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d0ct0r-t3rm1nus - Komodo Supernet NN #01
Dear KMD Community,
I hope you are all doing well. I'm here because I'm a true KMD believer and with enough NN votes I'll earn the chance to prove it.
In addition to being a massive KMD enthusiast, I'm a well experience and self-sufficient systems / networking administrator and project planner / manager as well as continued service directing / responding agent. I graduated college over 12 years ago and I've been operating as an independent IT contractor ever since. I've spent this time specializing in medical imaging IT sales, planning, coordinating, installing, configuring, calibrating, networking, securing, testing, servicing, and troubleshooting HIPPA compliant systems. I've never had a boss, just a handful of regular, trusting, and happy clients spanning the US.
The blockchain / crypto space has brought new depth and passion to my already obsessive IT life. Once more I'm invigorated, interested and excited to greet my professional life every morning, every day. Thank you crypto space, and most especially thanks to KMD and its core developers. The most promising, comprehensive and de facto blockchain project I've seen. It's a fact.
Custom rig building / GPU mining has been extremely fun. The experience has been beyond informative. Eye opening, highly thought provoking, and surprisingly, a bit character building. I crafted a few systems in summer of 2017 with ~ 20 high-end GPU's which I have successfully managed, maintained, upgraded as well as continually improving upon ever since. Through persistence I've achieved consistently exceptional / competitive hash rate, excellent uptime, power efficiency, and even effective heat utilization. All of this while constantly reassessing my idea of value, growing more aware of real-time trade-offs and opportunity costs.
This is where I want to be. All I need is better and better reason and opportunity to participate.
I'm ready and very willing to make myself a part of the KMD network / community efforts. I eagerly joined the KMD Discord channel within only days of it coming online. If elected I can be counted upon to remain present and involved with the Komodo community throughout my notary node upkeep and beyond. I'll work hard to keep my single node up and running at its best in hopes of earning a second year of service!
I'm prepared to run 1 North American KMD Notary Node to the best of my ability while also assisting community members where and when possible across a full range of potential matters which I might contribute advice towards drawn from years of real-world experience.
If I win a NN I will donate 10% of my KMD rewards to act as prizes and fees for regularly scheduled Discord Chat trivia session winners and host(s). I don't have to be the host, but I'm willing to kick off sessions I am present for or I'll provide the funds to another host who is elected or simply voluntarily standing in. Additionally, 'Popcorn Trivia' where each trivia question comes from whoever answered the previous question first/properly. One single host can still be used to pay out winners. I've been in channels which do this and it is incredibly fun! It also brings a real community feel among members too.
NA - Komodo Supernet NN Server-01 Specs:
CPU: 2x AMD Operton 6272 - 16 Cores / 16 Threads Per CPU - 2.1 GHz Base & 3.0 GHz Boost
RAM: 128GB DDR3 - 2000 MHz
Storage: 2 x 1 TB SSD RAID-1 Array
Network: 1 Gbps up/down
Location: Datacenter - Dallas, Texas - United States
KMD Voting Address: RJgeTFv3UEUftGVn7BdpUhjmKpXi2KDvtZ
Contact Info:
Discord: @Dr.Terminus#3269
E-Mail: d0ct0r.t3rm1nus@gmail.com
This is my first time running for a KMD Notary Node.
Please feel free to reach out toe me with any questions or concerns you may have.
Thanks for reading my proposal!