![n9 Header](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cris-F/NotaryNodes/master/notarynodes/node-9/n9_banner.png) # CrisF node-9 ### KMD Notary Node Proposal 2019 Thank you for checking out my Notary Node Proposal. Your votes would be greatly appreciated! Please send them here: RBDivEArcb7aRsYTvtN5MRnaxeDAepSNmW ![n9 Address QR](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cris-F/NotaryNodes/master/notarynodes/node-9/n9_address_QR.png "node-9 vote address QR") In this proposal I talk about myself a lot. That just seems to be the clearest way to express what I am offering. Please don't think I'm a narcissistic megalomaniac. I am in fact far, far better than that. :wink: :wink: ### TL;dr -- The Point > The point of all of this is to give you one simple picture. > **```I'll be there, I'll do the work and I'll push limits.```** > You can check my record on this through Discord search, or > by asking around. Get in touch if you have any questions. Discord: CrisF#3405 Email: CrisFell@pm.me Website: https://node9.xyz PGP Key: [See page bottom](#pgp-key) ### How to participate Information on how the NN elections work and how to vote can be found on the [Komodo website, here](https://komodoplatform.com/third-annual-notary-node-election/) and on [Komodoelection.com](https://komodoelection.com). One KMD earns one vote token. It is possible to send portions of your vote tokens to multiple candidates. # Proposal ### Region: EU ### Purpose As a Komodo EU Notary I will focus on notarizing. Notarizing to the highest level I am able. I will also support others in doing the same. I believe that what we are creating here with Komodo is a very important step in the right direction. As such, I take the responsibility of the role of Notary Node operator very seriously. ### Method I will reliably put in the time and effort to do the best job I can possibly do. This means being available when needed for updates, support and for active participation in the notary node community. It also means I will do my best to improve my skills and hardware continually throughout the entire one year term. Although these concepts may sound trivial and common, they are in fact not. I believe my record, found through search or by asking around, will show that I am capable and willing to make this happen. ### Means Through the use of a network of support I have developed and with the experience, skills and knowledge I have gained through working in KMDLabs as a Notary Node operator and basic tester I will continually optimize my node throughout the year, regardless of my notarization standings. I am not a dev or a very technical person but I have found out where and how to find and implement solutions to technical problems. ### Biography The below accomplishments are very minor, without a doubt. If you consider a start with absolute zero skill or knowledge of anything to do with computers, let alone blockchain and crypto, these accomplishments may take on a different perspective. - mm1 stress test - received bug bounty for finding and reporting bug - scaling test - one of very few to send a txBlast, participating where possible - Pos64tests - actively participated in tests. Found minor bugs. Only one to set up CC (dice) outside of 'official' test contract. - minor participation in PIRATE * setup a test chain for PIRATE NN tests (not used) * involved in deciding change to the current block reward * involved in PIRATE notarization testing in KMDLabs - provide assistance in Discord ```'LANGUAGES AND LOCATIONS' #japanese``` channel - KMDLabs * active participation in community * basic testing on setup of Labs * basic testing on first CCs * built and maintain [KMDLabs website](https://kmdlabs.com) * wrote, compiled or edited majority of content for website * setup and maintain [KMDLabs pad](https://kmdlabs.cc) * perform various non-dev jobs so devs can get on with devving - basic testing on Marmara chain - assisted in early Marmara documentation work - mm2 community tester - active in various KMD channels - actively working with KMD team, outside of the online world, to bring business to KMD and its ecosystem ### Node The exact details of the node I will be using will be finalized, should I be elected, after the election but well before going live on mainnet. I expect an influx of new assetchains and and projects requiring dPoW over the coming year and will spec the server to meet this demand. Minimum specifications will be as follows: | Specs | Details | | ------ | ------ | | CPU | Xeon/i7 (or equivalent AMD) | | RAM | 128GB DDR4 ECC | | Storage| 2 x 1TB SSD purpose| | Network | 1 Gbps | | Location | EU datacentre | ### Pledge If elected as a KMD Notary Node operator I pledge to donate 20% of the KMD mined by the node to [KMDLabs](https://kmdlabs.com) to be used to improve their infrastructure and their support for development initiatives. > [KMDLabs](https://kmdlabs.com) is a 'not for profit' testing ground for R&D > work on Komodo (KMD), Komodo based assetchains > and Crypto-Conditions contracts. It also provides an > incentivized test network, technical services and support > knowledge base that will attract and onboard projects > and developers to the Komodo ecosystem. It is not a > business, but aims to provide free and very low cost > services for development on the Komodo Platform. ### The Point The point of this embarrassing self-aggrandizement is to give you one simple picture. **```I'll be there, I'll do the work and I'll push limits.```** Please send votes my way. RBDivEArcb7aRsYTvtN5MRnaxeDAepSNmW ![n9 Address QR](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cris-F/NotaryNodes/master/notarynodes/node-9/n9_address_QR.png) Thanks! CrisF ### Disclosure - I am a current [KMDLabs Notary Node](https://kmdlabs.com/notary-node) operator. - I have personally donated funds to KMDLabs, who I will donate a portion of node earnings to, and its spin-off projects. ### Contact information Discord: CrisF#3405 Email: CrisFell@pm.me Website: https://node9.xyz PGP Key: [See page bottom](#pgp-key) ![n9 Footer](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Cris-F/NotaryNodes/master/notarynodes/node-9/n-9_banner_blanc.png) ### PGP Key ``` -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGNBFywZfsBDACudnAIlEpkmGaewKXUYCXlTN6SHGvWoiaCWVLlIt9HDtPydMr+ bJv5YFjFL84Z6n5alGj7aNtYfwng+bIFbegu5zPkL7V1MoFfLVni7GoIszCYbLaX HshxiB53JWq5of3+bp6o+rG6hUpvQOgi960ifYix3eYKvTYmbx0pEVnVz5lmJR0Q 8vKaMm5GU2SLFg81jQ41euxHtJbWwj7AgHuIVQfPUwTsQJ/eDhEg8YrQY3CHHBAZ dcuC+qVqQOLCqs/dp39x3JnhzT5kFOfXSVyunCilhw3nIsW9ocM8BcxSUfmSH6pX RotL9tq3iPcDPvIqBN6Mbgn6VBHt4Oa/oaY5AsMP2nRzWKD/sgwkcvZPbLLJZa8f LmeUzxBsfDqPKqWfuzMop8mzJVz+bfdCVw656h2MtGedR7Y37u1mSytOumDXVipp 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