Komodo Notary Node
**Region:** Asia (AR)
**Vote Address**
## About Me
I'm an experienced software developer that's very active in the open source community and have been involved with cryptocurrencies since 2012. I've been working on open source software full time since 2016. For the last year I've been working almost exclusively on projects related to Komodo.
I've made over 1500 contributions to open source software in the last year and have lots of my own projects published on [GitHub](https://github.com/lukechilds/). My open source modules get downloaded [millions of times a month](http://npm-stats.com/lukechilds).
My open source software is used in production by small developers and large companies all round the world. Some examples of companies that are using my software are:
- GitHub
- Ethereum
- Signal
- Facebook
### Contact Details
I'm @lukechilds on Slack, [GitHub](https://github.com/lukechilds), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/lukechilds) and [Keybase](https://keybase.io/lukechilds). My personal email address is also listed on my GitHub profile. All my contact details are also on my wesbite [lukechilds.co](https://lukechilds.co).
## Why vote for me?
I was in a leading position throughout 2018 and as a result my AR node will be automatically re-elected for 2019. I would like to run for another node in the EU region.
I have the experience required to run a notary node properly and securely with good performance as proven by my results last year.
If I'm elected I will be able to use the mining rewards to fund my work full time on open source and security research. I have many plans for open source projects that will benefit both the Komodo Platform and the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole.
### Contributions to The Komodo Platform
#### HyperDEX
I lead the development of [HyperDEX](https://github.com/atomiclabs/hyperdex), a GUI for Komodo's decentralised exchange network BarterDEX.