD on Discord / Twitter / Reddit |
| `15 - year IT Veteran` | :ballot_box_with_check: Skills: Diligent Node Operator Server Admin |
| `Candidate to be a NA Notary Node` | :ballot_box_with_check: Skills: Fully Operational Testnet Node already setup and hosted in a reliable state of the art Data Centers in NA. |
| | :ballot_box_with_check: All social media accounts are extolling virtues of Komodo Platform.
- FB / Reddit / Twitter / Telegram – All are Komodo centric! |
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|--- |--- |
|  | You get a Notary Node Operator, Social Media Marketer, World Traveler, Philanthropist and commited member of the Komodo vision & potential. |
| `InfoTech – Al Notary Node Candidate` | **VOTING DETAILS: NORTH AMERICA ADDRESS**
RJZWxYnAuu6j6qUtqVJfBUPaMy2qyExBds |
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> A vote for me, is a vote for full time Komodo representative!
# Connection to Komodo and campaign
I have no affiliation with komodo team except I ran for election last year but sadly was not elected. However, I took over an abandoned node (artik_EU) and have maintained it diligently throughout the year. I know the Komodo team will be successful and that is why I want to be part of this enterprise!
|Contact - Discord: infotech-al|
### Server Info: Hardware
Bare Metal Dedicated Server (MaaS)
| Specs | Details |
| OS | Ubuntu 16. 04 .3 LTS |
| Processor | Intel 2x Xeon Gold 5118 - 24 c / 48 t - 2.3 GHz / 3.2 GHz |
| Memory | 96GB DDR4 ECC 2400MHz |
| Disk | 1 TeraByte NVMe |
## What will you do for Komodo the coin, Komodo platform?
My experience is in distributed systems, grid services, QA, Windows / Linux
servers. I assure you I am dedicated to KMD success as a platform and the
team behind it. I am confident I will meet the leads and devs at some point in my
journey here. I have setup a Notary sever already, I have signed up for a dedicated wifi
setup so I can monitor, maintain and access the Node for any issues day and night.
Additionally, I have changed all my online presence to market Komodo and grow
the platform organically.
## Disclaimers
I took over an abandoned node for Komodo last season and hope to be elected this season!
If you have made it down this far reading my proposal, then please note that I am grateful to Komodo and the team for taking under their wing a wannabe programmer/developer. The team is full of bright, ambitious, and super competitve people. If you hang around their Discord channel you will always learn something and be better for it!
Enjoy the ride!