4.0 KiB

What is IndéNodes?

  1. IndéNodes is a registered company in Neuchâtel, Switzerland. Our activities are fully declared and legalized. It gives us more facilities to interact with the institutions and doing business with the ‘non-crypto’ economy.

  2. IndéNodes is integrated in the regional ecosystem (member of the Chambre neuchâteloise du commerce et de l’industrie, special contact with the economic development department of the Neuchâtel State) and in the French speaking organizations related with cryptoplatforms/currencies (member of the Cercle du Coin and in interaction with other crypto-businesses).

  3. We are a team of three valuable members of the Komodo community who work and invest in the Komodo platform since the beginning:

    o Lionel Jeannerat @ludom, the administrator of the company and a well-known French cryptoenthusiast, administrator of the big association Cercle du Coin.

    o Thomas Lagane @eclips, the dev who take care successfully on our nodes since 2016.

    o Yassin Khaoudy @yassinkomodo, ambassador of Komodo and active member of the community on the forum and social media. He is one of the most famous escrow of the crypto world.

We are also involved in few other businesses to connect crypto and physical worlds: The Block café in Lisbon, Ø Crypto Union and Resistant Fund. We are famous in few communities as CryptoFr, Nxt/Ardor and Iota.

The realisations and projects of IndéNodes

  • Successful management of 4 notary nodes since 2016.
  • Organisation and financial support of the Komodo Meetup (Amsterdam 2017, Neuchâtel 2018, Lisbon 2019)
  • Marketing of Komodo platform on the French communities and in the swiss media: Matin Dimanche, Market.ch, Romandie.ch, ArcInfo, Repères.
  • Building a business network to connect Komodo to the ‘physical’ world and economy.
  • Developing a gateway between Komodo ecosystem and banking market with Ø Crypto Union.
  • Working to involve universities in scientific research on the Komodo Platform.
  • Developing a network of ‘Komodo Factories’.
  • Sponsoring of Crypto Trading.

Vote for our nodes

AR NODE: RFQNjTfcvSAmf8D83og1NrdHj1wH2fc5X4

EU NODE: RPknkGAHMwUBvfKQfvw9FyatTZzicSiN4y

NA NODE: RMqbQz4NPNbG15QBwy9EFvLn4NX5Fa7w5g

SH NODE: RQipE6ycbVVb9vCkhqrK8PGZs2p5YmiBtg

Informations about our Nodes

Node Name : indenodes_AR

BTC pubkey - 02ec0fa5a40f47fd4a38ea5c89e375ad0b6ddf4807c99733c9c3dc15fb978ee147

BTC - 178BewnLKcNCb7qvadgtHLJ5xkUgK9ifFY

KMD - RFQNjTfcvSAmf8D83og1NrdHj1wH2fc5X4


Node Name : indenodes_EU

BTC pubkey - 0221387ff95c44cb52b86552e3ec118a3c311ca65b75bf807c6c07eaeb1be8303c

BTC - 1FUbfkGzm7fcrexDCkx2ATFghJY7u7nZf8

KMD - RPknkGAHMwUBvfKQfvw9FyatTZzicSiN4y


Node Name : indenodes_NA

BTC pubkey - 02698c6f1c9e43b66e82dbb163e8df0e5a2f62f3a7a882ca387d82f86e0b3fa988

BTC - 1DZQLUB5nYngw52zUoA7AQ1aJ74UXr4nBF

KMD - RMqbQz4NPNbG15QBwy9EFvLn4NX5Fa7w5g


Node Name : indenodes_SH

BTC pubkey - 0334e6e1ec8285c4b85bd6dae67e17d67d1f20e7328efad17ce6fd24ae97cdd65e

BTC - 1GSd9b6Kzfh25uqZEfsC2rwN6mMUvwuLGi

KMD - RQipE6ycbVVb9vCkhqrK8PGZs2p5YmiBtg
